Fallout d20 manual illustrations

i really like the VaultBoy drawings. hell, they couldve been in the original game as far as i'm concerned.

the other drawings are pretty good, but in my opinion (which obviously carries a lot of weight *cough*) it doesn't fit the fallout spirit too well. the design is too tictacs-like and the humour used doesnt fit the dark setting. also stating that these 'ads' wouldve been used before the Great War disregards several things in the fallout cannon (once again: imo).
They do seem very like fan drawings more than professional fallout drawings. I don't like them personally, the style is just wrong but it's to be expected with the content of the d20 book....
The add-like descriptions suck. The idea is maybe funny, though it makes no sense on some items. And it's like every add sounds same. Different companies. They all use the same style of adds? Please...