Fallout music while surfing the web.


Sonny, I Watched the Vault Bein' Built!
In a recent thread over at Beth's forums a link to the Fallout music on Youtube was posted, and the generous Iseeyoursoul who has posted this on youtube even made a playlist

Surfing the web just got better; am enjoying it as I am writing this.

(Apologise if this has been posted before - I just got very excited about it and had to share ...)
Good heavens, i havent played fallouts for couple of years now and i think its time to play them again, didnt remember they had this good soundtrack. 8-)
Im going to take the opportunity music is being mentioned here and gravedig/hijack this thread.

I just downloaded the FO2 Soundtrack, and wow, listening to this in Surround Sound quite loudly is amazing.

Who made the music for FO2? Its so creepy. It just gets the entire atmoshpere so well.

For example, when I first walked in to Gecko, and 'Industrial Junk' (Track 7) started playing. I mean, that is some creepy shit. That, the fact it was night time, that ghouls are ugly as fuck, and that I had been told the city was an undead nightmate which would welcome me with hostility. I find sounds scare me more than what I see, so this did it for me.

But my favourite one so far is 'Vats of Goo' (Track 5), which starts off incredibly grim and is generally found at pre-war military locations (such as SAD, EPA, Etc..) I love the grim militarism of it, with its air raid sirens and militaristic drums. It reminds me of the futility of war, especially when nukes are involved, and the fact its also the intro song of FO1 just makes me think of the 'futility' of the ancients who went to war over resources.

'All Clear Signal' (Track 16) is also pretty good. I like how most of the music is generally depressing and grim, sets the atmosphere of FO very well. There is also generally a distorted and deep voice recognisable in some seconds of these songs.

They sure don't make music like they used to.
I think the sounds in FO1&2 generally are one of the most under-rated aspects of the game. IMO the SFX are just as good, if not better than the very atmospheric music.
Slaughter Manslaught said:
Someone knows where I can find free Fallout-like ambient music in the internetz?

There's a ton of industrial/dark ambient bands out there. Check out Northaunt, Apoptose, Abruptum, Emit (choice tracks), The Axis of Perdition (last album) and Lustmord for starters, if you're still interested.

I wouldn't say many of these sound exactly like the music from Fallout, but the atmosphere is there.
That's a damn good interview. I dunno if the news section covered this already. Maybe you should PM Per or Silencer or something.
Chancellor Kremlin said:
Who made the music for FO2? Its so creepy. It just gets the entire atmoshpere so well.

Yes, Mark Morgan made the ambient music for the first two games. He says he's remastering them too (ten years later).

He has a new website up with some tracks in his music section (some from Fallout)


Even the music clip for his menu sounds more like Fallout than anything I've heard in Fallout 3.

That they never once contacted him about doing the tracks for F3 is beyond belief. :(