Fallout Easter Eggs

A slight Mad Max refrence would be par for the course in FO1 though, especily a slight enough one to be hard to notice.
mhm...i have always wondered wtf are the military holodisks for in fo2?
are they just funny and amusing or do they have another functions aswell? :P

rogue said:
mhm...i have always wondered wtf are the military holodisks for in fo2?
are they just funny and amusing or do they have another functions aswell? :P


When you eat one of those military holodisks, you get a temporary +1 ST, +2 EN, +1 PE.

When you give all of them to Miss Kitty in New Reno, she will give you a Wasteland Ghettoblaster with which you can... rock on.
Define 'Easter Egg'... are we talking random quotes that have been taken from something, or specifically items that have been added for no reason other than someone's amusement?
Vault-Dweller said:
Define 'Easter Egg'... are we talking random quotes that have been taken from something, or specifically items that have been added for no reason other than someone's amusement?

There is literally a colorful little egg your can get in New Reno that really doesn’t do anything.
Silencer said:

There you have it.

Muslims would speak of it as a place of torment for sinners, so it's quite close to this definition.

I believe Sheol is the word for Hell in hebrew (or rather, the Afterlife, but I may be wrong, it's quite ambigous and I'm not an expert on that)

EDIT: OK, so actually Gehenna would roughly correspond to Hell and Sheol to Afterlife....

Camarilla is a real world too, http://www.hyperdictionary.com/dictionary/camarilla although it's mostly associated with WoD in certain circles

being an Israeli, I can clear it up :) :

Sheol = Abyss.
Gehenom= hell.
well, it's not the same actually... do the following searches in google:


and you'll find many differences :)
Dove said:
PsychoSniper said:
Is that Camerrilla or Camerrillo, I cant quite tell.


ahem...sadly enough im from the flyspeck town known as camarillo, ca. and the younger crowd (younger crowds range between the ages of 13-25) commonly call it hell because there is NOTHING to do in this town. its basically an old person town, where people go to retire, since Camarillo won the 'best climate in america' two years straight for some dumbass reason.

i doubt the developers of fallout knew ANY of this, though, so id suggest researching more terms associating the word Camarillo with hell, or something.

That scene with the Enclave on the Communicator in Ghecko is the funniest dialogue i have ever seen. Its so damn funny messing with the guy's head.

Snake said:
What the hell does the carkey you find in fallout 1 in the military base do? I spent days searching for things to open it with without success. My friend even said he bought a car from the special encounter with the car salesman and even if I knew he was lying I just had to be sure.

Its a nuclear arming key for the bomb in the Cathedral.
Please don't disable BBCoding in a post when you use BBCoding next time, it looks really silly.
I'm posting these two Mike sent us...

Mike said:
Under your easter eggs for Fallout 2, you missed the part at the cats paw where the hooker says "my names easy, whats yours" this is from the Scorcese film Taxi Driver (my personal favorite). I was just sayin.

Sorry, but another easter egg you missed. In Unforgiven the cowboys are lookin for people who cut up the whore in the town of Whiskey, which is a mini-quest somewhere in Fallout 2...


I don't believe I ran across these two explanations before.

Also - this was the spot to post it in, Mike.... ;)

Is that random encounter map a reference to that settlement from Mad Max 2 with a schoolbus-gate?
(I only did a night-time screenshot, sorry)
Hmm, could be... does look like it...

Oh, and maybe a noobish question, and tech related... but how the hell do I make a screenie? Caus I just hit my PrtScrn button, then copy-paste in Paint... but then the colors are all FUBAR...

*hides behind flame-shield*

Press F12 for Master's sake. A small text in the message box "Screenshot saved." will appear, and you'll find the .BMP in your Fallout folder.

PrintScrn works too, but this is simpler.