Fallout is a good old game

I wonder what the new deathclaw weakspot will be, since we cannot shoot in the eyes anymore.
The nuanced role-playing is great, but what made Fallout truly memorable was how the consequences of your actions often turned out to be colorfully over-the-top

The "nuanced role-playing" is the thing that is most absent from today's games, it is by far the most difficult thing to implement compared to the animation fo someone's shoulder being blown off as in the screenshot above that caption.

And "consequences of your actions" does not mean "the death animation that occurs when you kill someone". In Doom, cooking an IMP into a bloody goo with a rocket launcher had some nice consequences to your actions too. Man, Doom was an amazing RPG amirite
shihonage said:
...And "consequences of your actions" does not mean "the death animation that occurs when you kill someone". In Doom, cooking an IMP into a bloody goo with a rocket launcher had some nice consequences to your actions too. Man, Doom was an amazing RPG amirite



EDIT : Edited for image size (it was kind of too big)
Yeah, Fallout is a good old game, I agree. Too bad I played it 500+ times and I remember every quest. Does anyone know any spiritual successors?
I'm not talking about texture/color. I'm talking about design. The in-game one's head is just like the one in the clay model, while the one in the manual is completely different (eyes on the sides one the head, backwards-turned horns). However, the clay model is missing a tail while both the in-game model and the manual model have them, and the clay model has spikes on its back, while neither the in-game model nor the manual one have them (but the one in FO3 concept art does).

There has been speculation that one version might be male and the other female.
goffy59 said:
They were genetically enhanced, that is where their speech came from. The Enclave gave them mentats and did other things. Thats where it came from. And that was only one group, the rest of the deathclaws in the game were pretty much large animals that hurt pretty bad.

I know, but the deathclaws seem more apt to change like that, rather than, say, a radscorpion. Then again there was a talking one of those in FO2 as well... :P

Maybe mentats can get anything to talk? :P

Edit: Also, it's my guess that the manual version, the original model, and the final deathclaw in the original games could all be considered cannon. Considering that they're a mutated species, I'd guess they could come in as many varieties as an iguana (I know they're from some other lizard but just using iguana as an example since there are hundreds of variations on them).
I know your not talking about the texture. I didn't ask my question correctly about the texture, which I heard was a mistake. The deathclaws I thought were supposed to be covered in fur or something, I thought you would probably know from your fallout-wiki knowing self.
Dopemine Cleric said:
I know your not talking about the texture. I didn't ask my question correctly about the texture, which I heard was a mistake. The deathclaws I thought were supposed to be covered in fur or something, I thought you would probably know from your fallout-wiki knowing self.

Yes, I do know that - they had trouble animating the hair properly so they removed it altogether.
To me the in game models always looked like they have a short layer of hair over the body, looks a bit too fuzzy to be flesh. That might just be the age of the engine though.
Sorrow said:
shihonage said:
Please stand by.
So, it's still alive :) ? Cool :mrgreen: .

How long?

We've been making steady progress, just not making updates. I hope to release the next gameplay video within a month. This thing is very important to me and it's not getting abandoned.