Fallout 2 mod Fallout: Nevada (extended)

Good news everyone
Drobovik just joined the translation, me and him have split Vagas files and already working on it, so yeah, Welcome to Vegas baby!!!
Is there a place where you guys coordinate your efforts (IRC chanel, a mailing list or something) ? I want to join the fest.
We will create another thread when we finish raw translation, for working on bugs and inconsistent dialog, also when the translation reach 90% we'll have to start looking for people that can work on in game credits, intro ,people that can do an English voiceover, English installer, people that can promote the finished game at this forum and upload it right here so everyone can download it just like every other major mod
Maybe Ron Perlman will come in and do a one last Fallout intro...

If only :roll:
I was sitting yesterday in front of my PC, and dreaming about it.... Then I woke the fuck up and understood how fucking ridiculous I am:confused::seriouslyno:... But yeah if that could be possible, then I would die a happy man
Talk to me people, how is our progress going on your end?
TC1, Drobovik how is the translation so far?
Snikers, ghostman is the editing going well for you guys?
Got about three days left, give or take.
Good, would you like to take a break after that? You did a lot of files after all, I will manage the files and brake them for someone fresh to translate, it's your call, if you want to rest then just say a word
It's been taking me a little longer than I predicted. So far I'm done 60/241kb that you sent me for Reno(pt 1 of 4). I'm going to be able to get done another 28kb done tonight.
It's been taking me a little longer than I predicted. So far I'm done 60/241kb that you sent me for Reno(pt 1 of 4). I'm going to be able to get done another 28kb done tonight.
That's OK editing is more crucial, take your time, when we finish translation I will be joining you and Snikers so we'll finish it in no time
I'm working on it. Can't give you exact dates when my files' be done, but as soon as family and work allow:)
Sure man, family and work is the most important, just keep me up to date from time to time
Im 5 days away from finishing my share of Vegas, then I'll move to Salt Lake, the fact that you do translate at all is putting us way ahead of schedule