Hardly enough porn with vampires either.
Anyway, vtmb is great. It might be a game you need to kind of push yourself through at the start though. Yknow, like, when there is a game that is really good but you've never played it and now that you want to try it out because it is dated you feel like something's missing, like it doesn't resonate with you. With some of those games you need to try and abandon whatever expectations you have and just slowly let yourself soak in it until finally it clicks and you've adjusted to what the game is rather than what you thought it was gonna be and you can begin to immerse yourself fully.
Does that make any sense to anyone else? Cause it's what it has been like for me with some games that are dated. I just find their controls so clunky, the levels so scant, the animations so poorly done and it just feels unpolished, like I'm playing a game that will never take off that has been produced by pre-made Unity assets. Like, I have a modern mindset and I need to kind of flick the switch in my head and return to a 90's/early 2000's mindset of what a game is supposed to be like.
Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Still, you might have too much of a modern mindset to try out vtmb, my suggestion is to keep at it for another hour or so and see if it clicks or not. If it still doesn't then I guess you can't do it. It sucks when something everyone says is awesome is old and dated and because of that you just can't get into it.