Fallout Movie


Still Mildly Glowing
say hello to my newest project!
In order to make learning After Effects more fun, i decided to do a short video/movie to learn the stuff im interested in (matte painting, 3d integration, color fix, motion tracking, etc)
So far ive done a bit of planning and building, its going to be a fallout themed short clip... a little trailer/teaser for http://mutantsrising.com/

For more images of building the props and a few extra views of the finished stuff, go to http://blog.koivistik.com/?p=222

so i put together a little outfit from what i managed to gather up:

This old junker will be the main set

and this little baby i built from random scraps around the house! :ugly:
(looks better in real life tbh :lol: )



and this is first part of the storyboard:
going to film it in 16:9 aspect ratio with my trusty Nikon D90

so what do you think?.. like it? hate it? :)
and like i said, moar at http://blog.koivistik.com/?p=222
As long as you don't do close-ups of the rear of the gun, it'll work great imo.
Looking bad ass! I like the props and can't wait for the whole thing to be finished. Keep up the great work! :mrgreen:
thanks a lot guys... all the gear will get some sand treatment before the filming so it wont seem that clean.

also got some friends interested in the project so that solves the camera man problem...
I would agree that it is great work........
The gun needs a little "age" on it though.
I mean raider, wanderer, vault dweller found this god knows however many years after the war.

Good stuff though and deserves mad props (is it 1992 again?)
Damn ! the laser rifle is hella gewd, you have my admiration keep up the good work I can't wait to see the clip ready.
I wanna take that laser to work, end everyone's miserable lives and then wake up to realise it was just a dream...but yeah I said, it was a good dream.
thanks a lot guys, good to know im not making this stuff just for myself :ugly:

anyway, its moving slow (been 2 weeks or so??) but its moving... heres the second update (3rd is probably when its done)

got all the shooting done, heres a teaser and if interested, read the whole thing on the blog: http://blog.koivistik.com/?p=241


dont mind the colors and setting.. shall be "fallouted" in after effects...
And its done! :ugly:

<embed src="http://vimeo.com/moogaloop.swf?clip_id=13175263&amp;server=vimeo.com&amp;show_title=1&amp;show_byline=1&amp;show_portrait=0&amp;color=&amp;fullscreen=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" width="640" height="360"></embed>

2 days of premiere and after efects, 2h of filming, few hours of prop building and we got ourselves a movie (clip)

not exactly how i hoped it to turn out but time is short and the file got way big for my pc to handle.
the pace of the thing should be smoother/slower (could have been fixed by a separate camera man but had to do with just the tripod this time) transitions arent that smooth in places, the end gets kinda messy and some vfx is missing (damage to the car, supermutant, etc) but its the best i could come up with all the limitations.

Enjoy :)

spread it around if you can (since this sections seems a bit deserted) :ugly:
work progress here: http://blog.koivistik.com/?tag=fo-movie
music: "inside the base" by pavlik (featured in MR)
hehe, thanks, had actually thought of doing a bit more when i get some help... theres lots of awesome locations around here.. abandoned solviet sites and equipment, etc.
Cool. Voice over quality is meh and the explosion at the end kinda sucks, but I love what you've done. Great work! :ok:
equilerex said:
hehe, thanks, had actually thought of doing a bit more when i get some help... theres lots of awesome locations around here.. abandoned solviet sites and equipment, etc.

Nice, really nice!!

This is exactly the kind of goodies that fit the MR project !

Keep up the good work!

SuAside said:
explosion etc was unnecessary. otherwise nice.
not exactly... the movie itself was unnecessary. Just thew that quickly together, the main focus was on learning after effects (explosions n stuff) could have also done that with random clips but thought it might be more fun this way (ofc the overall looks/style/narration/etc of the movie itself suffers since the effects are forced in there.)

thanks for the feedback guys!
(the voice over might also be changed btw, will see... )