First time out of the vault

Pre-War Background
Dallas, a once thriving city riding the coat-tails of the oil boom hit hard times after the decline of resources and an essential death-blow came with the arrival of Nuclear Power for automobiles. When the war with China broke out the American government was not willing to pay the prices that the struggling Oil companies were asking and ended their control of the precious resource by nationalizing what is left of the American oil supply. The government's decision meant that the Texas Commonwealth's massive oil companies no longer had a product to sell and quickly dissolved, Dallas' steady money flow died with them. The resulting unemployment and poverty, combined with high food prices and outbreaks of the plague led to massive riots in the city on par with those in Denver. The US military was deployed, however, because Texas’s remaining oil fields’ vital importance, order in North Texas was considered a strategic and tactical interest in Americas war on China, so the government treated the “peacekeeping” efforts in North Texas were viewed as a legitimate military operation and Dallas was essentially occupied in a manner reminiscent of the Annexation of Canada. The event gave way to the rise of a large presence of militant anarchists, who would ambush patrols and stage attacks on military checkpoints. And some parts of Dallas were essentially a war zone up until the bombs dropped.
Talloway City (name subject to change) - A town set up in the stadium of the Dallas “Roaring Rockets” and derives it's name from the statue of the team's original coach Gregory Talloway, a side was ripped open by the edge of a nuclear blast was repaired by sandbags and corrugated steel. More info on that inhabits it in “Factions”
New Reunion – Reunion is based around the city of Dallas’ iconic Reunion tower and the building attached to it, though a mall and conference center in our world, was built as a casino/hotel in the Fallout universe. The building also housed a bunker meant to house the governor and his family in the event of nuclear war, so walls surrounded it that were built to withstand a nuclear blast. The walls served their purpose, however radiation managed to kill the few people remaining within the building. The remains were later found by a wandering ghoul who renovated the casino and turns the walled Reunion compound into a secure city of pleasure and entertainment. More info on the ghoul and other people in the city of Reunion in “Charecters”
The Rockets - The inhabitants of Talloway City, a tribe whose warriors don the team's iconic red helmets and shoulder pads reinforced things like nails, chains and street signs. While their outfits make them look intimidating and hostile they are actually a tribe that survives largely by trading goods "prospected" and scavenging. And while they do commit acts of "raiding" for food they will only do so against camps of raiders that crawl the ruins of Dallas, and refuse to attack settlements or factions that have not done anything to them. The player will be able to assist the Rockets in thriving by teaching them methods of agriculture, a trade they have had trouble with due to their lack of education combined with their difficulty dealing with the stadium's astroturf.
Grand Emperor Reunion (story subject to vary slightly with editing and additions) - The leader of New Reunion, he was a traveling conman when the bombs fell and eventually became a ghoul. He wandered the Midwest for years before eventually settling in Dallas in 2203 with a super-mutant lackey who goes by the name of "Norm". In Dallas he found the Reunion Compound and convinced the small tribe of scavengers within it to give him complete power. He accomplished this by both using his skills as "sweet-talking suckers" and by the fear he instilled as a ghoul who the primitive people in reunion believed were demons that would pass their curse onto those who displease them, a notion that came about through a mix of their santaria-esque religion and a mix of old-world zombie myths. Reunion also derived power from his companion, Norm who as a super mutant was never seen before by the people of Texas. Norm was worshiped as a God when seen by the nearby raiders, a belief that the ghoul who had now dubbed himself "Mr. Reunion" took advantage of. Mr. Reunion approached the raider tribes as a representative of their "God" and brought them over to his side. Of course he hid all this from his companion Norm, who was blissfully unaware due to his low intelligence. The security and muscle provided by raiders combined with a loyal group of followers within the Reunion "Fort" allowed him to turn the walled compound into a small but thriving "Sin City" of sorts that draws crowds from all over the region.
Personal Note
I would appreciate your feedback, this is really just the very beginning of what I am working on. I promise to add more as I come up with it, right now I am working on some other factions like the raider groups that are in the Dallas ruins as well as fleshing out the people of New Reunion a little bit more. I kept telling myself that I would wait until I was done to post this but I just got excited and really wanted to know what you all thought of it. Like I said above, I will add things onto this as time permits (this part alone took me about two hours).
