
  1. U

    Fallout LORE is far from being perfect

    Hello. I’ve been thinking about this topic quite a while, but haven’t seen anyone talking about it. The premise is this: despite people praising it, Fallout lore is not well written. I’m not talking about Bethesda’s Fallout for obvious reasons. And I will mostly talk about Fallout 1 & 2...
  2. J

    Fallout: Hawaii (My Vision for a Worthy New Vegas Sequel)

    FALLOUT: HAWAII There are two types of content I love most online. One is development history and the other is Speculative Worldbuilding. Especially for my favorite franchises. I needed to kill an evening and so I made this! This is a concept I'd love to see for a fallout 5. Maybe it will be a...
  3. TheKingofVault14

    Did Anybody Like The Fact That All NV DLCs Were Somewhat Connected?

    Out of all the Bethesda Era Fallout Games, New Vegas is the only one out of the three to have it's DLCs connected in some shape or form. The fact that there's an ongoing, overarching storyline in the background throughout the first three DLCS, only for it to conclude in the final DLC. IMO, I...
  4. TheKingofVault14

    Would You Say That This is The Most Ignorant Thing Three Dog Has Ever Said?

    I mean the fact those examples contradict that particular statement, I'd say that Three Dog is absolutely misinformed on this! And if not misinformed, definitely overestimating the strength of dem Vault Doors. :facepalm:
  5. TheKingofVault14

    Many Have Forgotten Them, But Are Remembered By Those Who Cared. (Happy Birthday Lone Wanderer)

    Out of these three Fallout Protagonists,(The Vault Dweller, The Chosen One, & The Lone Wanderer) The Lone Wanderer was the one who got the shortest end of the stick, in regards to the legacy of their adventures. Nobody in Fallout 4 seems to acknowledge or even remember them or their feats, not...
  6. TheKingofVault14

    Happy Birthday MR House!

    Happy Birthday to the Founder, President, & CEO of Robco Industries, & New Vegas Kingpin Robert Edwin House! Out of all the things that you know and can say about him, the one thing that stood out to me, was his plans for the future. The plan to revive humanity's technological prowess, in...
  7. TheKingofVault14

    Where & When Did The Courier Get All of These Items From? (Courier's Stash Add-on)

    Okay, I know at this point I'm probably nitpicking, perhaps even overthinking all of this. But I've always wondered where & when did The Courier get all of this equipment from? Like for example the Armored Vault 13 Jumpsuit, which would've essentially belonged to The Vault Dweller, where the...
  8. TheKingofVault14

    Various Questions on Who and What The Mysterious Stranger Is?

    You know there's a lot things that I've always wondered about The Mysterious Stranger, such as how come The Stranger is able to die in FO1 and 2 but not in FO3 and New Vegas? (NOTE: The Stranger can actually die in FO4 but I won't count that one, because I'm talking about dying during combat...
  9. dlg

    I Generated Character Portraits For Some Fallout 1 and 2 Characters!

    Hey there, I'm new here. I've been playing Fallout for years before the modern releases. I've known of the exsistance of this website but I never joined. I decided to run some prompts through an AI art generator because I'm terrible at drawing. Here's some of the characters I generated...
  10. TheKingofVault14

    Video Game Franchises With Ridiculously Complicated Lore and Timelines.

    In no particular order: The Legend of Zelda Treyarch's Call of Duty Zombies Aether Storyline Kingdom Hearts Five Nights At Freddy's And that's all the video game franchises that I could think of at the moment. Does anyone else know any other franchises with lore and a timeline that's...
  11. TheAnimeHunter

    General Energy Weapons Discussion Thread

    I feel like we barely know squat about Energy Weapons. Who made laser/plasma weapons if not the U.S. Military/Contractors? Are the energy weapons in Fallouts 1 and 2 supposed to be the same as the energy weapons in New Vegas? Why do energy weapons (in New Vegas) look so cheap? I'm not saying...
  12. Khromko

    Are there any actual downsides to being a Ghoul?

    Ghouls in the original Fallout games shambled, they looked like zombies, and they still had to eat food and drink water(In FO1 Necropolis is doomed if you take their water chip). Point is being a ghoul was a curse, they were immortal(was that in FO1 or 2 lore?) but also had damaged or degraded...
  13. Ediros

    Grave Digging in series

    So, this is something that has occured to me. As I have played New Vegas, I always open up graves. There is no downside, no penalty, not even less karma. Now, that wasn't the case in Fallout 1/2, but that's not the point of the discussion. I would like to know, how acceptable and morally wrong...
  14. Ediros

    EMP in Fallout

    Using 1,2, tactics and New Vegas. So, I have been thinking, how potent EMP based weapons are in lore and the gameplay and was rather surprised. EMP weapons are oddly weak. They don't affect cyberdogs, implants, energy weapons and such. They do affect robots. Not sure about power armour, was...
  15. Ediros

    Effects of radiation on the appearance?

    So, what does radiation poisoning look like? Fallout 1, 2 and tactics had things like skin falling off and such. However, that's the only thing I found, am I missing anything?
  16. AgentBJ09

    NMA Presents Lore-Based Loading Screens for Fallout: New Vegas?

    I did some searching and it seems the ability to change loading screen texts is an easy thing to do within the GECK, so I have a proposal. How about we of NMA make a mod for Fallout: New Vegas that mimics what the Lore-Based Loading Screens mod does for Skyrim? I'd wager some would get a kick...
  17. J

    Who's your favourite Fallout lore youtuber?

    Hello NMA!! I'm 90% sure no one's going to respond to this post, but who's your favourite youtuber who focusses on the Fallout lore? My favourite is Shoddycast.
  18. B

    Ghoul lore retcons and theories.

    I personally perfer the theory that ghouls may enter a hibernation state in confined spaces for a few months at most, that's how Coffin Willie survived. Billy though... I just shrug that off as a wild wasteland experience, maybe an elaborate prank or test divised by some shady group.
  19. ArmagdoGaming

    How Do You See The Fallout Series in 20 Years?

    Bethesda... Bethesda never changes. Making bad games, yet publishing good games. I think Bethesda pretty much ruined Fallout. Yes, Fallout 3 included. They forgot what makes the series great. The characters, story, lore, the "theme" of the game, etc. I saw the trailer of 76, felt that it the...
  20. P

    Is all Nuka Cola addictive and/or radioactive by design?

    Thanks to Nuka World we know that the development of Nuka Cola Quantum was quite nefarious and the strontium-90 isotope definitely made Quantum addictive. As for regular Nuka Cola, I know in the game there are people who show signs of physical dependency on it, but why? What makes it addictive...