-- Psycho's damage resistance boost lowered from 50 to 30.
-- Hired NPCs should follow the player better now. Also, 'leash' distances modified so they'll start running sooner, which should reduce "follow lag". If you don't know what i'm talking about, don't worry about it

-- StepAside command- NPC now moves instantly ('teleports' without animating) to a random hex 2 hexes away from their current one. It's very unrealistic but having them walk/run to a random hex always had a chance of them not moving at all, no matter what different code I tried [and believe me i tried a LOT] which I think in the long run is more annoying.
-- no more childkiller freebies - you kill a kid or a party member does, you're a childkiller. 'nuff said.
-- Dehydration now ignores your armor's DT and DR as it should have all along; programmers used the critter_dmg code when they should have used the critter_heal code with a negative value.
-- Dehydration also does more damage -- 10 times as much as before. Don't worry, even at 10x it's not that much.
-- ^^^ The above also applies to Mountain encounters that caused small amounts of damage -- the damage is negligible enough that i've made it ignore your armor. Yes, not entirely realistic, but personally I found it stupid and annoying to get an encounter only to learn I suffered no damage.
(The damage for these, however, hasn't been increased)
-- Badwords.txt copied over from Fallout 2, making many more words censored, for those of you who have the language filter enabled.
-- More tweaks to how Luck affects random encounters. (characters with Luck of < 4 should see a difference)
-- Some more grammar/spelling/text-only fixes (yaaay lol lol)
-- Added sound effect for when player equips a lit flare

-- Pixote's flare graphic in use (thanks man!)
-- Flare works a bit better in combat now -- light/nolight status will update after any performed action, such as firing a weapon. Examines and using AP for moving don't trigger it at this time.
-- Flares function properly on map change/load/exit
^^^ NOTE on the above, it acts funky if holding a lit flare in the "off" hand. still working on fixing that aspect of it...
-- various scripts' code optimized/simplified/whatever
-- lengthened Izo's dialog entries a bit.
-- when Izo is kicking you out, instant teleport to avoid exploitation: (thanks Nevill)
-- Tandi can be ordered around now, this leaves room later for combat tactics etc etc:
-- Marcelles (JT hotel) talks to the player regardless of game time, which allows room rental day or night. (thanks Nevill)
-- Flash works properly for loitering and attacking player after telling them to leave. (thanks Nevill)
-- If you set a timer on an explosive you're holding in an active hand slot, it automatically drops once the timer is set

-- The red force field emitters can be destroyed, sort of. I tried for several hours to find a way to fry the actual red field itself, but no luck. So for now, if you want to you can blow up the emitter thingy but the red field still exists and causes damage. Yeah, it looks stupid visually but I like it. Always pissed me off that an already-damaged device couldn't be damaged by HIGH EXPLOSIVES lol. Anyway, if you don't like the change, don't use explosives on them!

-- Another easter egg screenshot (see link in my sig)
-- Brahma while on caravan now identify as a "domesticated brahma" vs. a "wild brahma"
-- ghouls only radiate when hitting you with bare fists &/or point-blank melee (brass knuckles etc)
I have five new screenshots up, click on the link in my signature to view them.