Dallas, a once thriving city riding the coat-tails of the oil boom hit hard times after the decline of resources and an essential death-blow came with the arrival of Nuclear Power for automobiles. When the war with China broke out the American government was not willing to pay the prices that the struggling Oil companies were asking and ended their control of the precious resource by nationalizing what is left of the American oil supply. The government's decision meant that the Texas Commonwealth's massive oil companies no longer had a product to sell and quickly dissolved, Dallas' steady money flow died with them. The resulting unemployment and poverty, combined with high food prices and outbreaks of the plague led to massive riots in the city on par with those in Denver. The US military was deployed, however, because Texas’s remaining oil fields’ vital importance, order in North Texas was considered a strategic and tactical interest in Americas war on China, so the government treated the “peacekeeping” efforts in North Texas were viewed as a legitimate military operation and Dallas was essentially occupied in a manner reminiscent of the Annexation of Canada. The event gave way to the rise of a large presence of militant anarchists, who would ambush patrols and stage attacks on military checkpoints. And some parts of Dallas were essentially a war zone up until the bombs dropped.
Talloway City (name subject to change) - A town set up in the stadium of the Dallas “Roaring Rockets” and derives it's name from the statue of the team's original coach Gregory Talloway, a side was ripped open by the edge of a nuclear blast was repaired by sandbags and corrugated steel. More info on that inhabits it in “Factions”
New Reunion – Reunion is based around the city of Dallas’ iconic Reunion tower and the building attached to it, though a mall and conference center in our world, was built as a casino/hotel in the Fallout universe. The building also housed a bunker meant to house the governor and his family in the event of nuclear war, so walls surrounded it that were built to withstand a nuclear blast. The walls served their purpose, however radiation managed to kill the few people remaining within the building. The remains were later found by a wandering ghoul who renovated the casino and turns the walled Reunion compound into a secure city of pleasure and entertainment. More info on the ghoul and other people in the city of Reunion in “Charecters”
The Rockets - The inhabitants of Talloway City, a tribe whose warriors don the team's iconic red helmets and shoulder pads reinforced things like nails, chains and street signs. While their outfits make them look intimidating and hostile they are actually a tribe that survives largely by trading goods "prospected" and scavenging. And while they do commit acts of "raiding" for food they will only do so against camps of raiders that crawl the ruins of Dallas, and refuse to attack settlements or factions that have not done anything to them. The player will be able to assist the Rockets in thriving by teaching them methods of agriculture, a trade they have had trouble with due to their lack of education combined with their difficulty dealing with the stadium's astroturf.
Grand Emperor Reunion (story subject to vary slightly with editing and additions) - The leader of New Reunion, he was a traveling conman when the bombs fell and eventually became a ghoul. He wandered the Midwest for years before eventually settling in Dallas in 2203 with a super-mutant lackey who goes by the name of "Norm". In Dallas he found the Reunion Compound and convinced the small tribe of scavengers within it to give him complete power. He accomplished this by both using his skills as "sweet-talking suckers" and by the fear he instilled as a ghoul who the primitive people in reunion believed were demons that would pass their curse onto those who displease them, a notion that came about through a mix of their santaria-esque religion and a mix of old-world zombie myths. Reunion also derived power from his companion, Norm who as a super mutant was never seen before by the people of Texas. Norm was worshiped as a God when seen by the nearby raiders, a belief that the ghoul who had now dubbed himself "Mr. Reunion" took advantage of. Mr. Reunion approached the raider tribes as a representative of their "God" and brought them over to his side. Of course he hid all this from his companion Norm, who was blissfully unaware due to his low intelligence. The security and muscle provided by raiders combined with a loyal group of followers within the Reunion "Fort" allowed him to turn the walled compound into a small but thriving "Sin City" of sorts that draws crowds from all over the region.
Personal Note
I would appreciate your feedback, this is really just the very beginning of what I am working on. I promise to add more as I come up with it, right now I am working on some other factions like the raider groups that are in the Dallas ruins as well as fleshing out the people of New Reunion a little bit more. I kept telling myself that I would wait until I was done to post this but I just got excited and really wanted to know what you all thought of it. Like I said above, I will add things onto this as time permits (this part alone took me about two hours).