Fallout: New Vegas Developer Diary #1 - The Story

WorstUsernameEver said:
Not sure how I feel about the checkered suit line, though it is at least more believable than the middle-aged guy line (a checkered suit is a pretty damn rare piece of clothing in the wasteland).

Put that question in proper context - you're asking a person in the Mojave wasteland, smack right in the middle of the desert, if he has seen a guy in a checkered suit in a place where people usually wear various types of armour, leather or any other utilitarian attire.

Basically, it's like looking for a rapist in a nunnery. Stands out like a monoheaded brahmin.
Tagaziel said:
Basically, it's like looking for a rapist in a nunnery.

The twist is that all the nuns are rapists.

But yeah, checkered coat is a hell of a lot more descriptive than middle-aged man.

I want a checkered coat now.
I've made some screenshots of it, in case someone want some stills:

Sadly, it didn't worked for me on this computer because of whatever reason. Will try again later on some other computer and make new screens.

/Edit: Okay, I've made a small break from Sons of Anarchy watching and ninja-switched the computers. :> Edited my post above with new, better images.

And damn, I have to say... this Legion camp somehow reminds me very hard of the old camp in Gothic 1, with Shadows and Guardsman and so on... just missing the fire magician.
Man, the burial scene still looks like it's from Team America D:, but it still looks promising, the Game I mean
So I guess the McGuffin you are chasing is the Platinum Chip? Why exactly is it so important?

EDIT: As for the Checkered Suit, it's not great, but it's a lot better than asking for a middle-aged guy. Put it in perspective. In New Vegas, you get a brief 15 second glance at your would-be killer. You don't have anything better than he's in a checkered suit. In Fallout 3, you knew your dad for 19 years, knew he would be wearing a Vault suit, and even have a resemblance to him. You had so many better descriptions than he's middle-aged.
OakTable said:
So I guess the McGuffin you are chasing is the Platinum Chip? Why exactly is it so important?

EDIT: As for the Checkered Suit, it's not great, but it's a lot better than asking for a middle-aged guy. Put it in perspective. In New Vegas, you get a brief 15 second glance at your would-be killer. You don't have anything better than he's in a checkered suit. In Fallout 3, you knew your dad for 19 years, knew he would be wearing a Vault suit, and even have a resemblance to him. You had so many better descriptions than he's middle-aged.

Of course, all he would have to do is change his clothes and you'd be SOL.

At least someone can't change their age (not normally).
From what I've gathered, you were heading for the NCR stationed at Primm to deliver them the package (the Platinum Chip). However, Benny heard of this in advance and hired the Great Khans to ambush you for it. Whatever it is, it must be important to the NCR.
OakTable said:
From what I've gathered, you were heading for the NCR stationed at Primm to deliver them the package (the Platinum Chip). However, Benny heard of this in advance and hired the Great Khans to ambush you for it. Whatever it is, it must be important to the NCR.
Maybe the NCR want it to bribe House for his services in the war with the Legion?
OakTable said:
So I guess the McGuffin you are chasing is the Platinum Chip? Why exactly is it so important?

Maybe you need to find all 6 of them and combine them to unlock an old ancient vault from before man that contains a civilization of aliens that holds the true map to the fountain of youth. :clap:
Mr Fish said:
Maybe you need to find all 6 of them and combine them to unlock an old ancient vault from before man that contains a civilization of aliens that holds the true map to the fountain of youth. :clap:

If beth had done the whole thing on their own.. I wouldn't be surprised !

Faceless_Stranger said:
Shhh..... Bethesda's gonna hear you... :look:

Priceless n_n
Mr Fish said:
OakTable said:
So I guess the McGuffin you are chasing is the Platinum Chip? Why exactly is it so important?

Maybe you need to find all 6 of them and combine them to unlock an old ancient vault from before man that contains a civilization of aliens that holds the true map to the fountain of youth. :clap:
Shhh..... Bethesda's gonna hear you... :look:
It's not directly related or anything but here's some words from JE Sawyer on the Beth forums about plants and stuff in New Vegas:

There is a lot of plant life in the Mojave Desert and in F:NV's Mojave Wasteland. Plants like Joshua Trees and Mesquite are well-adapted to the climate and can found all over the place. F:NV's communities do engage in farming out of necessity, but they do not typically get good yields because farming in the Mojave Desert can present a lot of problems.

In the real world, agriculture was common along the Colorado River among the Paiute tribes because of easy access to water, but the soil presents many issues. First, the soil in most of the desert is sandy and doesn't hold water well. Second, the soil is typically alkaline, which affects the ability of many crops to grow there. Finally, some of the Mojave has a layer of caliche (hardpan) running a few inches under the surface. Roots have a difficult time penetrating the caliche, which is why many desert plants have broad, shallow root systems. Farmers have to break up the caliche if they want non-native crops to take root.

All that said, people still do grow crops in the desert. It's a pain, but it can be done. Some people grow crops that are native to the environment and others just do the best they can by painstakingly dealing with the soil and water issues.
OakTable said:
From what I've gathered, you were heading for the NCR stationed at Primm to deliver them the package (the Platinum Chip). However, Benny heard of this in advance and hired the Great Khans to ambush you for it. Whatever it is, it must be important to the NCR.

Mr. House wants it too, and I'm betting Legion as well. Whatever it is it's important. Maybe a key of sorts.

Starwars said:
It's not directly related or anything but here's some words from JE Sawyer on the Beth forums about plants and stuff in New Vegas:

There is a lot of plant life in the Mojave Desert and in F:NV's Mojave Wasteland. Plants like Joshua Trees and Mesquite are well-adapted to the climate and can found all over the place. F:NV's communities do engage in farming out of necessity, but they do not typically get good yields because farming in the Mojave Desert can present a lot of problems.

In the real world, agriculture was common along the Colorado River among the Paiute tribes because of easy access to water, but the soil presents many issues. First, the soil in most of the desert is sandy and doesn't hold water well. Second, the soil is typically alkaline, which affects the ability of many crops to grow there. Finally, some of the Mojave has a layer of caliche (hardpan) running a few inches under the surface. Roots have a difficult time penetrating the caliche, which is why many desert plants have broad, shallow root systems. Farmers have to break up the caliche if they want non-native crops to take root.

All that said, people still do grow crops in the desert. It's a pain, but it can be done. Some people grow crops that are native to the environment and others just do the best they can by painstakingly dealing with the soil and water issues.
Huzzah! This is very good news. What it comes down to is whether or not Vegas has farms however. While it is already a huge improvement over F3's mystery resources, Vegas having farms is what will separate it from the isolation that Reno gave off.
Starwars said:
It's not directly related or anything but here's some words from JE Sawyer on the Beth forums about plants and stuff in New Vegas:

I understand we're going to see some plant-hunting Oblivion-style. While it was OK to a degree, I hope there won't be any quests in the lines of "Bring me 10 nuka-plants in two weeks and I'll give you a permanent +13 bonus to your desired stat !"

<s>KING SHIT, could you resize that screenshot a little ? Makes my screen go wooowooowoo</s> Thanks :wink: