Fallout Freestyle (poetry)


Wandering the Wastelands
We have a Fallout Haiku, so I thought we could use a good freestyle poetry thread! Just like the Haiku thread, follow the topic that the last poster assigns for the next poem. Haiku is fun, but sometimes freestyle can me more expressive! I will start:

Dogs, Dogs, a ferocious pack!
I flee, I run, I try to get away
Something just slammed me in the back,
I don't think these mutts wanna play

Teeth sinking, tearing, biting
I won't give up, I'm struggling, I'm fighting
But now I cannot flee
Getting up took all of my AP

Surrounded, can't even move a single hex
the HP counter drains fast
Now I sure do wish I had NV's Rex
because I'm again flat on my ass

Leather armor, and still
my hp is in the red
Though I fight with all my will,
I take one last hit, now I'm dead

NEXT: Sneaking through the deathclaw den (from FO3)
i snuk thru, deadnails's's den
but then i died the end
[/e e cummings]

next topic: sweaty smelly homosexual buttsex in with the farmer's son in fallout 2

Ode to the farmer's son
One sick son of a gun

I was a guy, so was he
He agreed to lay with me

In and out, out and in
engaging in an unholy sin

Yet still, married we were to be
So from modoc I did flee

pissed of citizens, a broken heart
thus did my adventure truly start.

NEXT: Cazadore's attack!
Twas once a place called Big Empty
Had no "bats" in its residents' "belfry".
A couple mistakes
Like man-made quakes
And paying visit'd be none-too-tempting.

Its lead geneticist had this yearning
Fueled by ego, and childhood spurning.
He'd create personal pets
Like Frankenstein Vets
To quench his companionship wants' burning.

So Dr. Borous set about his quest
Splicing the DNA of many a pest.
With no morality torn
The Cazadores were born
As nightmares go, they were the best!

Whether Borous ever cared is unclear
But many had managed to "disappear".
Post-hack of his mind
He was left ignorant, blind
And forgot all about them, I fear.

With reproduction a feat most prolific
Armed with poison painfully horrific.
You find yourself stung
Won't be before long
Your outcome'll be grimly specific.

So be warned, if you're ever out to trot
Their red eyes and bright wings you should spot
They'll set upon without sound
If you don't loose ev'ry round
You're a walking corpse soon to rot.

So end these little campfire tales
I bid you good luck, happy trails!
When you find Cazadores
Remember these stories
And fuck the guy next to you, bail!!!



NEXT: The Pip-Boy, according to Elijah
Ah, what the hell, I'll try. Please note English is my second language, so grammatical/lexical mistakes may occur.

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary
Roaming through the streets of Reno (I did not take drugs at all)
Suddenly there came a laughter, from a dimly lightened chapter
From a brothel just before me that was called the Cat's Paw
So I knocked upon the door

What a wonders have I seen there, wondering why I've never been there
Where there's so much normie females, who were so easy to score
So I stepped inside the place, looked the mamma in the face
Asked if they serve Muties; "of course, welcome to Cat's Paw"
And I went through nearest door

What was then you can think up, had that normie all wrapped up
'Round my luxurious equipment (she knew well how Muties were)
When a moment came most narrow
And I shot like 'twas an arrow
After all it takes some years to get the juices flowing again

NEXT: Quarry Junction
LMFAO @ Snap's Cazadore poem. Oh my GOD that was freaking hilarious, especially the very last line! THANK you for that, take a bow.

Mameluke, yours is awesome too-as a Poe fan, I appreciate the spoof of Raven, and it was wonderfully done; though I would have liked to see it as long as Poe's poem too! Very funny :D

Ode to the Quarry,
leaving many a adventurrer wary
for no man does tarry
in that land, not for a spell

For the quarry is full of danger
Few leave of many who enter
For at the junctions center
lies a special, misserable hell

Many a deathclaw you will see roaming
Deep red eyes glinting, mouths foaming
searching, wandering, eating, roving
Where they all came from, none live to tell

Quarry Junction, that miserable place
I visited, and looked an Alpha in the face
But these creatures are much to my distace
And so, a shot with the AMR--the creature fell

And thus is ended the Quarry's Hell.

