I have to say, that I would love to see a Fallout game set in Europe. Preferably eastern one. I don't think that countries like Spain or France would make good background for post-apocalyptic game.
Here's an idea for Fallout game set in Eastern Europe:
Let's say game takes place in 2318, 30 years after Fallout 3. Portugal, Greece, Italy, Netherlands and Denmark are mostly underwater.
In 2077 in former CCCP the governments are all trying to get safety for their most precious people like presidents, scientists etc. Unlike Vault-Tek though they think that massive fallout would get them underground as well, so they go under the water. One of those shelters is built near nuclear power plant in Kursk. When people try to get in there just before the bombs will fall, there is an accident. So the bombs don't actually hit there, but the power plant fails, there's a huge blast etc. Some of the people didn't make it inside fast enough, so shelter is only half full. Everything around looks more or less untouched, only the power plant surroundings are still life-clean. In Russian shelters, people were hibernated, so they don't know about what happened with the world. Unlike Vault 112, people there are not getting older or anything, they are kept deeply frozen without any kind of artificial life.
In 2318 many of Russian Shelters are already open and some of them are used as cities. The majority of people are a little radiated, so having greenish skin doesn't look weird in there. There is no government left, all the towns are independent. They only communicate or barter when they have to.
Back in the US, the Enclave is gone, everything is getting better with the help of Brotherhood of Steel. They actually join NCR in their quest to unite all of California. But BoS thinks bigger. They want to recreate USA as they know it from old documents. As they are doing it, they find another Vault. Vault 63. It was designated for containing people with exceptionally big knowledge in small population. Most of equipment in there has a lot of tweaks and improvements. Also, the main computer in V63 could connect to satellites and there are still some pictures in the computer memory. According to some documents that BoS scribes recovered from V63 and the pictures, there might still be life in Europe. They are getting curious of what might be behind the ocean, so they send newly recovered ship with some recruits to Europe, to scope things out.
The ship crashes on the coast of Ukraine. As BoS soldiers set up a temporary camp, their scouts find entrance to the shelter I mentioned before. Player is on the team that is going there to check if there are any people alive in there. They find some hibernation chambers, and with the help from scribes they manage to open them and let the people out. They are not grateful for that though. As they were asleep for almost 250 years, they actually get quite aggressive. BoS team has to back off for now. When player's team returns to BoS base camp, they find no one there. No equipment, no nothing. They only chance is to get back to the shelter and try to talk to those people over there.
Crap, I was only supposed to write a simple response and I lost myself. Nevertheless I hope you like at least few of my ideas.
God, I can already hear Perlman saying “You are on that ship. Riding to the unknown...”
map preview:
