Oh god, I really hope this news is false. I figure that bethesda would want to cash in on their newest ip, but...oh lordy.
Who the hell is going to play the three friends? I bet it's going to be, two dudes and one chick, the one friend will probably die in the end, and the other guy will get the girl.
It would be an okay movie if they stay the HELL out of the way of the original game
1 might make a good movie if it starred a young Bruce Campbell.
I don't even really know what Genre of movie Fallout really could be other than the obvious post apocalypse theme. But knowing Bethesda, they would go the action route, killing any or all remaining fallout 3 fantard braincells in the process of viewing the movie.
If anyone who's bedmates with Uwe boll is involved with this film, I'll avoid it like Kuru.