Fallout: New Vegas Developer Diary #4 - The Factions


But best title ever!
Bethesda released the fourth Fallout: New Vegas Developer Diary, the subject being the factions of the game. The way the player can interact with them, what are the main and minor factions and what are the motivation behind the main conflict in the game are all subject touched upon by this diary.

<center><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/dkALhh82JdI?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></center>
They say all this, but I'm still sceptical as to how a group of slavers can really be morally ambiguous.


Wait, did I just spot the PC without that goddamn Pipboy glove?

Thank God.

WorstUsernameEver said:
No new info maybe but there's plenty of interesting footage.
Did I just spot a .223 look-alike on that matter?

True. I wasn't saying it wasn't worth posting it. I like the footage too.
I've just noticed John Gonzalez should've been casted for one of the secondary characters or companions.

I can imagine this guy's voice coming out from a supermutant throat.
Boomers? Vault suits(vault 34)? Tranquility lounges???
At the end J Sawyer states, "You can decide, you know what I don't think any of you are particularly well suited to be running this place, so I'm going to fix that. That's where you are essentially the active champion of Vegas, or you basically just said it's anarchy now."

I hope that doesn't mean that there is a possibility to say screw all the factions, and then have the game end with all the positive story results without whatever any negatives that may have resulted from NCR, Caesar's Legion, or Mr. House winning out.

Basically, I'm hoping that if getting a decent ending entails taking out or subduing 2 of the 3 factions, there isn't a no negative perfect ending if I dominate all three and become the benevolent dictator of Vegas with a perfect region where gangs and ghouls and everyone get all just fine.

Some compromises must be required. This is Fallout, we're in a savage wasteland (well except the whole strip part), its gritty. A "It's a Wonderful Life" ending hopefully isn't in there.
Obsidian is showing the world with every developer diary that they do a better job with RPGS than Bethesda.
Well, I think he is meaning u have the option of siding with a faction or killing them all. Which is the anarchy he says not a happy happy ending.

As for slaves being morally ambiguous, they are driven by profit that is a fairly ambiguous motive.
smber2cnma said:
I hope that doesn't mean that there is a possibility to say screw all the factions, and then have the game end with all the positive story results without whatever any negatives that may have resulted from NCR, Caesar's Legion, or Mr. House winning out.

I doubt it's even possible to have a perfect ending in any situation depending on how you look at it. Butchering every faction and taking over doesn't look that positive.
Incognito said:
Boomers? Vault suits(vault 34)? Tranquility lounges???
If I can recall, Vault 34 was a Vault with an overstocked armory. Looks like these fellows didn't understand the concept of responsible gun ownership.

EDIT: Woah, I saw a cattle prod at the 36 second mark!
Lazlo said:
They say all this, but I'm still sceptical as to how a group of slavers can really be morally ambiguous.
I'm not saying that slavery is a good thing, but if I had a choice between being killed by a blood-thirsty, well-armed rabble and being made a slave by them, I would probably pick becoming a slave, unless they were horribly brutal to their slaves (frequent torture or rape). In the pre-Civil War US, there were some slaves living in better conditions than the white immigrants in the North (deathtrap factories with little pay and crazy working hours). But I still understand that personal freedom is a commodity that is difficult to put a price tag on.

In the Fallout universe it is easy to imagine poor subsistence farmers who get tired of struggling without proper tools (plows, irrigation, good seeds) and fending off raiders on their own could welcome becoming slaves if their new masters provided protection and food, without brutalizing them or raping their women (although marrying off a daughter to a slaver might be a step up). But I don't know how benevolent the Ceasar's Legion is to their slaves.
I could see it working if the Legion were just an aggressive, militaristic society that just happened to use slaves, and life under them was decent or actually ended up as an improvement for the conquered peoples. JUST LIKE THE ROMAN EMPIRE.

But they're really putting emphasis on them as THE SLAVING FACTION. They'll just cackle and twiddle their moustaches as they push tribals into ditches and call them mean things.