Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

Have you tried changing the configuration in f1_res_Config.exe? Or changing the settings in ddraw.ini and f1_res.ini? Check the Troubleshooting Guide, maybe there is a solution for you. A reinstall may fix it too. If not you'll just have to wait for someone more informed. Or just play it on a lower resolution.
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Quick question, which is kind of related to Fixt:

I know you can modify the ddraw.ini to change the speed of the game, resulting in more fluid animations. Is there any setting anywhere in the game that changes the time scale? It currently seems 1:1, with 1 minute real world time equaling 1 minute in-game time when not traveling or waiting. Is it possible to quicken this to one second equals one minute, or whatever the user may apply? The dynamic of the days was one of the few things that bothered me about the game - I hate how I can roll into Junktown, take out Morbid, save Killian, take out Gizmo, recruit Tycho, bust the Skulz.... all in the space of half an hour in-game. Video Game exposition is more concise and less nuanced than any real world negotiation/action, and I feel the time should reflect this succinctness. Well, sorry for ranting.

Tl;dr is there any way to modify the time scale?

And one more thing - is there any way to increase NPCs aiming for limbs, potentially breaking them? I feel crippling is underutilized in the base game, having gone through playthroughs without being crippled once, or at maximum maybe twice in 40+ hours. Making crippling more prevalent can give the Doctor skill a much needed boost in popularity. I see this in the ddraw:

;Uncomment these lines to modify the default modifiers for aimed shots at specific bodyparts

but does this effect where critters aim, or is this only defined to the player?

EDIT: Oh, and one last thing:

This is a limitation of the engine in Fallout 1. The Perks do exist for your character, the engine just was designed to only display 7 no matter what.

Will the implementation of the F2 engine also bring its Perk scroll menu? I use an editor to apply more perks when I level (I find the uses of some perks to be marginal by themselves, so I apply "packages" of similar perks that could ostensibly be rolled into one, such as Explorer, Scout, and Ranger for example, so I get a significant boost to World Map exploration... otherwise a single 3 levels combat perk easily trumps RP "flavor" perks that take three times as long to the point I feel the latter would be "worth it" versus the former). Thing is, by level 9 (sometimes) I can no longer see them - I assumed they were not applied. Not to mention a removed level cap would offer more perks than shown. Good to know that they are, but the scroll menu would be useful in reviewing my character to keep my role-playing on point.

Thanks again for everything Sduibek, been a fan of your work for two years now. Your efforts are much appreciated.

EDIT 3: Sigh, I guess this is no longer a quick question, lol. Another thing, the very first question that actually made me find this site and this mod: is vendor refreshment going to be a thing? I know it's possible to continue the game indefinetly ammo-wise (as Gustarballs has demonstrated) but it would be nice to have Barter/Charisma's usefulness go past rading out all the ammo they offer a single time and then they are useless for the rest of the game. A steady supply of ammo and stimpaks would be an excellent addition - is that possible, perhaps with the updated engine where the vendors do that?

Thanks for being patient through my ramblings.
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The timescale is not a thing and i hope it never will be as there aare few timed quests (like skullz will assasinate Neal/Neil within 2 days and after certain time compression you wouldn't manage to run up to lars to report and attack them in time. time is as good as is to speed up time you've got pipboy clock.

secondly as for called shots and non party NPC skill increase just increase the "Combat Difficulty" in the game's options this also increases a chance for the non party npc's to critically shot.
the thing from ddraw.ini you pointed out about body parts is not how often any npc will make a called shot but rather how high accuary penalty (actually a skill penalty) is applied when aiming at that body part. I assumed it's game wide and not just the player. So for example if setting the "Combat Difficulty" to High/Rough and all =0 in that dddraw.ini section you would ensure not only in more called shots but those called shots would also have better chance to actually hit you (same chance as non targeted shots to the torso) but the other side of the coin would be that Player would also have same chance for targeted shots as for non targeted.

Thirdly Yes after the engine conversion takes place perks will/should have more slots (with ddraw.dll it's increased up to the number of all perks in fallout 2, be it chosen at level up and those extra granted in game).

