First time out of the vault

iridium_ionizer said:I'm not saying that slavery is a good thing, but if I had a choice between being killed by a blood-thirsty, well-armed rabble and being made a slave by them, I would probably pick becoming a slave, unless they were horribly brutal to their slaves (frequent torture or rape). In the pre-Civil War US, there were some slaves living in better conditions than the white immigrants in the North (deathtrap factories with little pay and crazy working hours). But I still understand that personal freedom is a commodity that is difficult to put a price tag on.Lazlo said:They say all this, but I'm still sceptical as to how a group of slavers can really be morally ambiguous.
In the Fallout universe it is easy to imagine poor subsistence farmers who get tired of struggling without proper tools (plows, irrigation, good seeds) and fending off raiders on their own could welcome becoming slaves if their new masters provided protection and food, without brutalizing them or raping their women (although marrying off a daughter to a slaver might be a step up). But I don't know how benevolent the Ceasar's Legion is to their slaves.
It would be a really interesting game if they've taken into account what you've just said here