Fallout 2 mod Fallout et tu - Release v1.11

I've also decided to finally release the Expanded Endings-option. I am sitting on the files for over a year now and never had the time to finish it. With the help of Tagaziel and The Dutch Ghost, we've added 15 new possible ending slides to cover all major events in the game, including what happens to currently active party members. The reason why I've been sitting on those files for so long is because I didn't had the time to finish the actual ending slide graphics (still don't, but I finally wanted to release it anyways). If someone feels motivated to help getting this 100% done, and is able to create vanilla Fo1 style ending slide images, feel free to reach out to me.

Aside from different states of party members, what actions will trigger new ending slides?

Thanks for the update.
Hello Lexx,

I just found out that you used some of the ideas I provided. I feel very honored but also a bit bad I did not assisted more.
It's ok. We did as good as we could with the little resources that were available. There's always room for improvements, and as this is a mod and we have no restrictions from anything, nothing prevents us to change / expand things in the future. (except for the voice over, though, that was quite expensive and I'm probably not going to do that again anytime soon :D)
Today I've learned that according to our russian friends, the bike in ettu is fascist :-( Maybe I should denazify it with writing a little Z on its side?
Not sure, but as a Fritz I also don't really know much about fascism and nazis, so there's that.

In fact, it is necessary to remove all the homosexuality from this that Fritz added. Make the f1 as identical as possible. The Fascist motorcycle can be left as a bonus from the f2 engine.

What I find most funny is how they always have to use derogatory slurs to feel superior. I'm not even insulted by this - I just laugh about it, because as usual they manage to make themselves look bad while playing tough guys.

Probably just a matter of time now until someone "steals" ettu and turns it into something else. :V
Not sure, but as a Fritz I also don't really know much about fascism and nazis, so there's that.

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What I find most funny is how they always have to use derogatory slurs to feel superior. I'm not even insulted by this - I just laugh about it, because as usual they manage to make themselves look bad while playing tough guys.
:lmao: Some people have no life unless they are outraged about the things that happen only inside their own head.
Probably just a matter of time now until someone "steals" ettu and turns it into something else. :V
Some Russians did that to our TTW for FNV. :lol:
Not sure, but as a Fritz I also don't really know much about fascism and nazis, so there's that.

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What I find most funny is how they always have to use derogatory slurs to feel superior. I'm not even insulted by this - I just laugh about it, because as usual they manage to make themselves look bad while playing tough guys.

Probably just a matter of time now until someone "steals" ettu and turns it into something else. :V

Is it really every Russian's opinion, or is it just cringe of Mr.Stal(l)in(g)?

You know, some of them have sort of *power trip* recently and on a *holy* quest to *save* (G.E.C.... oh wait...) some of their bretherin from what they call "rotten west" which they portray as nazi-homosexuals, and recently since like feb 2022 russian goverment began to take active steps to *liberate* their neighbours/brothers from this *danger*, despite nobody else wanting this/seeing it that way.

Most Russians are wise, and realize the govermet ( of any country for that matter) is lying, and that there is no need to take such measures. Though, there are individuals like Mr.Stal(l)in(g) that are stripped of this wisdom, and belive there is an actual danger from imaginary surfer-nazis(TM) a'la Troma project.

Lexx If You belive in any, remembet that when God seeks to punish someone, He usually disposes of their sanity first... so try not to worry..

On a side note:
Excuse my uneducated question, but what or who the hell is Fritz?? In fallout when something "went on the fritz" it usually ment some broken machinery/electronics..
If Mr.Stal(l)in(g) meant a slur on German folk i thought You're sepose to say "Helmut" or "Helga", but Fritz?! I don't get it.. Could you elaborate a bit on this?

