Fallout intro in best game cinematics list

The Dutch Ghost said:
* sight * Another fond childhood memory down the drain.
I think I am almost through all of them.

My childhood died a long time ago... at the ripe old age of 6.

That was when I found the death of Mufasa in the Lion King utterly hilarious...

But yeah, I'm just waiting for the day when they announce the live-action GI JOE movie. That will be when they push me too far, and I will be forced to make a real life version of COBRA!
Descent 3 was a good intro, it makes me want to play it. There is one major flaw in it though. A ship being that close to the sun, the passenger/s would not survive, having entered the Corona Sphere and receiving a deadly amount of radiation.

Looked good though, I felt bad when they tossed his ship.
A lot of dodgy ones, but have to agree with Dawn of War, Starcraft and Fallout. Would liked to have seen Giants Citizen Kabuto, and Z's cutscenes get a mention, both were fantastic. Quake2's intro is a classic too imo.

Anyway here's some of my other favourites from youtube...

I-WAR2 For those that like the Descent one this is along similar lines, but even better imho.
Conquest Frontier Wars, also space based and very slick.
Freelancer, not such a great game but lovely intro.
Doom3's ingame intro was bloody good, shame the game wasn't :)

Should also point out I quite liked the Tactics intro, even though I didn't like the game that much. Didn't capture the feel of the FO world, but was quite a nicely made intro never the less.
Agents Of Fortune

Agents Of Fortune

Twenty five 'best of' list.

Creates five pages of advertisement opportunity. And ...

The buzz generates two more pages from the focus demographic. And ...

And ... the right of placement, the write, re-wrtie, and compilation of cookie data. Consumer tracking channeled by stalking persuasion.

If one wanted to download the cinema from Fileplanet, do they need to sign up for the Gamespy e-mail information grooming?

Knowledge of the pay to play, fair warning of the persuasive forces evoked.

One entity's right to know is another's sales spam. Win - Win, or Spin - Spin, here is example of the price of the 'freedom of information.' Freedom ain't free.

If no hooks were involved, no covet and overt powers of persuasion,
then the happy consumer could say thanks for sharing and move on to Gamespot and so on into the twilight shades of entertainment enterprise.

Halo-Halo-Halo-Halo-Halo---->Gears Of War .

Build the rapport. Repeat the memory of the DEFINED good feel.

Repetition massages any dynamic tension inflicted by angst-y choice.

Climb on the Halo bandwagon and the consensus of agreement leads to ... Gears of War. Hardly the thinking man's Shooter.

{ Briar Killzig recommends that Rainbow 6 Vegas FPS .... other competing role models please advise ... }

... thinking is not the encouraged behavior ... warm and fuzzy conformity is the bliss of the moment.

If the core values of the individual are satisfied then all is well.

If the values consideration and selection are railroaded by convenient cognate short cuts, happy memories are refined to a potent drug of manipulation.

Happy Halo, Happy Fantasy Japanese role players, Happy Halo, Happy Halo, Happy Halo, Hippy Halo, happy-happy-happy with Gears Of War...

... teh pwning r-p-g* (*gunner).

If this does not apply to you than please disregard, trust your buying choices are rational and not reflexive. Enjoy the show.

If the core values of the individual are satisfied then all is well. Win - Win.

The cover art of Blue Oyster Cults' "Agents Of Fortune" featured a card manipulating magician, A romantic pic - pick for an iconic pitchman ...


If the core values of the individual are satisfied then all is well. Win - Win.

Even at Gamespy.
