Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

To be fair, Fixt has always been slow to update. Also, there's only so much that can be done with the original engine.
The engine can't be totally blamed, sometimes it's just time, or the lack of time. The game is fiddly, what do you expect from a game engine built in 1995...over engineering the game with extra stuff isn't always necessary, over eating = bigger poops.
Not sure if Fallout et tu allows for the same options in the installer as Fixt does, havent tried it yet. But Last I played Fixt(about 1.5 years ago) it was complete and working well. I will probably try out Et Tu once I get tired of playing through my back catalog of newer games and I seek a bit of nostalgia. Speaking of Nostalgia, I'd throw money all day, everyday at a Fallout 1 and 2 remaster from Beth(so long as they changed nothing but the graphics and maybe making the Restored Content official). Too bad that will probably never happen, wouldnt mind seeing some 32-bit Fallout style pixel art wasteland. HD talking head pixel arts, OMG they could add so many more talking heads! DOGMEAT TALKING HEAD!!!
I desperately wanna play this version of the game since it seems to be the best but I've run through some problem. Basically the game only runs the first time I open it every time i start up my cpu, if the game is ever interrupted it auto closes then I cant open it back up pls help.
Is anyone in contact Sduibek? With the virus and everything I wonder if he's okay or just taking a sabbatical like usual. . .
Actually, I am. I'll text him tomorrow, randomly decided it'd be fun to play Fallout 1 (only ever played 2) and was happy to recognize he went ham making it better :)
I desperately wanna play this version of the game since it seems to be the best but I've run through some problem. Basically the game only runs the first time I open it every time i start up my cpu, if the game is ever interrupted it auto closes then I cant open it back up pls help.

I haven't encountered this before with FO1, however I have encountered similar effects with other programs. Sometimes when a program closes it doesnt close fully and its still open in the background and this prevents it from running again when you try to execute it. Bring up Task Manager and look at the FULL list of open programs. You might see fallout still running. Right click and force close it. Try opening again after.

Other solution that "might" help is, check "properties" of fallout.exe, go to compatibility, and try some options. This would still not work if exe is open in background. Also run as admin.
I haven't encountered this before with FO1, however I have encountered similar effects with other programs. Sometimes when a program closes it doesnt close fully and its still open in the background and this prevents it from running again when you try to execute it. Bring up Task Manager and look at the FULL list of open programs. You might see fallout still running. Right click and force close it. Try opening again after.

Other solution that "might" help is, check "properties" of fallout.exe, go to compatibility, and try some options. This would still not work if exe is open in background. Also run as admin.

I'm having a similar problem with Fallout Et Tu as well. This also happens if I alt+tab out of it. I can get back to it if I go to Task Manager and click on it twice.
Yes these are windows having problem with older applications. I think changing the direct x output might also help. Set in ddraw.ini. That would be for FO2 sfall though.
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Falche is an obsoltete cheating program, it may screw up savegames if you use Falche with any kind of sfall. besides Sfall1 by Crafty in FIXT is a lot outdated. Sduibek (FIXT 0.81a creator) made a small beta update somewhere along the thread, it's 0.90 prebeta. and there are few Sfall1 v1.8 versions floating aroud the net. newest one is from Jul 2018 AFAIR.

Besides whole FIXT is kin of obsolete now. Lexx and his rotators team ported Fo1 on Fo2 engine. it's called 'Fallout: Et Tu' and currently in v1.3 it has Fo2 engine sfall and is compatible with latst version of sfall if you know how to merge it properly.

anyways Et Tu has a thread in modding section of this forum. it is advisable to try Et Tu instead of FIXT.

Also for FIXT cheating try Vad's F12se in a latest version. It should work far better than Falche.

Don't worry about PC specs. Fallout FIXT can run basically on a potato PC.
Actually if You'd get a proper x86 PC emulator and wine/windows, You'd be able to run Fallout on modern day smartphone at full speed ( provided you'll connect a mouse and keyboard to it someway).

The errors you're getting are probably tied to using Falche as it is incompatible with savegames made with sfall library.

Also based on the weird configuration of processor cores in certain AMD processors, it is advised *not* to use SingleCore=1 option in ddraw.ini . instead leave the option as default SingleCore=0. Thing is AMD in some of their processors with odd number of processor cores, have non standard Core numbering, and SingleCore=1 sets affinity to Core numer 0 which is the first core in standard cpu core numbering. Since Certain AMD CPUs have the first core numbered differently issues may arise. So it's best to leave the SingleCore= option as default and let windows handle it. From what i can tell from your screenshot AMD with 5 CPU Cores, might just be the case I'm talking about.
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sfall is not an option.. theese days it's basically a nessecity. Et Tu comes with sfall as well, only a far better one than in FIXT. though in order to play Et Tu You'll need to own both Fallout1 *and* Fallout2 since Et Tu ports Fallout 1 to Fallout2 engine you'll need to own both in order to play. the downside of Et Tu is neither Falche nor any of the Vad's editors work with it. So if You're hell-bent on cheating it's by means of mods. a Hex edited starting character file can be imported into character creator. Basically it is possible to start with a char with all 10 in SPECIAL, 300% in skills (actually even more but game doesn't display a bigger skill number) 100 in all damage thresholds and 90% in all damage resistance types except EMP which has 500% by default. i really don't remember what else could One cheat this way, however there are further possibilities for perks by means of Nirran's RapidPerks mod. just set the mod's config.ini to no penalty and shitload of perk points per level and you're all set up. it's just a matter of gaining some exp. points.
The best thing about the last part is to not pump up steal skill to 300% but leave it untouched. instead sfall's modder's pack has a nifty mod that causes steal attempts to always be succesfull no matter what, so gaing exp is just a matter of having a single itemin inventory and a non-hostile npc. Simply use steal and plant & steal the item around 8 times, exit steal interface, gain exp. rinse & repeat until you are satisfied with your hit points and perks. although i can tell you it's pure grinding to get to slayer/sniper perks this way.

And yes If you used Falche on FIXT savegames, than those saves are broken.
Actually there is no need whatsoever to need to use a savegame editor, thre's nothing mod's couldn't do, even if that means 4x turboplasma rifles and 4x Hardend Power Armor for you and your party. Although if one cheated the Caracter during creation the way i said there is no need to use any armor at all. since most of the time you'll get hit for no damage anyways.
What does that mean? Did you use Undat.exe or something else? What master.dat file? From Fo2 or Fo1? You need to be more precise.

I admire Your patience to the guy You are explaining everything to.

yay 701 posts another rad notch on the progress bar :D
Me – I'll wait for @Sduibek and Fixt forever.


However Sduibek should move on by skipping 0.90 and going straight into v1.0 which is the first release in Fo2 engine. Since the base work nessecary for v1.0 to happen was already done by Lexx, there's absolutely no point in sticking to Fo1 engine. For now Sduibek could hold off a bit until all Et Tu bugs are ironed out, after that it would be time for him to pick up the work. (If he didn't already decided to abandon the project, or got Covid-19 or worse, that is).