Fallout: New Vegas Dead Money DLC released on Steam

Well well. That was interesting.

The patch forced me to download a new NVSE that completely fucked up half my mods somehow, had to fiddle around for an hour at least. But I have been able to play DM.

And I must say, I like it a lot. The collars became kinda annoying at times, but I like the idea of putting you in a resource-scarce environment, and the Ghost People and interesting to fight. Companions are good, and I appreciate them writing a schizophrenic character not for the lulz of it. It feels very appropriate. Overall, a good 8/10, up there with the late ME2 DLC as the only ones I thought were actually worth it.

Also, holy cow, that casino houses some technology. I know the Fallout world is all 50's ''science is magic'' thing, but damn. This is even beyond plasma guns and super mutation plot device.
Ilosar said:
Also, holy cow, that casino houses some technology. I know the Fallout world is all 50's ''science is magic'' thing, but damn. This is even beyond plasma guns and super mutation plot device.

What do you mean? The holograms or the holorifle, etc? The later one is from the Big Empty and not from the casino.
The invincible holograms of doom and the magical casino chips of reforming into anything you want, yeah. Even if it comes from the Big Empty, it's still quite a piece of software. It doesn't bother me, it's just an observation.