Fallout: New Vegas and its DLC 75% off on Steam today


But best title ever!
In one of those "I can't believe how quickly game prices fall these days" for the second day of its Steam Autumn sales, Valve has Fallout: New Vegas and its DLC 75% off their normal price, making the vanilla title $/€ 4.99 and its DLC $/€ 2.49 with the exception of Courier's Stash and Gun Runners' Arsenal which come at $/€ 0.49 and $/€ 0.99. It's also worth noting that Fallout 3: Game of the Year Edition is 50% off (as are vanilla and its separate DLC, should you prefer it that way) but considering it's very likely that the title will end up on another daily sale I'd recommend holding off from grabbing it for now.
Seriously, who hasn't bought New Vegas and its DLC yet? Outside those waiting for the Ultimate Edition (which isn't even out yet), probably none.
I haven't. I've read several posts from people that couldn't afford all of them. This is a fantastic opportunity. I can get ALL the freaking DLC's for a total of $11.44. That's just $1.45 more than the regular price of just ONE DLC. I may jump at it.
I did it! I just got mine! All six DLCs for $11.44!
Jeez L.A Noire is only 18 quid in that sale, that was only released a few weeks back... well for the PC but still.
I just did after an arduous debate over whether or not to. Here's hoping that it and all of it's DLC are worth it...
Fallout: New Vegas
4.99 USD
Fallout: New Vegas - Dead Money
2.49 USD
Fallout New Vegas: Gun Runners' Arsenal
0.99 USD
Fallout New Vegas: Lonesome Road DLC
2.49 USD
Fallout New Vegas: Old World Blues DLC
2.49 USD
Fallout New Vegas Honest Hearts DLC
2.49 USD
Fallout New Vegas: Courier's Stash
0.49 USD

16.43 USD

One hell of a deal. At least a week of fun for the price of a case of beer. Thanks steam!
Farmerk said:
Fallout: New Vegas
4.99 USD
Fallout: New Vegas - Dead Money
2.49 USD
Fallout New Vegas: Gun Runners' Arsenal
0.99 USD
Fallout New Vegas: Lonesome Road DLC
2.49 USD
Fallout New Vegas: Old World Blues DLC
2.49 USD
Fallout New Vegas Honest Hearts DLC
2.49 USD
Fallout New Vegas: Courier's Stash
0.49 USD

16.43 USD

One hell of a deal. At least a week of fun for the price of a case of beer. Thanks steam!
Considering that the New Vegas Ultimate Edition will probably cost more, that is a hell of a deal.
Got it!

My intentions were to wait for the GOTY, but this was of course a more affordable solution.
I skipped over the F3 DLC, but I'm going to have to play through New Vegas again now. *cue more time spent on New Vegas Nexus*
They'd have to pay me 11,44 bucks for me to even install the game, let alone play it.

No, seriously, I'm having much more fun with Skyrim.

Of course I'm having way more fun with Temple of Elemental Evil that I bought for 10€ (I think) from ex-Codex and ex-colleague and friend Diogo Ribeiro a few years back. Though I might be dropping it next week (AGAIN!), probably for Disciples 2, that I always seem not to pick up in favor of yet another spell of HoMM4 (cause 3 is dumb bitches).

So, that's how much fun I'm not having with Skyrim, so you can have a clue how bored I am by the prospect of playing New Vegas.

I ramble.
The Vault Dweller said:
I'm waiting for the "complete" edition or whatever they're gonna call it.

The Vault Dweller

Except the Complete Edition will more expensive at release than getting them all on sale (Base Game+DLCs)