Fallout Diorama


First time out of the vault
I have created diorama model some time ago. It is set to a post-apocalyptic world of Fallout. Now, I have also my website, and I have published some photos.
I hope you will like it. Enjoy.


Link to the website:



This looks familiar. It might've been posted here before, or maybe I just happened upon in.

Regardless, it's awesome.
Great detail. Looks like you put a lot of time into it. How big is your diorama? How far across the base?

I checked out all the photos on your website. What an attention to detail!

I am impressed - this is fantastic. :clap: :crazy: :clap:
Your painting skills need a bit of work but your sense of texture, space, and design are amazing. I love the details on the inside of the building. How long did this take, and how much did the materials cost? I'd totally buy one of those, especially if I got to design it.

Richwizard said:
Great detail. Looks like you put a lot of time into it. How big is your diorama? How far across the base?

Comparing the paper in the trunk to the newspaper/poster tutorial pics I'd estimate it at about 10% smaller than the size of a computer tower laid out flat
Littlebear's painting skills are fine considering the tiny size of the figures. I used to paint D&D miniatures with the point of a pin and it ain't easy. I can do that kind of work and this diorama is a nice piece.
Now here comes my question.

Where did you get the T-45 minis for the diorama, and where can one get some?

Back on Topic, awesome job. :clap:
Making T-45 soldier was quite a problem, because there is no company that sells this type of figure. Obviously, it is because of trading rights. Whole T-45 figure is made of milliput by me. Miliput is a special type of putty.
Which begs the question why there's been two wildly successful spinoffs and no toy lines. You could probably make some good money making the minis alone and selling on ebay

Care to share any hints on the hidden tetris game on the site?
Bethesda did make miniatures for Fallout 3, which you got with pre-orders. Miniature of their own sucky power armor.

Bethesda has never really "exploited" their IP in miniatures, card games, the like, in comparison to, say, BioWare. Don't know why, it'd sell like mad.