Fallout fans are the worst?

Yes, the world is such a cruel, violent place to us, huh. I mean, no other gaming community has to deal with the same bullshit.

No. Never.


Ladies and Ghouls, I present to you a living example of a reason why the industry is shit right now. Apathetic morons such as Allust47. No matter what goes on or who does what, we're supposed to smile and nod and then it might go somewhere into their prison rape fantasies. I am so glad some parents buy their kids games, though I wonder when this example will learn the value of money made through work other than whining for it.

Thank you for representing the lowest common denominator, now go play in traffic.

For those still following this topic and are a little slow on the uptake, we're not a typical GameSpy whore site. Neither are many others. Fallout fans are also far from the only fans that are vocal and tired of the media whore attitudes. The Serious Sam fans often make Fallout's seem tame, although far more coherent. There are many others out there who are just as disgruntled for various but often similar reasons to our own. Yes, this happens to other communities, yet that doesn't mean we have to accept it without making a point that the bullshit should end.
Oh Please. :roll:

"Ladies and Ghouls, I present to you a living example of a reason why the industry is shit right now."

No, I'm just a reasonable person. I understand why games are delayed. I understand why no release dates are given to games now-a-days.

"No matter what goes on or who does what, we're supposed to smile and nod and then it might go somewhere into their prison rape fantasies. I am so glad some parents buy their kids games, though I wonder when this example will learn the value of money made through work other than whining for it."

Wow. Just wow.

First of all, no one said we are supposed to smile and nod and...no idea why your talking about prison rape fantasies. Intellect ceased at that point I see.

What's that I see? A contradiction?

You say kids shouldn't whine for what they want.

What does a gaming community do when they don't get what they want?

Oh yea, they whine about it. To high hell. It's not even really the community that's totally at fault. It's a select few beligerant fools that feel like they need everything their way, or no way at all.

Oh-Noh's! Bethesda has the Fallout lisence. We are all teh doomed!

Yawnfest to the max.

Suck it up. Or just continue doing what most of you smack-tards do, and assume they are going to butcher everything in sight.

They haven't even really said enough for these assumptions to be based on, and yet it still happens.

I see it all the time. It's ridiculous, and just plain annoying.

If you don't like something, grab your sack, tighten your collar, and suck it up. Whining and bitching will get you nothing in life. Unless of course your a little bitchy child. Once you get to a certain age, that stops. I understand most of the demograph for these games are children/young adults, so it's not totally their fault. They can't help it. That's how they are raised.

If you are reasonable about issues, you will get what you want, or at least get answers. That's all I'm saying.

But no, common sense doesn't matter. Continue on with your Developer flaming. I'm sure it will get your point across.
Nice response. I'll wait for someone with a little more intellect to jump into the conversation.

No, I'm not trolling, I'm trying to engage in a discussion about why people are such morons when it comes to these issues.

Ban me? For what? Disagreeing?

You going to ask them to cut my hands off if I steal a candy bar too?

This isn't some backbeat middle eastern country, this is a Forum for Discussions. I'm entitled to my opinion. You don't like it, then disagree yourself, I don't mind.
Allust47 said:
Oh Please. :roll:

"Ladies and Ghouls, I present to you a living example of a reason why the industry is shit right now."

No, I'm just a reasonable person. I understand why games are delayed. I understand why no release dates are given to games now-a-days.

How the hell is that relevant to anything I said? Nice attempt at a straw man.

First of all, no one said we are supposed to smile and nod and...no idea why your talking about prison rape fantasies. Intellect ceased at that point I see.

Apparently you have no sense of context, it seems.

(Snip a load of flamebait..)

That was your only warning, kid.
Allust47 said:

First off, use the features that phpBB offers you (hint quotes).

Secondly, there's a difference between whining and giving critique which was basicly what we did in the whole OMG BETHESDA AND FALLOUT situation. It's a common error to sweep us under the rug as alot of others and say that we whined.

We took the various statements and gave our view of them, read the statements and tell me that you don't see that there are things there to read into. Of course there are, hence the reason Pete had to play fireman.

Besides, what's with the trolling ? You obviously only signed up for these forums to bitch about this..

There ONE thing we demand from our crowd.... INVESTIGATION! Try to look at what has been said and not said, before making judgement and statements.
I've been viewing the forums on this board basically since it was concieved. I never had a reason to register. Till I started noticing how ridiculous some of the things people say are.

Whining...critiquing...well yes and no. There's been a VERY fine line there. It would be absurd to be blind to that.

I really don't have a problem with 80% of the people I see post here. It's just a select few that really Irk me. Their ego gets ahead of their eyes. So no, I'm not trolling, just pointing my finger.

Seems too many people have a problem with someone making a challenge to why someone thinks the way they do, why they say what they say. Doesn't have to be controversy.

I wasn't even doing it in a rude, derogative way. I did it with more prestige than most would.

I wasn't throwing up flames. I wasn't throwing around blatant vulgarities.

Oh and Rosh, don't call me a kid again. You don't know me.
I normaly try and stay out of pissing matches, and while agree some of use here can be a little hostile to noobs (to us you are still new, even if you have read our posts, we havent read yours)

But its generally not a good idea to come on so hostile, there are less aggressive ways of stating your point.