As for the stuff in fallout: et tu the only thing i can think of about the bike portraing surfer-nazis(TM) would be that it's sprite is o the same design as of the war movies, where german motorcycles, with an atached side nest, that the german troopers usually sat in when launchig a chase after main protagonists.. but that's silly, as almost all nested motorcycles looked the same at that time, and they didn't changed much few years later in the 50's of which Fallout is a spiritual descentand...
As for the rest.. I don't know what the hell He wants.

as for Russian attempts on trying to liberate even more people on the west:
Fritz is a play on me being german. It's not the first time I'm reading this on their forum. There's a couple people over there who write funny stuff and use hyperbole when talking about ettu. It's pretty funny actually, because I know right away that they didn't even play ettu and only assume things. For example they love talking about the motorcycle, even though it is completely optional and if you disable it, you see none of that in the game. Same with most other features, yet they keep bringing it up.

The only thing you can't disable are the Fo2 weapons and armors, but they are resonably rare and barely noticeable unless you are autistic (one of them likes to point out that there is "secret bozar" as main feature in ettu, which is just lol). Party member leveling also can't be disabled via config, however with a little bit of knowledge in Fo2 modding, it would be easy to remove.

That's pretty much it, but for them it ruins the whole game. Hilarious.

A short while ago I was thinking of turning those features into optional settings as well. It's really not that hard to do. But reading all the fuzz about it makes me want to keep it in, just because. :drunk:

Generally I'm taking lots of care to try to keep the game as much in spirit of Fo1 as possible. For example, with the help of NovaRain just recently I've reworked the encounter chances to what they actually are in Fo1, and reverted some other encounter type related stuff which was changed by Fixt. So instead of becoming less like Fo1, ettu actually becomes more like Fo1, in parts even more than the latest Fixt (purist) version is.
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Fritz is a play on me being german. It's not the first time I'm reading this on their forum. There's a couple people over there who write funny stuff and use hyperbole when talking about ettu. It's pretty funny actually, because I know right away that they didn't even play ettu and only assume things. For example they love talking about the motorcycle, even though it is completely optional and if you disable it, you see none of that in the game. Same with most other features, yet they keep bringing it up.

The only thing you can't disable are the Fo2 weapons and armors, but they are resonably rare and barely noticeable unless you are autistic (one of them likes to point out that there is "secret bozar" as main feature in ettu, which is just lol). Party member leveling also can't be disabled via config, however with a little bit of knowledge in Fo2 modding, it's easy to take it out.

That's pretty much it, but for them it ruins the whole game. Hilarious.

A short while ago I was thinking of turning those features into optional settings as well. It's really not that hard to do. But reading all the fuzz about it makes me want to keep it in, just because. :drunk:

the most hilarious thing is, it was actually guys from TeamX ( Russians) that developed the party Levelup feature for fo1 engine, by simply modifying the party member scripts, and adding the extra protos.. and Yet the rest still complains.. perhaps when the mod will eventually be translated to Russian the complains will finally end, as i assume that's the main reason here.. I'd probably assume, that when it does get translated You'll assume it's a fork of et tu :p, same way with Fo:Sonora.. English speaking audience does complain to here and there about Sonora too, and main reason behind complains is: Guys.. why isn't it translated? yet :p all this is perfectly understandable when language barierrs occour.. things get a bit dim, when not fully understood.. and perhaps google/yandex AI aren't doing ther job decently enaugh to be fully understood by the other side... and Mr.Stal(l)in(g) did proove himself to be lacking in understanding English language without the tools mentioned above. this plus mixing in his cringy attitude, creates a quite unpleasant cocktail ( more like a molotov cocktail :p ).

and "Secret Bozar" isn't a big deal.. it actually sucked when i played the game in banana mode.. that is setting "tough mutants" over 20 or so, so that all affected muties have 999hp and lending all usefull perks to the party members. Bozar can kill only two enemies per turn while minigun can kill 3 enemies every second turn. that is a lot when assaulting mariposa, and companions finally contribute to killing to, on the contrary to basic settings where all of them were wiped out in like two turns with turboplasma.
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Not sure, but as a Fritz I also don't really know much about fascism and nazis, so there's that.

