Fallout fans are the worst?

i'm kinda surprised no-one pointed out to our dear Allen Rausch, that a good part of the FO fans are looking forward to WoW. i even know a whole bunch of them in the official & illegal betas...

the instant the game gets released in Europe, i'll buy it.

yet another illustration why gamespy sucks donkeyballz... (although, some of their 'planet' webbies are ok informationwise)
Odin said:
Apparently we, the Fallout community, are looked upon as rabid dogs or a community you wouldn't like to be in. In an article at Gamespy about Beta's do's and don't s (WOW Beta) by Allen Rausch we got this label:<blockquote>More seriously, if you've agreed to roll for prizes during a quest, cut out the damn ninja looting! One of the best aspects of playing in the beta has been the nice community that's grown up around the game. It'd be great if once the world of Azeroth opens to everybody, it'd have a slightly better public demeanor than say, the Raider Nation, British soccer fans, or the Fallout community

Wrong, Allen-boy. Let me make a parellel that your pathetic spin-doctoring mind can fathom. Take a look at those who actually play the WoW beta to check out what it is going to be about and the mechanics (i.e. not your media-whoring ass, obviously). While I know you're likely doing this for some kind of Sweeps Week by hitting the proverbial hornet's nest, I doubt your own readership is going to be so blatantly stupid as to not put together the parallel when it hits so closely to home.

I really don't have to point out to those who are a little bit more informed of MMOG development, if you want to talk about a bitter MMORPG fan, look to a number of WoW beta-testing fans get pissed while observing the game get the same skullfucking into an EQ clone that Horizon turned out to be.

Now kiss up to those WoW fans who do follow your ignorance if you want to keep having your precious site, shithead. Oh, wait...that article had nothing to offer because it wasn't really anything new nor was it really that specific towards the game colum you're acting as news filler for. Ignorant attention-whoring of that caliber should be sterilized with a .45 to the forehead.
slightly better public demeanor than say, the Raider Nation, British soccer fans, or the Fallout community.
Wonder what would be ''good demeanor'' of gaming community by he's standarts. Daily asskissing and ccocksucking rutines at dev's official board? Or senssles requests of new kewl swords n armors, evading more serious talks.
Comparing Fallout community with british soccer fans is plain stupid. Those soccer fans(if we may call them such) are retarded fuckheads for no reason, only because they like it. We are ''bad'' only because we're discussing things which devs/publishers usually don't want to hear about. Such as core aspect of any game - The Gameplay. And criticising things that must be criticised.
What's so amazing about those ''glittering gems of hatred''. They fuck us, we fuck back. Completely healthy relationship. :)
Roshambo said:
No, we skullfuck.

Plenty of sockets to choose from when you remove it from the body. :)

Roshambo is my hero. :o

It's pretty sad when a game company just wants a bunch of internet kiddies and gaming whores. You should be making a game so people will love it and play it again and again. Not to milk them of their lunch money like overrated bullies. - Colt
Tragedy Queen

Tragedy Queen

In this pay site text filler about the change of state for the beta testing of WoW, I see a life of sorrow and woe for this web writing game shill. The context of his article does not obscure his emotional attachment to WoW, and the imminent psychological trauma.

His opinion of FO fans may have been superficially literary, a convenient analogy. But from the contributions above to this thread I am informed there is a 'history' perking in his montage of profiles who would come and steal his beloved WoW from him.

This 'elite-test' tester loves WoW while it is his "private sandbox".

He bemoans the day he must share his honey with the VERY MARKET TARGETS
this game was designed for.

His whining that the mob will ruin WoW implies that he unconsciously supports one basic criticism of MOL games. MOL games can not be policed and become a graffiti ghetto for 'leet' player killers and hacking cheats.

In one breath he gushes about WoW, and in the next he betrays his love, and the company that is trying to craft this product for public release.

This unnatural state of mind and unrequited attachment to an implied doomed commercial venture is the sure sign of one addicted to co dependance and failure, a Tragedy Queen.

