Fallout: New Vegas Developer Diary #4 - The Factions

iridium_ionizer said:
Lazlo said:
They say all this, but I'm still sceptical as to how a group of slavers can really be morally ambiguous.
I'm not saying that slavery is a good thing, but if I had a choice between being killed by a blood-thirsty, well-armed rabble and being made a slave by them, I would probably pick becoming a slave, unless they were horribly brutal to their slaves (frequent torture or rape). In the pre-Civil War US, there were some slaves living in better conditions than the white immigrants in the North (deathtrap factories with little pay and crazy working hours). But I still understand that personal freedom is a commodity that is difficult to put a price tag on.

In the Fallout universe it is easy to imagine poor subsistence farmers who get tired of struggling without proper tools (plows, irrigation, good seeds) and fending off raiders on their own could welcome becoming slaves if their new masters provided protection and food, without brutalizing them or raping their women (although marrying off a daughter to a slaver might be a step up). But I don't know how benevolent the Ceasar's Legion is to their slaves.

It would be a really interesting game if they've taken into account what you've just said here
It would be interesting if Ceasar's Legion actually functions like the real Roman empire. The adoption of Roman style clothing would make sense if they are sticking religiously to a textbook describing everything Roman.

I always thought "Erm, even if NCR has some moral problems, Ceasar's Legion sounds pretty obviously evil to me," but if they can pull of a decent emulation of ancient Rome then they could be seen as a force for civilisation.
Lazlo said:
They say all this, but I'm still sceptical as to how a group of slavers can really be morally ambiguous.
I agree. This game isn't going to have any "moral ambiguity" at all. NCR = Good, Caesar’s Legion = Bad.

Sigh. The dialogue doesn't look much better either. :(
They say all this, but I'm still sceptical as to how a group of slavers can really be morally ambiguous.

Um. Your disposition between their actions and motives might vary?
phildog said:
I agree. This game isn't going to have any "moral ambiguity" at all. NCR = Good, Caesar’s Legion = Bad.

Sigh. The dialogue doesn't look much better either. :(

Oh, that's great, you've obviously played Fallout: New Vegas already, so that you have complete knowledge necessary to formulate the above opinion. Oh, how great it is to have such refined and intelligent users that never base their views on assumptions!
They brought up a great point in the video, NCR can't protect its citizens. Why would you want to be part of that? Weak, corrupted government, that, likely, taxes the shit out of its own citizens. ON the other hand you see CL, that keeps half of wasteland is scared shitless. I can definitely see how it could be a better choice under certain circumstances.
At least on paper, the Legion can offer you protection, while the NCR can not.
Tagaziel said:
phildog said:
I agree. This game isn't going to have any "moral ambiguity" at all. NCR = Good, Caesar’s Legion = Bad.

Sigh. The dialogue doesn't look much better either. :(

Oh, that's great, you've obviously played Fallout: New Vegas already, so that you have complete knowledge necessary to formulate the above opinion. Oh, how great it is to have such refined and intelligent users that never base their views on assumptions!

While he is making an assumption, it isn't exactly unreasonable from what we have seen and heard. My current impression is as he stated, CL will be the evil faction and NCR the good guys. Then to muddy the moral waters, NCR is be overly controlling of their populace and their leader in the region will be a prick (like what they did in FO2 w/ Lynette). The to weaken the evil of CL, they will likely have a comic or very rational leadership group, who is only doing what must be done.

Is this fact? Of course not, it's just what seems most likly to me.

Best case, I'm totally wrong and the 3 factions have leaders that have skills that prove the deserve to be leaders. Thus they are all rational, ambitious, stratigic, and when needed deadly. Then some of the smaller factions can have the leader that just wants to 'kill, kill, kill'...hence his gang staying small time. Or a town sherrif that demands only he and his deputies get any weapons and thus his town suffers as raiders keep taking the unarmed farmers brahmin.

Hopefully, the successful factions are succeding because they have competent people in charge....sadly this takes stilled writers, dev. team comitted to having a tight well plotted story, and it only happens once in a blue moon.

