Fallout New Vegas Developer Diary #3 - Art Direction

At least they try to fucking explain where the power comes from. Correct me if I'm wrong, but all the subway/office terminals in Fallout 3 just magically have power, right? Also, not that it's a that big of a deal, but are exploding cars back in NV? Still a very stupid implementation, but I wouldn't even have to look the other way when I'm graced with some Obsidian branching dialogue and the importance they set on stat points and skills.

Counting down the days.
I think Fallout 3 tried to handwave the working computers and shit by going "Lol everything had really long lasting fusion batteries".
I'll wait until I see some feedback once it comes out... this thing just isn't doing anything for me from what I've seen so far. TV and games rot your brain, so selectivity is paramount.

Reptilian eye holograms. You go Tares/Kenites.
OakTable said:
I think Fallout 3 tried to handwave the working computers and shit by going "Lol everything had really long lasting fusion batteries".

No, it was "most pre-war power lines are still intact and something is still providing power".
Which is funny, if you consider the look of every building and everything around.
Maybe the power is provided by ghoul farts that fuel a generator in a secret subway?
At least Obsidian tries to create a situation that is a bit more believable. Why go to war for the dam if you don't have the infrastructure that requires such a vast amount of energy? I assume the game will answer a bunch of those questions, but at least we know the power isn't coming from ghoul farts.
Makagulfazel said:
Why go to war for the dam if you don't have the infrastructure that requires such a vast amount of energy?

I'm honestly not fully versed in what's been revealed about the story, so I could be off; but...

I don't think attacking the dam is only worth it if you need it to power a huge rival grid of your own. Could it not also be reasonable to take the dam to deny power to your enemies. Thus defensive turrets fail, defense robot use is restricted, casinos close and crowd's leave -> thus economy fails.

Basically, take the power, wait a few weeks or months, then take New Vegas without much a fight. Then move on if you were just eliminating a threat in your growing empire, or reopen the place under new management if you saw it as some regional capital you wanted to claim.

That would provide tight enough logic for me to accept for an army w/o need for tons of electricity trying to take biggest source of power in the region.
I imagine if they find ways to power all those energy weapons in the game you would think they could figure out how to power other electrical things..Don't you think?
not sure you understand how batteries work, but sure. i've never been one to say "Dude, bottlecaps are so much more believable than pull-tabs as currency!!!!1"
In Van Buren, there have been some settlers at the dam. I think, we can expect something similar for it in the New Vegas background.
TwinkieGorilla said:
la19020102 said:
sorta like new reno,but it is way much better than that shitty beth "east coast"

Sorry if this is a dumb question...but why did you put 'east coast' in quotes?
Cause it's not the REAL East Coast, just a crappy spinoff of the East Coast ripping things off from the real East Coast... 8-)
Was it not? I thought I remembered quite a few D.C. dwellers saying the environment/locations were pretty spot on. Those I'm familiar with personally looked great.

Or are you talking about canonical story-lines?
TwinkieGorilla said:
Was it not? I thought I remembered quite a few D.C. dwellers saying the environment/locations were pretty spot on. Those I'm familiar with personally looked great.

Or are you talking about canonical story-lines?
Well, canon wise it's shite... IMO. And they left out and "Modified" existing locations to make them teh cools. WAY TOO 50S. But I was really being sarcastic... :mrgreen: