So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

So a couple weeks ago, I discovered the existence of a modding project called Fallout: London. At first I was kinda skeptical of this because I don't usually get hyped for this, but the more I read in to this the more I figure, hey actually this could be pretty cool.
Now I'm biased here. I am a Brit, and I'm probably one of the few Brits who actually really loves London(Though to be fair I'm an Essex Boy. My entire county is known as basically being filled with wannabe Londoners). London is such a cool city tho, I love the Victorian Arcitecture combined with modern billboards, I love how you walk down a street and there's just so much interesting stuff, you might find an entire street market inside a series of shipping containers.
The devs have set out a series of video updates on their progress. I admit, I haven't watched all of these because I don't have the time to, but it appears they're doing a lot of cool stuff. Here's the latest one:
Here's their site:, Yeah it gives me an unsecure webpage warning too. It's legit, there's a lot of cool stuff there but geez, that needs to be sorted out.
So anyway, since I'm perhaps one of the more qualified people to give my thoughts so far (Being British), I thought I'd do so, retaining a level of optimism towards what clearly looks like a labour of love
The first thing I have to talk about is the Aesthetics of this mod, at least from the concept art, because it's, odd. But odd in a good way. I'll show you what I mean
Do you see what I mean when I say "The Aesthetics are odd?", what I mean is there doesn't seem to be an underlying pattern here.
What I'm seeing is a semi-steampunk looking suit, a guy who looks like a 1910s gangster, an Atompunk drink(Ion Brew is such a bad pun), and 1980s Skinheads and Punks. That's an Anachronistic mess, and I love it.
I'm not much of a purist about the whole Atompunk thing, I think all retrofuturism can be cool if done right, and honestly, why not just take the cool aesthetics from any era you feel like?
The 80s subculture especially is a really cool vibe. Like this is the era of mass unemployment, where people would pass the time by joining subcultures and beating the shit out of each other. Like, what the fuck even are Mods and Rockers? But they hate each other so that's enough reason for them to exist.
Thankfully the devs seem to have seen the error in their ways in initially planning the Punks to be just another Raider Gang, and have had them be a somwhat peaceful group within Camden. Thank God: any game that has a Punk subculture but doesn't let you hang out in bars with them is a wasted opportunity.
Do you notice something? Yeah two of them are "Criminal Syndicates", and the police work for the Aristocratic Gentry of the city. Do you know what that means?
London in this mod appears like it's going to be it's own weird sociopolitical thing, with a formal ruling class and police force, as well as a sinister underworld. When I saw that, I immdiately realised the devs here have hit gold.
See newer Fallout games have this issue with scale. They are limited to a single city in what they can portray, and most don't know what to do with this. Raider-packed ruins of major cities can only be interesting for so long.
But making the playable area kinda a metropolitan almost city-state, akin to the Hub? Hell yeah, that's super interesting right off the bat.
(The leader of one of the factions)
From my limited understanding, it seems like other than the Gentry, the other two major players are what appears to be a semi-fascistic militia, and a democratic reform movement that was forced in to hiding.
All I can say is, I hope they lean in to the potential "City-State" feeling as much as possible. Make the other factions seem like fringe movements compared to the all-encompassing power of the Gentry. That would create for such a unique game feel.
Got your classic London Red busses
What vaguely looks like an irradiated buckingham palace
Honestly this is looking cool
Stuff like this is really what's cool about London.
Promising so far. I really have faith they'll be able to capture the mood of London
I bring this up because London is a Culturally Diverse city, and I mean a REALLY Diverse City. I know that some people will have opinions on that which, have your own thoughts, but the point is, it's inherently part of the city's feel.
I have a friend who's studying a year abroad from Namibia, and she has friends in London's Namibian community. Yeah London has a Namibian community, that's the kind of city it is.
Regardless of your thoughts on immigration, the diversity of London is a core part of the city, and I hope that the devs exploit that to it's full potential, it'd be really cool to see how all the diverse cultures of London have adapted to the apocalypse.
Moreover, I feel like there's a lot of potential there, with the Aesthetics, and the sociopolitical climate of London. They've got something unique going on, and I hope they realise the gold they've hit so far.
This mod has potential, and I think if the devs stick to what they've got right, this could be such a unique experience to play. I'm hesitantly excited for this mod, it's IMO, got potential to be perhaps one of the most unique player-made Fallout experiences yet.
Now I'm biased here. I am a Brit, and I'm probably one of the few Brits who actually really loves London(Though to be fair I'm an Essex Boy. My entire county is known as basically being filled with wannabe Londoners). London is such a cool city tho, I love the Victorian Arcitecture combined with modern billboards, I love how you walk down a street and there's just so much interesting stuff, you might find an entire street market inside a series of shipping containers.
The devs have set out a series of video updates on their progress. I admit, I haven't watched all of these because I don't have the time to, but it appears they're doing a lot of cool stuff. Here's the latest one:
Here's their site:, Yeah it gives me an unsecure webpage warning too. It's legit, there's a lot of cool stuff there but geez, that needs to be sorted out.
So anyway, since I'm perhaps one of the more qualified people to give my thoughts so far (Being British), I thought I'd do so, retaining a level of optimism towards what clearly looks like a labour of love
The Aesthetics
The first thing I have to talk about is the Aesthetics of this mod, at least from the concept art, because it's, odd. But odd in a good way. I'll show you what I mean