For the record I think sometimes we can/do expect to much, but the main thing we want is to be listened too. Interplay gave gave us the one finger, at least Pete was nice enough to try and communicate with us. Also when ever a dev has registered here, they are treated in a decent manor even by the more aggressive members of the community. I think by regsitering here it shows that they are at least slighty interested in our opinion.
Allust47 said:
No, I'm just a reasonable person. I understand why games are delayed. I understand why no release dates are given to games now-a-days.

Sadly, you are among many of the mindless sheep who get ass raped by the company farmers' over turned policies. Trading content and depth for eye candy and advertising ploys to harvest the mindless minds of our time. Go ahead and allow what is left of your brain to follow your wallet... right down the shitter.

Allust47 said:
Wow. Just wow.

First of all, no one said we are supposed to smile and nod and...no idea why your talking about prison rape fantasies. Intellect ceased at that point I see.

Obviously that intellect that ceased was yours. Read my above statement if your still lolling your head to the side asking yourself "Huh?"

Allust47 said:
What does a gaming community do when they don't get what they want?

Oh yea, they whine about it. To high hell. It's not even really the community that's totally at fault. It's a select few beligerant fools that feel like they need everything their way, or no way at all.

Your exposing yourself here, just quit while you're only a short ways behind. Not many people willingly accept a beautiful work of art crafted by a respected artist (or in the case of Fallout, artists) being handed to another artist to be remade into something entirely different than the original artist intended.

The only bitching and whining I see being done here is by you. Rosh brought up valid points with examples to back them up. You're just spewing sensless dribble without any valid points to be made or examples to relate with. When one makes an argument, valid examples must be made, its a well known fact to kids that passed the 5th grade.

Allust47 said:
Yawnfest to the max.

Grow up kid...quit trying to defy Webster by making up your lame words that hold no meaning to anyone but your lame little friends.

Allust47 said:
Suck it up. Or just continue doing what most of you smack-tards do, and assume they are going to butcher everything in sight.

They haven't even really said enough for these assumptions to be based on, and yet it still happens.

You must not have been paying attention to the little news bits lately indicating Bethesda would be using the same engine as Oblivion for Fallout 3. But being a mindless dribble who finds only appeal in "shinnies tings" you wouldn't see the implications this would cause to the Fallout title and it's universe.

Allust47 said:
I see it all the time. It's ridiculous, and just plain annoying.

I see kids like you post here all the time. It's ridiculous, and just plain annoying.

Allust47 said:
If you don't like something, grab your sack, tighten your collar, and suck it up. Whining and bitching will get you nothing in life. Unless of course your a little bitchy child. Once you get to a certain age, that stops. I understand most of the demograph for these games are children/young adults, so it's not totally their fault. They can't help it. That's how they are raised.

Again, you're exposing yourself. You might want to speak with your parents about not raising you correctly.

Allust47 said:
If you are reasonable about issues, you will get what you want, or at least get answers. That's all I'm saying.

But no, common sense doesn't matter. Continue on with your Developer flaming. I'm sure it will get your point across.

Allan Rausch was reasonable in making a half hearted stab at the Fallout community, for no reason whatsoever, straying away from his half assed article, in a full blown parade of childish arrogance? Have you made any point here at all besides that you are a whiny child yourself who wasn't raised correctly? Why do I get the impression you mommy and daddy's idea of attention is getting you a computer so you could mindlessly post online like an attention whore to fulfill your childish impulses. You've gone down the wrong rabbit hole Alice, you better get the fuck out before that rabbit finds you and chews your ass into jerky.
Allust47 said:
I've been viewing the forums on this board basically since it was concieved. I never had a reason to register. Till I started noticing how ridiculous some of the things people say are.

And what made you register was that someone thought we Fallout fans have a valid reason for being pissed and you had to show the us the light of moving on or accepting it.

Do you really know the Fallout fans story?

Allust47 said:
Seems too many people have a problem with someone making a challenge to why someone thinks the way they do, why they say what they say. Doesn't have to be controversy.

No we don't but registering to post the small post you did is called flamebaiting, next up instead of explaining to Rosh why you feel we should accept any new changes to Fallout you instead felt hurt and decided to put your fists up.. See the difference?
sorry you lost me on that one.... I have a short attention spane :roll:

We need a new forum here for noobs I think, we could call it the "shark pit" and feed people to Rosh and a few Orderites.
Only thing you have on me, is that I disagree with the views of a select few of people who bash on Bethesda for no reason at all. Like I said, they haven't released enough, I'll say it again, enough, one more time, enough information for anyone to say that they are going to trash Fallout 3.

Could they trash Fallout 3?


Will they trash Fallout 3?

Who knows?

Are we right to be pessimistic about it?

Maybe we are, maybe we aren't. But not giving them the benefit of the doubt right-off-the-bat, isn't an attractive way of letting someone know what you desire. Some people talk like Bethesda has their heads right up their asses, and have no clue about what they are doing.

They know what Fallout is about, they know what the community is looking for in a game. Why don't you trust them, instead of looking for reason to shun them and push them away. Nothing will ever be good enough though, right?

