Fallout Boy (John Woo style)


White heterosexual male
Wooz said:
Yeah, well 'duh'. The drawing was supposed to become another one of those perk thingamajigs I've been doing, but I got bored and thought I'd just post the drawing instead.

Here's the text that I was planning to add:

eh, do you make money with this s:cencored: ?

there are almost no details in your pics. looks more like kindergarten to me. :P

edit: how a foot fetishist like you, could forget the feets?(first pic) thats so "not-alec"
Schuljunge said:
eh, do you make money with this s:cencored: ?

there are almost no details in your pics. looks more like kindergarten to me. :P
Oh, listen to bigmouth. He's screaming for attention.


Like 'whatever', dude.
The 'perks' series sounds like a good idea, although the typewriter font seems a bit too big/sloppy on the previous pics. The size on the sample above looks tons better, as all the little blobs and jagged contours on the letters aren't a nuisance and make the thing 'typewritey'.

The 'big' type version just makes it look like someone wrote the text using dog shit and a stick.

On another note, that's three sentences starting with "The".
Though I'm not a fan of that picture I must say that alec hast own style and a skill, Schuljunge might dream of. alec's pictures are simple, but neat.

And now he got his attention again, but just because Schuljunge is untalented and seeing his signatre and avatar(s) supports my idea of Schuljunge beeing untalented... and that he has a bad taste.
Btw. shouldn't it be "I'm not allowed to masturbate AT school?"

Aaaargh! Too much rant! Anyway... alec... i like the pic but I generaly dislike the idea of dual-wielding in Fallout.

Vox said:
Though I'm not a fan of that picture I must say that alec hast own style and a skill, Schuljunge might dream of. alec's pictures are simple, but neat.
What Schuljunge wrote (that I draw kindergarten *shit*) kinda sorta disturbed me a little yesterday. I mean, I just didn't get why anyone inferior to good ol' wishy-washy alec would want to state such a blatant untruth, it just didn't seem to make any sense. Kindergarten stuff? Then why is it that all the great comics, the truly great ones, are drawn in an even easier fashion (Peanuts, Krazy Kat and Ignatz, Sempé's work)? Why would I, after about five years of cartooning, have come to the exact same conclusion as many other cartoonists: that my drawings need to be simple, almost iconic, like a signature, like a stamp, because only then do they not distract and are they capable to deliver the message without interference.

I'll tell you why I think this, and I'll tell you why complete and utter mongrels like Schuljunge and you (for I do not care about thee, Vox, so there is no need to drool in my presence) think that my drawings are too simple: because they aren't the usual Marvel/Manga/DC crap that you guys feed on. All you little kids know by now (after farting your way through your early teens) is basically the mainstream stuff, the flashy-I'll-get-in-your-face-with-my-extra-terrestrial-schizo-whizzkid-powers-crapola. The stuff that is designed by mister A, drawn in pencils by missus G, inked by mister F and lettered by computer X. If I say Spiderman and The Punisher, you guys start wetting your pants, but names like Renée French, Edward Gorey, Jordan Crane, Pont, Chester Brown and many, many others, they are completely unknown to you unless yu google them (which is undoubtedly what you will be doing soon after you read this to not appear even less intelligent than you already are).

I do all my drawings by hand. I don't use the fancy drawing tablets most 'artists' seem to prefer these days. That means that I can't erase mistakes as easily, nor can I clutter my drawings with backgrounds taken from a real picture, then reworked with thirteen filters and refined with an electronic brush, so it looks as if the artist drew it himself. However: I do not care about all that eye-catching make-up. That's not skill, that's trial and error, that's saving and loading until luck or destiny has helped you at making a near perfect pixel mesh. Wow.

Anyway, you don't have to like my work, yet then again, I fail to see the *many* differences between my version of Fallout Boy and the version that was used in the games. Maybe I'm missing something here, but I have a feeling I'm not. I think it's simply you guys being young, bigmouthed and stupid (a phase we all had to go through, though some of us speedran through it, whilst others preferred limping). Ah well. It must hurt if you can't draw pictures with the same level of skill and control as me. I get that. But you guys can be good at other stuff, okay? Like fishing and talking crap and what have you.

Learn how to read before you start drawing... and calling people mongrels.

I said I like your stuff BECAUSE it's "simple".
I just don't like dual weapons because they're utterly gay.

Plus Renee French sucks ass.

Meet: Walter Moers . (one of my favorite cartoonists)
Now that looks great. It's obviously Fallout Boy, but it's done in a different style.
It lacks the 50s feel, but it's still a great drawing.
Vox said:
Though I'm not a fan of that picture I must say that alec hast own style and a skill, Schuljunge might dream of. alec's pictures are simple, but neat.

And now he got his attention again, but just because Schuljunge is untalented and seeing his signatre and avatar(s) supports my idea of Schuljunge beeing untalented... and that he has a bad taste.
Btw. shouldn't it be "I'm not allowed to masturbate AT school?"

shut the fuck up vox. :roll:, oh i forgot you have no talent for it.

@alec.... i like the picture itself(well kinda), but i am just not a friend of somebody painting the pipboy, if he dont stays true to the original. i know its your style, but i dont like it in combination with the pipboy, it just gives me a strange(fallout:tactics) feeling, when i look at it.

oh well, :roll: lets be friends again or something, except vox :p
alec said:


It's a decent picture. You left out the bells and whistles this time (we need various sexual hints). But the style is refreshing and I somehow fancy that you're not working digitally.