Fallout license changes hands

holly shizzle izzle that was unexpected for me yet... I should have seen it coming. Well, I'll keep these fingers crossed. I'm getting a cramp...
DarkLegacy said:
The next question is: Will he even manage to pay off his debts with the money that he recieved from Bethesda? :oops:

Oh, my God! Let's hope they won't! I keep my my fingers crossed! It would be a wonderful week without word "interplay" mentioned on NMA.
Dammit, everytime I go offline for a couple of days something bad awaits me when I log back in.

Okay, Beth was pretty much the 'owner' of Fallout already as Iplay was in no position to make a Fallout 3 (well they were once, they just screwed it).
But I find this very depressing indeed.

People on this forum have shown enough reasons why Beth shouldn't be the owner of the Fallout IP.

Well I guess, like all other stuff I once enjoyed Fallout will become a good memory with a nasty aftertaste.
EA hasn't been doing that badly lately, product wise. I was quite happy with CnC3, despite the campaign being too short.
zioburosky13 said:
So we can assume the next Fallout sequel develops by the same people who ruined their company's original IP (TES...), 90% chances of the game can be a coup de grâce to every hardcore Fallout fan.

For now, my hope for a hardcore CRPG lies in the hand of some indie developer 8)
Per said:
keyser Soeze said:
Miss print? I think it should be:

5.3.2 Bethesda shall not offer or provide any products or services whose nature or quality does not comply with the quality standards of Interplay .

No, that part is about Interplay's responsibilities when making the MMOG. They can't do anything bad that would hurt Bethesda's reputation by association, Bethesda has the right to check up on their progress, and so on. Bethesda on the other hand own the actual IP so they can do whatever they want.

Yes i understand that, but i feel that IP should have done the same with F3 :)
You know what, I really don't give a shit anymore. It sucks gamers will remember whatever Bethesda cooks up as Fallout and totally ignore the originals. But fuck it. I'm not gonna upgrade my computer for this or any other game I'll just get bored of after a day. And I'm sure as hell not gonna waste my time with a 360 and Live and all that bullshit.

I still get a kick out of the SA goons automatically branding NMA, DAC, and whoever else as psychopaths that should be ignored whenever Fallout news pops up. If it wasn't for sites like this they would know fuck all about Fallout 3, Interplay, Bethesda's nonsense, and the history of everybody in between.
It doesn't really change a lot, since Bethesda already owned the rights to Fallout 3 and I believe several sequels. It just means that Bethesda can now rape the franchise in every possible way, including a PoS2 or something even worse. It's a scary thought, but it doesn't really come as a shock to me: the old fans were fucked anyway.

Or maybe Bethesda will make Fallout 3 as true to the original as they can and hope to make real money with 'fun' spinoffs for the XBOX. Hah, unlikely...

At least neither Bethesda nor Interplay will publish a Fallout MMOG.
I think the nuances of the contract is being missed.

Herve is going to create, produce, and minister Fo:oL under the auspices of Bethesda, but he will be creating it. He opened an office in France to manage this task. His "new" Interplay will operate with Bethesda looking over his shoulder, double checking his operation. However, being across the Atlantic, in a foreign nation, will make checking up on his activities slightly more difficult than a trip to California.

He has to raise 30 million in 24 months. Something I have trouble seeing since he bankrupt every company he ran. And, even his some of his Frog buddies do give him the money, his massive ego will put him at loggerheads with Bethesda very quickly. I still don't see Fo:oL every coming to market, or, with his involvement, ever being a viable, competitive product if it does somehow.

This was a great deal for Bethesda. They give this loser a token amount of money, with contract clauses stating if he fails they get the whole thing. They played his ego against him.
All this means is that, besides Fallout 3, 4 and 5, they can make 6, 7 and 8. The worry is that Iplay has some money to start mutilating Fallout again, but I still doubt they will ever get anything to the release stage.
keyser Soeze said:
Yes i understand that, but i feel that IP should have done the same with F3 :)

To guarantee that Fo3 will measure up to productions like Ballerium, yeah.
The upholding to Bethesda standards is their trump card. When Herve's ego deludes him into thinking his ideas are viable (remember he thought Ballerium was a good thing), the game will tank. Bethesda will step in and claim he is in breach of contract and the whole pony show ends.

This is assuming he gets 30 mill in 24 months. IF, and that's a big IF, he uses the 6 mill to pay off debt, he MIGHT look more attractive to investors. However, if I was an investor with millions to blow, I would think doing nothing but buying Bethesda stock would be better investment. When bankcrupcy king Herve fails to garner the funds, Bethesda takes over and when they use their experianced staff to produce a better game, their stock will rise. Not giving Herve the money and investing in Bethesday is the smart choice.

Again, since Herve does not have ANY of the staff who created the original game, no concept art, nothing to show investors WHY they should invest other than on his promise of repayment (which he has never honored). The ONLY investor Herve is going to find is either the very foolish, family friends, or some anti-American frogs riding on the bong of French nationalism.
All this means nothing. Nothing got better or worst in perspective for us at least. From some of the posts it seems as if rights to franchise stayng at disposal of Interplay zombie is in some way worse then them being raped by Beth boys. Well, maybe.
Ooohh, just noticed this.

Interplay agrees that an independent accountant selected and appointed by Bethesda may, no more than twice per year at Bethesda's cost and upon fifteen (15) business days' prior written notice to Interplay, inspect, examine and otherwise audit ("AUDIT") the books and records of Interplay (and any applicable subsidiary or affiliate) for the purpose of determining the accuracy of Interplay's Quarterly Reports.

I can not belive Mr. "I want to cook the books" would agree to this.
Now that Interplay has released the news, I can say more. While I can not release all the details until the court dust settles, I can say that I am one of the two employees, the case has not yet been settled, and Herve has continued his long standing policy of non-communication/non-negotiation.

I would also like to take this time to clear up some major misconceptions.
  • As we now know, the bankruptcy proceedings were not dismissed (they still haven't).
  • Recent documents now prove the whole proceedings were not for just 61,000 dollars.
  • There was no listing of who filed the bankruptcy until recently.
  • Not only was I never "outed" regarding details of the court case, I was not upset when details did leak out. Quite the opposite in fact.
  • There was never, ever any deals or negotiation between Interplay and the previous employees.
  • The lack of a decision never meant that Interplay and the employees were in negotiations to broker a deal.
  • I was never, ever, in any way upset by the NMA posts of the court details, nor do any of the NMA posters (to the best of my knowledge) know me.
  • The great investment of early 2007 never happened.

I must say, the wild speculations have been most amusing.
Wow, thanks for taking all of that time to paint a clearer picture for us, Corith. Before we only had a sketch in pencil, but you just came out of nowhere inked it, colored it, stamped it, and signed it within seconds for us. Thanks for your input. :D
Umm, you all do realise that now that Bethesda has invested a lot of money into Fallout they expect to make even more money, and in their eyes the best way to do that is to appeal to the lowest common denominator. In all probability it also means spinoffs.