Fallout Easter Eggs

Hello everyone!
There's funny catch, discovered by czech translation team working on killap's RP:

{100}{}{You see a very hyperactive little boy.}
{101}{}{You see Little Todd.}

#random floats
{200}{}{BOOM!!! I love ‘splosions!}
{201}{}{Bam-bam! I shoot mutants!}
{202}{}{I wish I saw more ‘splosions!}
{203}{}{Everything should explode!}

{300}{}{Can you blow something up, Mister?}
{301}{}{When I grow up, I’m gonna rule the world!}
{302}{}{I don’t like it here, I wanna move to the east coast!}
{303}{}{My clothes are magic!}
{304}{}{Grownups talk too much!}
{305}{}{The Brotherhood of Steel are the knights of the wasteland!}
{306}{}{All mutants are evil!}
{307}{}{I bet my teddy bear could kill you!}
{308}{}{My dad went missing again!}
{309}{}{Sometimes I drink from toilets!}
{310}{}{What’s cont-i-newy-t mean?}
{311}{}{Can you blow something up, Misses?}


Just a coincidence? I don't think so. :mrgreen:
This is to good to be true
What pic was that supposed to show? A satirical of Todd's odd game design logic? And yes, spoiler alert:

This kid is in the Rat Village between Gecko and Vault City, which only shows up after completing two quests for Stark in the Vault City Corrections Center.
I think the head model of Mingan is also used for President Richardson.

Imagine coming all this way, fighting off geckos, having your tribe's shaman telepathy-calling you every few days like a helecopter dad, and sweating your balls off in enclave power armor just to find that it was an inside job by your deadbeat twin brother.
Wiki has a list of easter eggs: Fallout and Fallout 2.


(Fallout1-only) Easter eggs from my Fallout Fixt mod:

- An easter egg from Fallout playable demo has been restored. As far as I'm aware, this easter egg has never been implemented in Fallout, just in the demo and my mod. If you haven't found it yet and want a SPOILER, it's findable in the spoiler tags below. There are multiple levels of spoiler tags, so you can control how much you want to cheat:

at Necropolis
in the Hotel of Doom
in the room closest to you when you enter. The room east of the Manager (who doesn't do much managing, he's mostly just angry).
at the computer on the dusty reception desk.
You have to use Repair and succeed, and then use Science and succeed, to access the terminal.

Once in the terminal, you can play both FALLOUTW.EXE and FALLDEMO.EXE, each displaying a random choice of endings based directly on the actual endings to the games. You get XP once for each time you see an ending you haven't seen before.

Most of the dialog and text is not created by me, most of it's from the original easter egg in the demo and from unused ending summaries/narrations in the text files of both games.
I used to believe it was part of Fallout(guess I used your mod). Having a working computer in necropolis was nice.
421837991_2519896414869201_4514175205366391013_n.jpg 427998428_2534736520051857_6316948161204940995_n.jpg
I Found these two... Maybe someone already post them.I think the creators of F2 really like Sergio Leone western movies.
In the first image, there is a guide who says when you're in the raider's cove between Vault City and Broken Hills you can find some plate with the name of "Biondo, Tuco and Sentenza" (in English I think they're Blondie, Tuco and Sentence), Respectively "The Good, The Ugly and the Bad" from the Western movie of Sergio Leone with Clint Eastwood

The second pic is in the Golgotha.
When you go with Lloyd the first dialogue scene is taken from the same movie, near the end when blondie (The Good) say to Tuco (The Ugly) to dig 'cause he have the gun with bullets.

I don't know, I wrote in English and after I've sent is in Italian language -.-

Re Edit: No, it's ok, just my browser visualisation... sorry for bad English
Thanks! On the old NMA there was a list of all Easter eggs in F1 and F2. I loved browsing through that.

Maybe we should document it all again and make a new list?