Lastly I'm not sure wether Sduibek will actually implement shop restocking hovever He himself did propose this point at the bug wiki "new ideas" section.

shops restocking wich seemes stupid concerning it's the wasteland so no sopermarkets and no factories around therfore from where would they restock hmm? well I personally think maybe ammo (because of gunrunners actually making it) and low tier weapons (brotherhood scavenges but it's low tier so it trades it for food and water to traders from Hub) but no restocking on anything higher than metal armor /14mm pistol. but absolutely no meds restocking since nobody makes them (well maybe except stimpacks if broc flower, xander root
and empty hypo get introducet into Fo1)

one thing i would like to see is Economy and Combat (EcCo) rebalance for Fo1 as turboplasma is seriously overpowered in this game i mean clearing a room full of super mutants all by yourself in one round is pretty hilarious. and additionally I would like to see Your party NPCs to be of a serious use At end game, because as of now they can only tickle the supermutants (even when heavily modified to use turboplasma) And my char 1 shots with turboplasma almost evrything in the game ( maybe besides deathclaws and the master. (they require more shots but are still killed within 1 round).

So combat rebalance should take place there's no doubt about it. the YAAM should be a thing to for Fo1.

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The timescale is not a thing and i hope it never will be as there aare few timed quests (like skullz will assasinate Neal/Neil within 2 days and after certain time compression you wouldn't manage to run up to lars to report and attack them in time. time is as good as is to speed up time you've got pipboy clock.

I suppose,

secondly as for called shots and non party NPC skill increase just increase the "Combat Difficulty" in the game's options this also increases a chance for the non party npc's to critically shot.
the thing from ddraw.ini you pointed out about body parts is not how often any npc will make a called shot but rather how high accuary penalty (actually a skill penalty) is applied when aiming at that body part. I assumed it's game wide and not just the player. So for example if setting the "Combat Difficulty" to High/Rough and all =0 in that dddraw.ini section you would ensure not only in more called shots but those called shots would also have better chance to actually hit you (same chance as non targeted shots to the torso) but the other side of the coin would be that Player would also have same chance for targeted shots as for non targeted.

I always play on rough combat + hard difficulty and I still find crippling happens too rarely, but thanks for the feedback, I'll try it.

Thirdly Yes after the engine conversion takes place perks will/should have more slots (with ddraw.dll it's increased up to the number of all perks in fallout 2, be it chosen at level up and those extra granted in game).


shops restocking wich seemes stupid concerning it's the wasteland so no sopermarkets and no factories around therfore from where would they restock hmm?

Scavengers constantly trading and selling wares over time. I find it hard to believe that even in a scarce wasteland that a shot would have the same inventory with no new items after, say, a year in game time.

but absolutely no meds restocking since nobody makes them

Good point, but scavengers may still find more out in the wasteland and sell to shops - the 50~100 that exist in shops can't be the only stimpaks that still exist in all of California. Maybe prices could increase as the shops restock to represent them becoming scarcer. That would properly scale to level and income, now that I think of it.

rebalance for Fo1 as turboplasma is seriously overpowered in this game i mean clearing a room full of super mutants all by yourself in one round is pretty hilarious.

My current playthrough is my first Energy Weapons focused character, I can't wait to give this a shot :D
Hello everyone! :D

First of all I don't have any updates on the progress of 0.90alpha, unfortunately. But I do at least have some updates on my multi-month absence:

GOOD NEWS first - I finally finished that class for which I took an Incomplete, which had been hanging over me for almost a year. I felt guilt working on coding/design for Fallout Fixt when I knew I should be working on coding/design to finish that class so that I could get my degree.
Well I got an 'A' for the class and am now just waiting on the processing folks to mail me the diploma. Woo!

NEUTRAL/EXPLANATORY NEWS next - The promotion I earned at work late March 2016 is great, it's pretty much the perfect role for me and the company is fantastic. It has, however, had a learning curve and been quite hectic & stressful at times. This is part of my silence and lack of progress; I've been basically doing nothing but work+commute+TV+sleep for a few months.

BAD/SADPANDA NEWS next next - My laptop died the same week that I finished the class I mentioned above. Irony? Not sure. Very frustrating though. It's either the motherboard, graphics card, or some part of the assembly that connects the gfx card to the screen.

GREAT NEWS last - I just purchased a replacement laptop today (I don't want to get a brand new laptop just yet; I'd rather put that money into paying off my credit cards) and it should arrive by September 13th.

I am going to do my best to release 0.90alpha as soon as possible. I don't expect any problems releasing it by the end of the calendar year. I can't be more specific than that as I'm not sure exactly how long the in-game customizations & playstyles will take to finish implementing.

Thank you all for your support and patience; I apologize for the delays.

@SenorGast Not sure if this is possible but I'll look into it.

@Bittersteel Fallout Fixt is Windows-only with no plans for Mac support, unfortunately. This is because the extensions it uses such as Sfall/ddraw don't work on Mac systems, and also because I don't use Apple products so I'm not at all familiar with building Mac installers.

