Fallout II Visually Enhanced Patch (FKA Hi-Res Patch)

This is what I have for V4.1.9 dated:26/07/14
-Fixed a bug causing dialog sub windows to be positioned incorrectly when resizing window.
-Fixed a bug making it impossible to drop stuff into bags within inventory.

While I was getting the source ready for publishing I also fixed a problem with window resizing. There may be other things I didn't document, I don't really remember. I couldn't find a copy of the 4.1.8 code.
@Mash I think this would be too much, but why not ask, I guess. Would you by chance have the code of the HRP version on which you introduced Fog of War on the mod? I'm trying to put it on the DOS version, but there's useful code of it in 2 files (all mentions of "fow" and "fog"), which I think have code for also other features, so I'm not totally sure of the functions that are required for it to work, except those that look like being used for it based on those 2 strings and function name.

Though, if you don't have that anymore, no problem. It's already really amazing to have the source, so thank you.

EDIT: just thought more about it. Just the introductory version might not be enough. I mean to ask if you have that one and the one just before, or any version before. I could compare all and see the differences that look like being from FOW.
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