Only a "Trag" Queen would jeopardize his job by such a covert sabotage of a game.

What we have here is an individual who loves the status quo. He's the kinda guy who write a "preview" of a game with names like "Doom, Warcraft, Command and Conquer, Pokememon, etc." in it and thinks its the best thing since sliced bread with peanut butter. His target is the 14 year 133t gamer who can't even decide whether he should get mom or dad to drive him to school. Sheesh....another example if you give the vast majority of the population more than one choice about something they will invariably get it wrong. Most people are too dumb to make a decision, those of us who can, play and love Fallout for everything it is!

I think that the problem is one of perception, they percieve us to be a bunch of fanatics, I percieve us to be pasionate about a genre and 'world' we all enjoy.

but I'm sure that he would rather were were sheep mindlessly repeating "Four legs good, two legs bad' rather than dare to think for our selves, instead of showing only the pretense of having freewill.

Companies want a large and dedicated fanbase who do what they are told, unfortunately by the diffination of being a fan, one would be more inclined to be 'loyal' to the object of affection rather than the producer of said object.

So if the producer thinks that by raping the object of appreaciation and then telling the fans that they can do better while producing nothing worthy of fertiliser, of course people will tend to get a little bothered.

"Fours legs good, two legs better" - George Orwell
God, I'm so tired of people calling us fanatics or some kind of cult. Ever heard of biting the hand that feeds?? We're the friggin people who will buy the games, so why shit on us when we want it done a certain way?? :evil: If you make it how we want it, then more of us hardcore fans will be sure to get it. Either that or they're just trying to appeal to the masses. Look what happened last time with FO:POS. Fallout is not a first person shooter or a fast paced action game. It's an engrossing Role playing game set in an awesome setting where you can do pretty much whatever you want. Where else can you be a mobster and a porn star?? The only way they can actually improve Fallout is to make it graphically better and even more open ended. We're not fanatical, we just want to see it done the way it should be....
I read about that with gayspy on nma so i joined 8) Gayspy sucks so they can just stfu.

Even more for banning peeps from their server´s and making em unabel to play fot. Just because a littel crack.
Apocalypse said:
Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a total mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Fcuknig amzanig huh?

(Devil whit the bad English) cool im in first vets page 0,0

C'mon Big T...a guy that has that for a sig...it isn't too difficult to get an idea what kind of drugs he's using :o

Strange.... Apocalypse...I was just digging around the vats today and went back to page 9 and noticed posts by the most unusual psycho named *The Real Devil*. Odd I was looking at that today and here you pop up claiming to be that very same one. Odd you are claiming to be the very same person who is also on the blacklist. :?
Uh oh. Better get out your Rosh repellent.

What, there is no such thing........ oh, youre screwed.
Mwee leave me alone, i just got abit mad 1 year ago when i got kicked without reason. Then i started f**cking around, cmon it was a year ago...
Apocalypse said:
Mwee leave me alone, i just got abit mad 1 year ago when i got kicked without reason.

There was a very definite reason. Since you seem to not have learned anything from then, this doesn't seem too flattering to your situation.

Then i started f**cking around, cmon it was a year ago...

Then you come back and post a thread about a subject we don't allow here, regardless if it's legal or not in your country.

Since it appears you didn't learn a damn thing, you can take another year and we'll see if you're a little less prepubescant in your actions then.
I love how the problems are fallout are given to the fans.

Like the problems with the developing company can be ignored? Like fans are suppose to mindless eat the shit they sell?

There are fewer more devoted fans than those of fallout. Some might think that's great- a group of loyal fans that support a project. To others that's a burden to getting their creative juices flowing. What a load of bullshit.
After all we've been through, we have the right to be assholes

Wow. I bet you were serious too. :roll:

Yes, the world is such a cruel, violent place to us, huh. I mean, no other gaming community has to deal with the same bullshit.

No. Never.