@The Lone Poopyface Have you checked the Troubleshooting guide? It's just a text file but has plenty of helpful steps :) You can find it in my signature.

@gustarballs1983 This is actually quite impressive. Well done! How did it feel to reach 99? Any idea how many hours it took? Also what exactly did you do, was it simply adding lots of Deathclaws to that map? Did you have to change any scripts?

@Phil the Nuka-Cola Dude @Ed of Vault 13 Thank you both! I hope it was/is fun to play and didn't give you too many terrible bugs :)

@Worxolas I probably will at some point as a 'joke easter egg' (which obviously won't appear in the Fixes Only version). Maybe as a Special Encounter. But it would be a very basic implementation.

@Ceratisa Agreed! :D

@ravenbober I did not. :) See above for updates re: my absence. <3

@gustarballs1983 Yeah, I do tend to be rather awful at making my self-imposed deadlines for Fixt releases. Sigh, #regrets.
I did indeed work on Fixt in June but wasn't able to even touch it during July or August.

@danielje Thanks for your kind words!
1. The level cap is removed (optionally) by the Sfall/ddraw plugin which was originally made by Timeslip and added features for F1 Engine by Crafty.
2. This is a limitation of the engine in Fallout 1. The Perks do exist for your character, the engine just was designed to only display 7 no matter what.

@X-01-Guardian Did you ever figure out the resolution to this? If not, please post it in the Bugs Wiki - link in my signature. Thanks! And apologies for the bug/issue :(

@Baraz I'm glad you got it figured it! Could you please post this in the Bugs Wiki? Link in my signature.

@Worxolas Correct, and this is actually already fixed in the files on my computer, just not in the version currently available (0.81alpha). So it'll be working just fine in 0.90alpha.

The Let's play leads to nothing on YouTube. It appears the video had been deleted?
The playlists were, since I'm in the process of deleting my old Google account. But those same videos can be found by searching Fallout Fixt on YouTube.
so one of these "fixes" is the player doesn't start with a knife in inventory? i always used used the extra knife for money or trade. do you get another item instead?is what the starting items in reference to tagged skills means? is this what is meant by balance adjustments? also why no level past 21? i ask because i like some of the imbalances that made things easier but, what the hell do i know maybe this fix/mod makes worth while trade offs?

EDIT: do the new larger death animations stick out like a sore thumb like every other mod with added graphics, ie aliasing or smooth or too high resolution etc etc? also can the ddraw speed settings be changed back to 100%?

Also the rationale behind the 20 fps for animation for power Armour could be considered flawed. IF you ever operated heavy equipment from young age there is a difference between torq and speed. this is why bulldozers are slow but, can plow a whole house down. It's big and heavy and has TORQ or UMPH which does not equate to speed. kind of like torq vs horsepower. A better example would be a sledge hammer, it's slow swinging but,m when it hits it packs some power, aka momentum/kinetic energy. This is probably what the original creators were thinking if they chose to make PA slow but, i might it could have possibly been for performance/hardware reasons of the time.

also so far this fix/mod is looking pretty interesting
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so one of these "fixes" is the player doesn't start with a knife in inventory? i always used used the extra knife for money or trade. do you get another item instead?is what the starting items in reference to tagged skills means? is this what is meant by balance adjustments? also why no level past 21? i ask because i like some of the imbalances that made things easier but, what the hell do i know maybe this fix/mod makes worth while trade offs?

EDIT: do the new larger death animations stick out like a sore thumb like every other mod with added graphics, ie aliasing or smooth or too high resolution etc etc? also can the ddraw speed settings be changed back to 100%?

Also the rationale behind the 20 fps for animation for power Armour could be considered flawed. IF you ever operated heavy equipment from young age there is a difference between torq and speed. this is why bulldozers are slow but, can plow a whole house down. It's big and heavy and has TORQ or UMPH which does not equate to speed. kind of like torq vs horsepower. A better example would be a sledge hammer, it's slow swinging but,m when it hits it packs some power, aka momentum/kinetic energy. This is probably what the original creators were thinking if they chose to make PA slow but, i might it could have possibly been for performance/hardware reasons of the time.

also so far this fix/mod is looking pretty interesting
@cdoublejj Leveling past 21 is disabled by default because there's really not much need for it in Fallout 1. And the Perk display gets messed up if you have more than 7 listed because it's not scrollable in this engine. Either way, the Level 21 cap removal is easy to enable by modifying ddraw.ini.

re: starting items -- https://www.dropbox.com/s/3kd14bzwbn0li9z/Starting_Items.xls?dl=0

Game speeds can be changed to whatever you want with ddraw.ini :) Larger death animations for the Super Mutants are a bit pixelated because it's the original blown up by about 20%, but it still is better than the originals; in the original game the burnt deaths for Super Mutants were the size of a human wearing Power Armor. So if/when you fried them, they'd shrink upon death. lol. It looked very strange.

