So Old I'm Losing Radiation Signs

And some people dare to ask why me and others believe that many of the old school RPG designers have gone off the deep end in recent times and thus don't want them to touch any of the IPs they have made good games out of in the past.Having said all that, I wouldn't trust the modern day Obsidian because from what I can feel from them, they've radically changed from what they were since Pillars of Eternity. I haven't actually played their games other than New Vegas, but what I got from others impressions is that despite being notorious for releasing buggy, glitchy, and unstable games (truly an unfair reputation to have whereas Bethesda got away scot free, even Failout 76 couldn't quite manage to knock them down as it supposed to), they were genuinely trying to push the boundaries of RPGs and even gaming in general. Having questionable management also didn't help, and with most of the more trustworthy talents abandoning the ship...yeah, I can't see a new Obsidian Fallout which could possibly be at least as good as New Vegas + DLCs. Hell, I wouldn't even trust Old Cain, who's obviously not as energetic and confident as Young Cain. Especially not after this:
Sure, #4 to #7 all makes sense, I guess. But that first three 'mistakes', especially Mistake #1. It still makes my blood boils.
Even if we ignore Cain and Boyarsky for a moment, I really wouldn't trust a new Obsidian Fallout without John Gonzales.
Only 5 to 7 are actual mistakes, 4 is debatable at best. 1 to 3 are definitely not mistakes.
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