Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt in Dosbox?

Hi! You can't use Windows-only mods on DOS though. If you want to use them, you need F1DP: https://www.nma-fallout.com/threads/f1dp-fallout-1-dos-patcher.221053. It's a patcher with all the Windows mods ported to the DOS version. You can't use sFall or High-Res Patch or the Fallout Fixt EXE patches (Sduibek made a few on the EXE) - you can with this patcher. Use it and edit F1DPATCH.INI instead (read the readme, it's all explained there and also in the beginning of the INI file - though if you need anything, just say) - those settings will only be used on the DOS version though (keep that file and ddraw.ini with the same settings if you use the game both on DOS and Windows mode so that you don't have differences while playing in both modes - or at least many differences, since I didn't port all everything).

Ah he was just having a bad time, we got fine after it in PMs. All fine, no worries!

He did still say he thought it's kind of pointless, like I was told by some devs, because of Et Tu being able to run Fallout 1 with Fallout 2's engine and with Windows on DOSBox. But still, aside from me loving the project ahah, my tablet is too slow and already lags a bit running the game alone... Don't fully imagine how it would be with Windows+Fallout. So I still did it anyway. Maybe someone else could find it useful for whatever reason (slow device, maybe purist person wanting original Fallout 1 without Fo2's engine, no idea). Good a few found it useful so far! (100 downloads on version 1.2 on GitHub) Was worth the time! Aside from being useful for a few people, I learned a lot by doing this. Really cool.
I must've missed that I apologize. Been playing with your mod and I'm very happy to be able to play on the go.
Is there a way to get a full custom version of this mod without having to run an .exe? I want to use this with Dos version and F1DP, but I don’t use Windows and use mobile only.
  • Install the GOG Fallout version (I used the latest until now - 2.0.18) somewhere else, and copy the MUSIC folder, CRITTER.DAT and MASTER.DAT files to Fixt's folder. No need for the GOG version anymore - you can uninstall it.
Hi there!

Anyone else wondering, MUSIC is in subfolder DATA\SOUND\.

When copying the MUSIC folder it asks if it should overwrite some files. My guess was to skip them bc they are likely fixes, right?

The link didn't work for me. I'm pretty sure it's this one now (= postid 4307860): https://www.nma-fallout.com/threads...time-in-jan-2020.194562/page-187#post-4307860

Deep link to ddraw files (if topic link might break again):

thx for your work, DADi590!
When copying the MUSIC folder it asks if it should overwrite some files. My guess was to skip them bc they are likely fixes, right?

I got it wrong. It worked once I used this folder structure:

C:\FalloutFixt081alpha\data\sound\music\ *Musicfiles*

+ Run f1_res_Config* and make your settings (resolution, display rate etc)

*C:\FalloutFixt081alpha\Fallout Fixt\f1_res_Config.exe

When copying the MUSIC folder it asks if it should overwrite some files. My guess was to skip them bc they are likely fixes, right?

I got it wrong. It worked once I used this folder structure:

C:\FalloutFixt081alpha\data\sound\music\ *Musicfiles*

+ Run f1_res_Config* and make your settings (resolution, display rate etc)

*C:\FalloutFixt081alpha\Fallout Fixt\f1_res_Config.exe


EDIT: hm... Unfortunately I ran into a gamebreaking error:

As long as I activate both sfall AND Fixt rats (haven't tested other critters yet) don't get aggroed at all - I can run right past them :(
They will defend once attacked but seem to be in a "friendly" faction.

That said it works fine again after deactivating sfall OR Fixt.

Other features (from both packs) seem to work fine together :-?
Is there a way to get a full custom version of this mod without having to run an .exe? I want to use this with Dos version and F1DP, but I don’t use Windows and use mobile only.
Infinity later, I just wanted to say that it's possible. Someone on Reddit told me the same thing (unless that was you) and I made a program to be run on DOS in case anyone doesn't have a Windows computer.

EDIT: hm... Unfortunately I ran into a gamebreaking error:

As long as I activate both sfall AND Fixt rats (haven't tested other critters yet) don't get aggroed at all - I can run right past them :(
They will defend once attacked but seem to be in a "friendly" faction.

That said it works fine again after deactivating sfall OR Fixt.

Other features (from both packs) seem to work fine together :-?
And also infinity later (though less), I just wanted to say that that's fixed. I was told the same thing on GitHub and I fixed it with F1DP v1.2.x, the latest one right now being v1.2.3.

I'm sorry to both. I didn't see this.