Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

I have a question: in vanilla Fallout, the time for Necropolis is 110 days, but if the time comes and you just don't visit Necropolis again, it doesn't get wiped out. Now, if I install the mod, will that still be the case? Additionally, will that be the case for the other invasions, if they're activated?
Also, the custom installer says that it can enable player models to smoke -- if this is enabled, will they automatically? Because I'd like to see other player models smoking but I don't want my player model to do so.
Oh, and there should be a way to switch off the combat automatically ending when there are no aggressive opponents nearby. Sometimes there's a lot of enemies in a reasonable distance from each other and I want to go from one to the other without having to reactivate combat mode every time.
Also, the custom installer says that it can enable player models to smoke -- if this is enabled, will they automatically? Because I'd like to see other player models smoking but I don't want my player model to do so.

Your character will light up when idle.
I have a question: in vanilla Fallout, the time for Necropolis is 110 days, but if the time comes and you just don't visit Necropolis again, it doesn't get wiped out. Now, if I install the mod, will that still be the case? Additionally, will that be the case for the other invasions, if they're activated?

I believe the mutant invasions remain the same as vanilla by default but you can select different options for the invasions if you go through the custom installation.
I believe the mutant invasions remain the same as vanilla by default but you can select different options for the invasions if you go through the custom installation.
There was no option in the custom installation for the cities to only get the bad ending if I visit them after the time limited has been reached.
There should be some attention paid to the incredibly buggy Boneyard. The Blades vs. Regulators quest is hyper buggy. I talked to Razor and I was supposed to have a holodisk in my inventory, and it didn't show up. I was hoping Fixt would make it so that Jon Zimmerman didn't become aggro for no reason if you showed him the truth, but I didn't even have that option since there was no holodisk, so I had to invade with the Blades. Thing is, when you do go that route, I show up with my followers and no Blades whatsoever.
That is actually an all new bug through Fixt:
Since some Versions ago, all Holodisks are automatically removed from the inventory after beeing read -.-
That is actually an all new bug through Fixt:
Since some Versions ago, all Holodisks are automatically removed from the inventory after beeing read -.-

As far as I am aware, this is not a bug. After reading them, the item itself becomes useless and gets deleted.

Not sure if I like this change, but considering they all look the same, it's probably for the better.
Also, since the medical uplink has been restored at Mariposa, there could be a Karma bonus for switching the life support off before you explode the base. Give the FEV victims a more honorable death or something.
The "error disk" is a different issue. I fixed it in et Tu some months ago. :>
Probably, but I don't really know how it's done in Fo1.

Fallout 2 has a holodisk.txt file in which is defined where the holodisk texts (from pipboy.msg) are starting. So the problem is that this holodisk is pointing to the wrong line, thus can't find text and prints ERROR for as long as it can. So to fix this issue, one either has to move said holodisk text to the correct line OR change the line to point to the correct text.

I just don't know how to do that in Fo1, because it doesn't have a holodisk.txt file. Wild guess is that it's hard-coded and Sduibek might have moved something in the .msg file ... I don't know.