Do you see what I mean when I say "The Aesthetics are odd?", what I mean is there doesn't seem to be an underlying pattern here.
What I'm seeing is a semi-steampunk looking suit, a guy who looks like a 1910s gangster, an Atompunk drink(Ion Brew is such a bad pun), and 1980s Skinheads and Punks. That's an Anachronistic mess, and I love it.
I'm not much of a purist about the whole Atompunk thing, I think all retrofuturism can be cool if done right, and honestly, why not just take the cool aesthetics from any era you feel like?
The 80s subculture especially is a really cool vibe. Like this is the era of mass unemployment, where people would pass the time by joining subcultures and beating the shit out of each other. Like, what the fuck even are Mods and Rockers? But they hate each other so that's enough reason for them to exist.
Thankfully the devs seem to have seen the error in their ways in initially planning the Punks to be just another Raider Gang, and have had them be a somwhat peaceful group within Camden. Thank God: any game that has a Punk subculture but doesn't let you hang out in bars with them is a wasted opportunity.
The Factions
One thing I'm really hyped about so far is the Factions. Seriously, go in to the FAQ section, and click on Factions.Do you notice something? Yeah two of them are "Criminal Syndicates", and the police work for the Aristocratic Gentry of the city. Do you know what that means?
London in this mod appears like it's going to be it's own weird sociopolitical thing, with a formal ruling class and police force, as well as a sinister underworld. When I saw that, I immdiately realised the devs here have hit gold.
See newer Fallout games have this issue with scale. They are limited to a single city in what they can portray, and most don't know what to do with this. Raider-packed ruins of major cities can only be interesting for so long.
But making the playable area kinda a metropolitan almost city-state, akin to the Hub? Hell yeah, that's super interesting right off the bat.

(The leader of one of the factions)
From my limited understanding, it seems like other than the Gentry, the other two major players are what appears to be a semi-fascistic militia, and a democratic reform movement that was forced in to hiding.
All I can say is, I hope they lean in to the potential "City-State" feeling as much as possible. Make the other factions seem like fringe movements compared to the all-encompassing power of the Gentry. That would create for such a unique game feel.
The Cityscape
As I've said before, London is such a visually unique city, and thus far it seems that they're able to capture the vibe. Unfortunately, in the aftermath of the apocalypse, I'm sure London will be nowhere near as lively, but from what they've done so far I'm pretty impressed.
Got your classic London Red busses

What vaguely looks like an irradiated buckingham palace

Honestly this is looking cool

Stuff like this is really what's cool about London.
Promising so far. I really have faith they'll be able to capture the mood of London
Where I hope it's goes
Let me tell you a little anecdote about London: One time I was with my ex-girlfriend who lived in Stamford Hill. We walked past a synagogue and a Yeshiva, as well as a couple Hassidic Jews, "We're here aren't we", I said. The joke being that Stamford Hill has the single highest concentration of Hassidic Jews in Europe.I bring this up because London is a Culturally Diverse city, and I mean a REALLY Diverse City. I know that some people will have opinions on that which, have your own thoughts, but the point is, it's inherently part of the city's feel.
I have a friend who's studying a year abroad from Namibia, and she has friends in London's Namibian community. Yeah London has a Namibian community, that's the kind of city it is.
Regardless of your thoughts on immigration, the diversity of London is a core part of the city, and I hope that the devs exploit that to it's full potential, it'd be really cool to see how all the diverse cultures of London have adapted to the apocalypse.
In conclusion, I am really hyped for this mod. London is such a cool city, and I really love the idea of a Fallout game taking place in it.Moreover, I feel like there's a lot of potential there, with the Aesthetics, and the sociopolitical climate of London. They've got something unique going on, and I hope they realise the gold they've hit so far.
This mod has potential, and I think if the devs stick to what they've got right, this could be such a unique experience to play. I'm hesitantly excited for this mod, it's IMO, got potential to be perhaps one of the most unique player-made Fallout experiences yet.