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What I find most funny is how they always have to use derogatory slurs to feel superior. I'm not even insulted by this - I just laugh about it, because as usual they manage to make themselves look bad while playing tough guys.

Probably just a matter of time now until someone "steals" ettu and turns it into something else. :V

What?! You put something like a gay bar in it? Or a gay dialogue mode? Were is this guy basing this on?
Is he pissed at you and the team or something?

You know, some of them have sort of *power trip* recently and on a *holy* quest to *save* (G.E.C.... oh wait...) some of their bretherin from what they call "rotten west" which they portray as nazi-homosexuals

Nazi-homosexuals, what kind of mental picture should I have with that description?
Nazis who look fabulous?

Only thing this guy has so far proven is that he is quite nuts or pretty indoctrinated.

If Mr.Stal(l)in(g) meant a slur on German folk i thought You're sepose to say "Helmut" or "Helga", but Fritz?! I don't get it.. Could you elaborate a bit on this?

It is suppose to be an British slur for Germans but the first time I heard it was in a Monty Python sketch so I am not sure if it was ever really used by the British or the Americans.
What?! You put something like a gay bar in it? Or a gay dialogue mode? Were is this guy basing this on?
Is he pissed at you and the team or something?

Nazi-homosexuals, what kind of mental picture should I have with that description?
Nazis who look fabulous?

rather something like I said. Indoctrinated Russians view the NATO a and culture of the west sort of like "The Troma Project" game on steam, sort of a surreal world ridden by surfer-gay-nazis and zombies, when you kill a surfer-gay-nazi in game, they shout out "mutti, hilfe" or: "mutti ich liebe dich" they always carry surfboard and LPG++ t-shirt

It's not something new. Actually it's the same old crap My countrymen were told during occupation by CCCP between 1945 and 1990. the propaganda was everywhere, on posters, in parody cartoons, tv and press naturally as well. That the west is completely demoralized ridden with and ruled by homosexuals and other perverts..

The sad thing is, Yuri Bezmenov was right.. Russia did succed in causing the west to become as portrayed by them.. i mean average american on social benefits, would be simply locked up back in the 50's for spreading comunism, and gay activists are pretty much everywhere now, all those pride/love parades, are nothing more than ways to spread HIV and indoctrinate the youngest ones to loose moral spine, and become one of those perverts. Bezmenov did exactly say Russia is going to do this and how they are going to achive it, yet nobody cared, nobody listened.. fast forward half a century and there you have it folks..

Only thing this guy has so far proven is that he is quite nuts or pretty indoctrinated.

Actually it's a mixture of both for the goverment supporting slavic people of all kind. trust me I'm in this as well.. the difference is I'm on the other side of the conflict. a.k.a western point of view.

It is suppose to be an British slur for Germans but the first time I heard it was in a Monty Python sketch so I am not sure if it was ever really used by the British or the Americans.
ahh.. good to know..
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It is suppose to be an British slur for Germans but the first time I heard it was in a Monty Python sketch so I am not sure if it was ever really used by the British or the Americans.

Fritz (Fryc) was also a name given to German troops by the Entente powers equivalent to the derogative Tommy.

So WW1, Fritz, Tommy who gives a fuck !? As a very young kid we would be told this. "sticks and stones may break my bones but names will never hurt me "

We say Jurgen as a wonderful name. jurgen klopp I mean.

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1. Please separate the topics. Mod and offtop.
2. The talk about a motorcycle and other things - because they are there. If the project is being discussed, there is nothing wrong with it. Some like it, some don't. I think this is normal.
3. Sometimes, expressing an opinion in dialect or slang, the information does not carry a negative meaning. But it may look unacceptable and offensive to others. It can be interpreted in exactly the opposite way.
4. Let's say, if one person expressed dissatisfaction, this is not the opinion of everyone. There are many people, many opinions.
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