And no, them using the Oblivion engine doesn't give any clues to what the final result of the game will be.

its a well known fact to kids that passed the 5th grade.

Thanks for the example of a 5th grade insult. Please. You talking smack doesn't prove any of your points valid. You're sticking by your belief and I respect you for that. I'm not asking you to go back on what you believe. I simply questioned it.

Respect to Odin and Wild_qwerty for their respectful, insightfull responses however. It provided more than the others who simply tossed up flames because they didn't like what I had to say about the likes of people much like themselves.[/b]
Kind of like the Vats but without locking the threads? I wonder what kind of implications that would have on the community here? It would just give the little kiddies a place to come and flamebait people...much like our little suburban american princess just did here. Still it was a funny idea. :lol:

edit: it smells like jerky ass in here.

Allust47 said:
And no, them using the Oblivion engine doesn't give any clues to what the final result of the game will be.

It doesn't suprise me you completely missed what I said and just jerked out the first response that came to mind. I will not give you the benefit of clarifying and repeating myself. Figure it out for yourself.

My talking "smack" was to expose your little tid bits of a temper tantrum in a prime example of how full of yourself you are. I had plenty of valid examples when proving a point, look again. You're going to have a hard time backing up your words by simply pointing your finger in random directions and claiming somebody is wrong. If you think your idea of "sense" is valid here, cut the crap and speak it plainly and in a calm manner. Your approach was to flame now, ask questions later. That isn't accepted here, and is going to brand you villified among the community. You've got six posts, and all are lacking intelligence. Think before you spit something out that flies back in your face.
Allust47 said:
Only thing you have on me, is that I disagree with the views of a select few of people who bash on Bethesda for no reason at all. Like I said, they haven't released enough, I'll say it again, enough, one more time, enough information for anyone to say that they are going to trash Fallout 3.

Well this is true enough, but the initial information we got did point to a direction that we the Fallout fans didn't like. Even Leonard said that he really didn't see Fallout in any other way then it was already done (ie I'm talking about isometric view and turn based combat).

The simple reason that Bethesda doesn't want to say if they are going in this direction or not does give us the clue that they are looking at other directions aswell.

Allust47 said:
Are we right to be pessimistic about it?

Maybe we are, maybe we aren't. But not giving them the benefit of the doubt right-off-the-bat, isn't an attractive way of letting someone know what you desire. Some people talk like Bethesda has their heads right up their asses, and have no clue about what they are doing.

Well here is were we differ, talking up early will prove to Bethesda what we expect and what we want. Because, like I've said in the past, if we don't then they could later on say: "Oh, well it's too late to change directions now".

Allust47 said:
They know what Fallout is about, they know what the community is looking for in a game. Why don't you trust them, instead of looking for reason to shun them and push them away. Nothing will ever be good enough though, right?

Well do they ? How do you know ? Right now they haven't shown us squat (by your own posts too) and thus we cannot know that they really get Fallout, Fbos anyone ?!

Besides how did we end up debating this issue again? We at NMA do talk to some of the devs at Bethesda and I know alot of them visit these boards.

One last time, our outcry in the beginning was prove a couple of points:
1. Show Bethesda what we want
2. Show Bethesda that we know dev bs, ie don't do that to us.

Allust47 said:
And no, them using the Oblivion engine doesn't give any clues to what the final result of the game will be.

Now this I totally agree on.

Oh and Edge386: drop the attitude a notch, I understand your frustation but it doesn't solve anything. Valid points are better.
Odin said:
Oh and Edge386: drop the attitude a notch, I understand your frustation but it doesn't solve anything. Valid points are better

I'm definitely not going to argue with that.

About the Oblivion engine, I never once said it gives us a clue as to what the final product will be like. I was implying that it could very well show us how the game is going to feel being in the hands of the Bethesda developers, and can also give a hint as to where the game is headed. On the other hand, while the graphics engine will already be completed, this frees up much more time for them to develope on story line.

I wasn't going one way or the other as to point to the game "being a piece of crap". It is just a simple reminder that these are completely different artists working on a beautiful piece of art. I'm not sure if this makes any sense so if not, I'll try to clarify later. I apologize for the flaming. Hopefully we can all revert to civility now.
Allust47 said:
I've been viewing the forums on this board basically since it was concieved. I never had a reason to register. Till I started noticing how ridiculous some of the things people say are.

Liar. In fact, many of the things on the forum are far, far tamer than they were in the past. Instead of three or four people who would cruelly debunk your garbage, there's now just one or two.

If you're going to try and troll, don't bother to use empty lies as well that could easily be disproven.

I wasn't even doing it in a rude, derogative way. I did it with more prestige than most would.

Liar. Go re-read your first post in this thread if your memory is that short.

I wasn't throwing up flames.

Flames, maybe not, flamebait, you're caught.

Oh and Rosh, don't call me a kid again. You don't know me.

Obviously you don't know this forum nor myself either, and you seem to be lying, again, with this account. Your brand of bullshit is starting to become a bit clear. Different subrouter levels of Comcast are pretty easy to discern after a while, kid.