First time out of the vault

Hello. I’ve been thinking about this topic quite a while, but haven’t seen anyone talking about it. The premise is this: despite people praising it, Fallout lore is not well written. I’m not talking about Bethesda’s Fallout for obvious reasons. And I will mostly talk about Fallout 1 & 2.
Important: I do not blame original decelopers for they still did a great job in creating the Fallout universe.
I like the idea of retrofuturism where there is no complex electronics and overpowered cyperpank stuff. Fallout managed to do it. Unfortunately, there’s too little information about pre-war society.
Vaults: Fallout 1 was already on the verge of silliness & unrealism. Some say it is Encalave’s idea ro test people in bunkers. But I think it’s still stupid. It’s not how experiments work and I hardly believe Enclave would get anything useful from them. I think those ”experiments” are possible only if the government in prewar America was completely corrupt and dystopian and people didn’t care at all about anything.
Ghouls: feral ghouls are just radiation zombies. Non-ferals are intelligent zombies (though I think radiation makes them more unique). Even original developers didn’t agree on how they came to being. Van Buren wanted to retcon them.
Supermutants: orcs (though from mysterious FEV).
Brotherhood of Steel: mysterious and secret (fantasy) knights who fight orcs and don’t allow anyone to join their club.
Enclave: generic bad guys with strange motivation. Why do they want to poison all water and kill all people? I don’t think there’s a big generic difference between ”muties” and enclave personnel. There’s too few enclave members to populate the world.
This waterchip malfunction ”experiment” is very strange.
There is too much time skipped since the end of Fallout 1 (though I heard it was changed involuntarily). Anna’s ghost, Hakunin. I already mentioned enclave. 4 mafia families in one city? Intelligent deathclawes? Don’t think I have to continue for many people have already discussed these issues.
A choice between 4 different factions is an improvement over previous games. It could be such a good game only if they had more time and didn’t have Gamebryo…
I’m a bit skeptical about Van Buren. From what I know, it seems like VB is more like silly Fallout 2 (crazy german scientist in space, supermutants who live on a dam, other small things). I think that NV with some original ideas from VB would be the best thing because I feel like NV is the most mature Fallout game, but it lacks new gimmicks and ideas.
It’s not a fully comprehensive analysis of Fallout Lore. Many things in this post are not mentioned. I’m just tired of Nuka-Cola and power armor fanboys. My opinions is that people compare older games to newer ones and start to think better about older ones. But imagine what would fallout 4, 5, 6 etc from original developers look like…
And I also just wanted to hear your take on the topic. Please share your opinion (for expample how would you change the lore)
Important: I do not blame original decelopers for they still did a great job in creating the Fallout universe.
I like the idea of retrofuturism where there is no complex electronics and overpowered cyperpank stuff. Fallout managed to do it. Unfortunately, there’s too little information about pre-war society.
Vaults: Fallout 1 was already on the verge of silliness & unrealism. Some say it is Encalave’s idea ro test people in bunkers. But I think it’s still stupid. It’s not how experiments work and I hardly believe Enclave would get anything useful from them. I think those ”experiments” are possible only if the government in prewar America was completely corrupt and dystopian and people didn’t care at all about anything.
Ghouls: feral ghouls are just radiation zombies. Non-ferals are intelligent zombies (though I think radiation makes them more unique). Even original developers didn’t agree on how they came to being. Van Buren wanted to retcon them.
Supermutants: orcs (though from mysterious FEV).
Brotherhood of Steel: mysterious and secret (fantasy) knights who fight orcs and don’t allow anyone to join their club.
Enclave: generic bad guys with strange motivation. Why do they want to poison all water and kill all people? I don’t think there’s a big generic difference between ”muties” and enclave personnel. There’s too few enclave members to populate the world.
This waterchip malfunction ”experiment” is very strange.
There is too much time skipped since the end of Fallout 1 (though I heard it was changed involuntarily). Anna’s ghost, Hakunin. I already mentioned enclave. 4 mafia families in one city? Intelligent deathclawes? Don’t think I have to continue for many people have already discussed these issues.
A choice between 4 different factions is an improvement over previous games. It could be such a good game only if they had more time and didn’t have Gamebryo…
I’m a bit skeptical about Van Buren. From what I know, it seems like VB is more like silly Fallout 2 (crazy german scientist in space, supermutants who live on a dam, other small things). I think that NV with some original ideas from VB would be the best thing because I feel like NV is the most mature Fallout game, but it lacks new gimmicks and ideas.
It’s not a fully comprehensive analysis of Fallout Lore. Many things in this post are not mentioned. I’m just tired of Nuka-Cola and power armor fanboys. My opinions is that people compare older games to newer ones and start to think better about older ones. But imagine what would fallout 4, 5, 6 etc from original developers look like…
And I also just wanted to hear your take on the topic. Please share your opinion (for expample how would you change the lore)