Good points about Power Armor. Originally I changed it because slow running (esp slower than everything else in the game) drives me crazy, but I also did so because it does say it's got servo-motors and whatnot. At this point I think the consistent experience is worth the potential realism tradeoff. It always bothered me that endgame armor made running slower the rest of the game.
@Battlefieldisfun Hey there! Good questions, and thanks for your kind words. I moved yours about time scale to a new thread, as I think that's an intriguing idea! http://nma-fallout.com/threads/changing-time-scale.207514/

Increasing chance of critters to make targeted shots is actually quite easy. AI.txt is what you're looking for, the called_freq field - http://falloutmods.wikia.com/wiki/AI.TXT_File_Format .

^^^ One unintended side-effect of that is lots of critters have mediocre % in their combat skill(s), so if you raise Called Shots high enough for everyone, it might result in a lot more misses and moderately more critical misses, which could actually make combat easier in the long run for the player. So it'd be all about finding a nice balance between calling shots and not missing all the time.

But you are correct, many critters are set called_freq so high that they effectively never do called shots, which is a shame.

Regarding ddraw.ini setting for that, I've never changed it so i'm not sure if it's just for player or for all critters as well as player.

F2 engine will bring Perk scroll yes, because that's part of the engine ;) Good point though, there's definitely some "not nearly as useful" Perks. Feel free to add feedback about Perks to the bug reports wiki! :D In my signature.

Please also add the vendor refresh comment/request to the bug reports wiki. That's definitely something I'm interested in doing at some point!
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I have a question about the optional content, for example with "game start" I want to remove the bonus items given to the character, in the readme it says this is optional and can be changed, but when I installed I did not see this option in custom install. Or is there a way to change these settings once the game is installed?
@cdoublejj Leveling past 21 is disabled by default because there's really not much need for it in Fallout 1. And the Perk display gets messed up if you have more than 7 listed because it's not scrollable in this engine. Either way, the Level 21 cap removal is easy to enable by modifying ddraw.ini.

re: starting items -- https://www.dropbox.com/s/3kd14bzwbn0li9z/Starting_Items.xls?dl=0

Game speeds can be changed to whatever you want with ddraw.ini :) Larger death animations for the Super Mutants are a bit pixelated because it's the original blown up by about 20%, but it still is better than the originals; in the original game the burnt deaths for Super Mutants were the size of a human wearing Power Armor. So if/when you fried them, they'd shrink upon death. lol. It looked very strange.

Good points about Power Armor. Originally I changed it because slow running (esp slower than everything else in the game) drives me crazy, but I also did so because it does say it's got servo-motors and whatnot. At this point I think the consistent experience is worth the potential realism tradeoff. It always bothered me that endgame armor made running slower the rest of the game.

As kid I always assumed the super mutants dead animation with energy weapons and flamers was because all of their extra mutant flesh and muscle was being burned off to expose what was left of their original human skeleton.
I have a question about the optional content, for example with "game start" I want to remove the bonus items given to the character, in the readme it says this is optional and can be changed, but when I installed I did not see this option in custom install. Or is there a way to change these settings once the game is installed?
That may have been an oversight on my part, but will be customizable in the installer and in-game upon next release.
Hi, I played the FIXT, really amazing work!

I'd suggest future versions may include missing quests and removed content (As FO2:RP does), being the ultimate FO patch, and that content can be activated or not (with the wizard as it is now). We can give a hand providing ideas, code, or whatever it is needed!
Just picked up the game for a nostalgia trip and signed up a new account to grab Fixt! Any plans to restore any of the missing quests, like the Romeo and Juliette/Member of the Blades line? Wasteland Ghost was planning it back in the day but TeamX is dead :(

Late edit: Oh, I see the Agatha/Storyteller bug is Known
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I've noticed, a lot of the action descriptions (e.g. [Agatha sighs], [Gizmo snorts]) have been replaced with onomatopoeia (*sigh*, *snort*). It's giving a lot of the dialogue a weirdly sarcastic tone. Is there a build without this?

Also the ghoul dialogues seem to have been replaced with generic Zombie noises.
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