NEXT: Chillin' with ghouls
D'aww.... geez.... Thanks..... *sheepish smile* =I

They're not so bad, I think you'll find...
Perhaps some eyes and minds clouded, blind
It's true those make my skin utterly crawl
But deep down we're not unalike at all!

Some think themselves above the rest
But that's true of us all I can indeed attest
We all have our bright, our decent, humble,
And also our dark, who brood and grumble.

Some pioneer a most righteous path
Smiting other bigots with pious wrath.
"We're the future!" the ignorant oafs'll say
Scornful of anyone else, come what may.

But in travels, o'er the years, I've met my fair share
Of good and bad; with or without hair.
It's silly to label them all brazenly unkindly,
You do mankind disservice for thinking so blindly.

They come in all shapes, all colors, all sizes
Just as many good as not, history surmises.
Rest at ease young ghoulies, ghoulettes, unwind
Smoothskins aren't all bad, I think you'll find... =)

While it would be nice for the last topic I suggested to actually be DONE (despite ridiculous claims that it was) I'll still name another.

NEXT: The founder of the Vipers' story.
Oh, we're on an informal basis now, are we? Hmm? It's "Slav" to you now, huh? What happened to Snap, HUH??? You think you KNOW ME!?! DO YOU!?!?!

/Teasing ^_~

And while I'm tempted to pull out the same gag Sbuidek did with google, let's just say the quick summary is:
"Guy left Vault 15, almost died of dehydration while wandering in the desert, fell into a well, got bitten by a viper in the well, the combination of his near-death and the venom made him trip major balls.
Guy started abducting people and forcing them into the well to experience the same thing (he thought he met a god), and little by little made a gang of zealous psychos with poison-tipped weapons galore!"

There's also always The Vault to check for all manner of Fallout-related details if you need brushing up! =D
I do, and thanks for not being a smartass. And no, I don't KNOW you, but I like you, hence Slav instead of oh SNAP! :D :D XD

I'm currently reading the FO bible which has some fascinating things in it. I'll eventually get around to looking some of this stuff up, but i'm a busy girl ;)
Well, as per your "request", since none of the other topics are being accepted, I'll suggest them all at once. (And check your messages, since it's partially related...)

Miss Kitty,
The founder of the Viper's story,
or (my personal favorite) The Pip-Boy... according to Elijah

I'd just rather not post my own suggestion... because I feel like that's in poor taste.
haven't played any NV DLC, so I have no idea on your fav, snap.

Miss Kitty, you are not so kind
Though your curves seduce the mind
as does that lovely scantily clad behind ;)

But your heart burns cold as ice
Your will is mean, you are not nice

Because every month or maybe more
Myron sends his messengers to pick a whore
Someone cute and sexy he'd adore

And never never do you agree
To be the one Myron wants to see

Always, instead, you pick another
To see Myron, to face torture, and shudder,
To beg for death, to pray she will smother

amidst the pillows on his bed
Yeah, those who sleep with Myron wish to be dead

Meh, I'll have my own, 4chan style: visiting Megaton for the first time.

Now this is the story all about how
My life got flipped, turned upside down
And I'd like to take a minute just sit right there, son
I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Megaton

In Vault 101 born and raised
In the canteen was where I spent most of my days
Chillin' out, maxin', relaxin' all cool
And brawling with Butch and some other fools

When one peculiar morning something made me fret
After dreaming of Amata, and that dream was rather wet
I woke up to her looking at me, and I knew it won't be fun
She said: "Your daddy has escaped and you better also run"

I went on the rampage with my pyjama and gun
Shooting guards and radroaches and whatever would come
And approached the Overseer after some decent slaughter
"Nigga, open that door or I'll kill you and your daughter"

Real world, yo, this is wrong
Scorched nuclear land and propaganda-sprawling drones
Is this is what the people of wasteland living like?
Hmm... This might be allright...

I whistled for the eyebot and when it came near
The licence plate said USA and it had big E on the rear
If anything I can say how this eyebot was adorned
But I thought "Nah, forget it, yo home to Megaton!"

I pulled up at the gate around 7 or 8
And I heard the robot say "The bomb's completely safe"
I looked at my kingdom, I was finally done
To sit on my throne as the prince of Megaton

NEXT: confronting Benny in the presidential suite in The Tops