Fallout DAT Explorer II

Fallout 2 utility Fallout DAT Explorer II v1.2.0 English


Testament to the ghoul lifespan
Lexx submitted a new resource:

Fallout DAT Explorer II - A new DAT file packer/unpacker for Fallout 1/2

A utility for viewing the contents of DAT archive files for Fallout 1 and 2, as well as extracting and packing files into them.
This is a replacement for the outdated DAT explorer 1.43 by Dims.

  • Can associate .dat files with the program (open them by double-click).
  • Support Drag&Drop files from/to the program for quick extraction or adding them to a .dat archive.
  • Search and open files in a .dat archive.
  • The file explorer for the...

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I am aware that I am posting this "years" after you released the utility, but it’s the most current version of "Dat Explorer" that I could find.

I have a question regarding the note "File compression for Fallout 1 DAT format is not supported."

I am planning to translate the game into my local language, and I found your tool during my research. Could you please explain what you mean by "file compression" in the patch notes? Will I still be able to extract/pack the .dat files without any issues, or is this function unsupported in this utility?
If you are translating FO1 msg files, no point in packing them into a DAT, because the game engine doesn't support reading patch DAT files.
If you are translating FO1 msg files, no point in packing them into a DAT, because the game engine doesn't support reading patch DAT files.
Basically I am translating everything. All the menu, dialog, stats etc.
And these files are msg files but they are inside of the DAT. So I am pretty confused about sjat should I do…

Just keep them unextracted in the same folder structure.
Sorry I just want to be sure. So "Text" folder is what I extracted. Should it stay like this? Won't it cause any problem because master.dat is still in the same file and it has "text" folder inside of it?
keep the "Text" folder *within* "Data" folder man..

If your language wasn't officially suported, You'd have to create your own language font file, as if it wasn't created back in 1997 it's likely non existant.. You'd be missing all the special signs that differ from standard english/latin alphabet.. there was one guy here that tried to make Turkish font, but i have no idea if he succeded, if he didn't tough luck finding the font file, You'd have to make your own..