Fallout in IGN's Top 100 Games

Vax said:
A Legend of Zelda game above UFO: Enemy Unknown? I need to stop reading lists like this. All they seem to do is raise my blood pressure.
At least it's accurate in that regard.

Rev. Layle said:
Suicide Candidate said:
"Fallout 2 was suxor but FO1 was gritty and boobies lol"

that could be the best sig EVAR
Not likely.

(Drunken Post - Ignore all contents)
Lancelot said:
Hmm, theyve already listed best games.

System Shock 2
Baldur's Gate
Half-Life 1 & 2
Deus Ex

What's left for top 10? The Sims? :shock:

PS Although we havent seen Fallout 2 yet.

unfortunately people look at an old game like Doom and compare it to a new game like Half Life 2 and say "But the graphics are all sucky". A lot of games now days just plain suck, graphics are not real concern as all new games have exceptable graphics, but still games devs think throwing graphics at a game will make it good. It's not like years ago when you could count the number of pixels on a sprite and graphics were an issue. From a technical standpoint anything a game dev wants to do is more or less possible to do now days, but to often they miss the more importent things like inovative game play.

When was the last time we seen a truely original game or game genre?

Dune 2 - RTS (okay there was some obscure rts on a console shortly before this but no one heard of it)
Wold 3d/doom - FPS
1-10 is out

Not bad, not too new either. Tetris is a golden touch. Don't like Mario. Street Fighter II is a classic, 'course. Sid Meier's always good.