So, I'm hopeful, but skeptical until I see otherwise.
smber2cnma said:
Hopefully, the successful factions are succeding because they have competent people in charge....sadly this takes stilled writers, dev. team comitted to having a tight well plotted story, and it only happens once in a blue moon.

In other words, it takes Obsidian to do that.
smber2cnma said:
sadly this takes stilled writers, dev. team comitted to having a tight well plotted story, and it only happens once in a blue moon.

Yeah, you know in this point. Obsidian is the only current game company in the mainstream buissnes that I trust that to do fully.

Remember these are the same guys that said FUCK YOU to Star Wars and its Good / Evil based Force.
phildog said:
Lazlo said:
They say all this, but I'm still sceptical as to how a group of slavers can really be morally ambiguous.
I agree. This game isn't going to have any "moral ambiguity" at all. NCR = Good, Caesar’s Legion = Bad.

What makes you say that? They've stressed that the NCR have a lot of flaws that keep them from being 'good'. They're too hung up on the old world to be pragmatic, they're a bloated and inefficient bureaucracy that can't enforce its own edicts, they're corrupt, and they can't protect their citizens. They might be founded on better principles than the Legion, but from the previews and dev diaries so far, it sounds like they might have gone too far in the other direction and made them obviously a worse choice.

That's how Obsidian does moral ambiguity: you choose between multiple bad options based on pragmatism or your own ideology. You have to compromise or settle. For a lot of people, I think the Legion's brutality will be excusable because the Legion works and can sustain itself.
For all the flaws of Alpha Protocol (most of which I would attribute to the reviewers, not the game) it NAILED the story and character motivations.
DocConrad said:
For all the flaws of Alpha Protocol (most of which I would attribute to the reviewers, not the game) it NAILED the story and character motivations.

Not to mention AP was based on a complete hommage of spy movies which is probably the biggest black/white setting yet (nearly) all the charachters had motivations.

Marburg is a prime example of a good written video game villain. American Hero/Super Spy in the past yet see where the narcisst now is.
Tagaziel said:
Oh, how great it is to have such refined and intelligent users that never base their views on assumptions!

Well hold on there, miss sassy-britches. We're going on what's been said so far. One of the damn devs said OH CAESAR'S ARE THE BAD GUYS AND THE NCR ARE THE GOOD GUYS BUT UH WE DON'T HAVE GOOD OR BAD IN THIS GAME. There's good guys and bad guys. The good guys have done bad things and the bad guys have done good things. But it's still good and bad guys. The NCR are misguided good guys and the Legion are bad guys.

No matter how bloated and inefficient a democracy can be, the Legion hasn't been presented as anything other than moustache twiddling baddies. I'd love to be wrong. If the Legion were brutal but brought about more order than the NCR, I'd be thoroughly impressed. A weak democracy can't bring about the safety and security of a brutal dictatorship in the Fallout world. That's something to thing about.

But you just know on the end slides of the game it'll be Perlman narrating how THE LEGION PLUNGED THE MOJAVE WASTELAND INTO A NEW DARK AGE whereas if you side with the NCR the MOJAVE WASTELAND MOVED INTO A NEW ERA OF DEMOCRACY AND FAIRNESS FOR ALL.
C2B said:
DocConrad said:
For all the flaws of Alpha Protocol (most of which I would attribute to the reviewers, not the game) it NAILED the story and character motivations.

Not to mention AP was based on a complete hommage of spy movies which is probably the biggest black/white setting yet (nearly) all the charachters had motivations.

Marburg is a prime example of a good written video game villain. American Hero/Super Spy in the past yet see where the narcisst now is.

Marburg was one of my favourite characters in any videogame.
@Lazlo: If I had to guess, the representation of the Legion thus far has been to set up an expectation, only to have it deconstructed in the game. Going into a game perceiving it as black and white, and having that expectation slowly turned on it's ear? Good game design as well as proper use of the marketing department.
I think I liked this diary the most. Good info, decent combat, and interesting facts about factions.

I'm betting Diary #5 will be about companions.