Fallout: New Vegas Developer Diary #4 - The Factions

Also how is that reused art Blackened? The Arena armour is completely different with the only similarities being that both armours have a skirt.
I don't know. It just reminds me of Oblivion. And I played it two years and a half ago. Maybe it's some of the enemies you find inside the arena.
Pretty sure none of it is reused. It might be reminiscent of the stuff from Oblivion, but I kinda doubt Oblivion enemies wore football pads or chunks of salvaged power armor.
Texas Renegade said:
Let's not get too high and mighty on the virtues of Rome.

Oh, I don't think Rome is great or anything, just pointing out how it's slavery was different to the more well known variety. :V

Anyone else wondering if Mr House is making a really big plane?
Texas Renegade said:
Let's not get too high and mighty on the virtues of Rome.

Actually, we should. Ancient Rome is the foundation of the modern world.

Slaves could buy their freedom but it was never guarunteed.

If I recall my roman law class, they could and it was pretty much a guarantee. Not to mention that being a slave did not mean the owner could do anything he wanted to do, at least not in the later periods. Laws were pretty clear on that.

Ancient Rome wad a bloody lustful society that committed some horrible acts as

Are we any different? Just turn on the TV and browse the channels or the newspapers. War, crime, sex, drugs, invading third world countries etc. We aren't much different, except we can kill people in more ways.
I agree. A discussion based on merits is much more interesting.

The entire point of Caesar's Legion is that they aren't mindless slavers and raiders. They're a large, well organized and well trained army that bases on slave labour and conscription. They're ruthless, yes, they're brutal, yes, but they are also effective and honest, the complete antithesis of the NCR, which is a well intentioned, but corrupt and unable to protect even its own citizens.

Caesar's Legion is also a force of civilization, uniting raiders and primitive tribes under a single banner, effectively creating an united state that rivals the power of the NCR.
Tagaziel said:
Texas Renegade said:
Let's not get too high and mighty on the virtues of Rome.

Actually, we should. Ancient Rome is the foundation of the modern world.

Slaves could buy their freedom but it was never guarunteed.

If I recall my roman law class, they could and it was pretty much a guarantee. Not to mention that being a slave did not mean the owner could do anything he wanted to do, at least not in the later periods. Laws were pretty clear on that.

Ancient Rome wad a bloody lustful society that committed some horrible acts as

Are we any different? Just turn on the TV and browse the channels or the newspapers. War, crime, sex, drugs, invading third world countries etc. We aren't much different, except we can kill people in more ways.

You're implying that our virtues are high and mighty.
cogar66 said:
You're implying that our virtues are high and mighty.

Crap, I misunderstood his post. I thought he was saying "let's not glorify Rome". In my defence, the rest of his post implies that.

I wanted to say that we should glorify Rome, as without it, the world would be much different now and propably for the worse.
Forgot one
St elsewhere was all the imagination of an autistic kid staring at a snowglobe

My point on Rome was we tend to over do the civilisedness of ancient Rome.
Yeah it was great if you were a senator, but even if you are a citizen life was pretty bad.

As for the slaves-they first had to save the money up which took a while. And their owner could always fabricate grounds to refuse it.

Mostly though they were a far more brutal and bloody society then most realize.

My law of Rome class and my history of ancient Rome were two different worlds.
Texas Renegade said:
My point on Rome was we tend to over do the civilisedness of ancient Rome.
Yeah it was great if you were a senator, but even if you are a citizen life was pretty bad.

Not really.

As for the slaves-they first had to save the money up which took a while. And their owner could always fabricate grounds to refuse it.

People can do the same nowadays for any matter. Rome ain't unique in that aspect.

Mostly though they were a far more brutal and bloody society then most realize.

They weren't any more brutal or bloody than we are.
Not really.

Ya rly. It might have been fine for that time's standards, but for today's standards it was of course a pretty shitty life.

They weren't any more brutal or bloody than we are.

Yup, they were. They might not have been brutal or bloody for their times, but saying that they weren't if compared to modern day Western culture is just silly. Well, at least they were more brutal and bloody than myself, dunno about you.
Ausir said:
Not really.

Ya rly. It might have been fine for that time's standards, but for today's standards it was of course a pretty shitty life.

They weren't any more brutal or bloody than we are.

Yup, they were. They might not have been brutal or bloody for their times, but saying that they weren't if compared to modern day Western culture is just silly. Well, at least they were more brutal and bloody than myself, dunno about you.

I'm simply pointing out that it's fallacious to compare ancient Rome and the modern world, due to the different circumstances in which they developed.
Ausir said:
Yup, they were. They might not have been brutal or bloody for their times, but saying that they weren't if compared to modern day Western culture is just silly. Well, at least they were more brutal and bloody than myself, dunno about you.
Depends. We really should not think about us our our societies in such high prestige. Particularly when you consider how many violant wars have been caused in in just the last 50 years and that even without WW2, just Vietnam, Afghanistan, Somalia and a couple of other conflicts. When it comes to the violance we are not behind the romans. Or any other ancient culture. The words have changed. THe people and their needs, the struggle for power, manipulation, resources, religion or what ever else not so much. Also if I think about it its not like the US or many european Nations do not have used violance as means of justice. And some nations still do witih capital punishment.
While many aspects of ancient Rome were pretty brutal, an actual full-scale civilisation with the same laws and culture of ancient Rome would probably be quite a step up in a Fallout / Mad Max style post-apocalyptic wasteland.

Civilisation's been wiped out... why not simply rewind 2000 years and go back to basics? Trying to recreate 20th century civilisation is unlikely to work, at least until you've got reliable power and agriculture.

Texas Renegade said:
Forgot one
St elsewhere was all the imagination of an autistic kid staring at a snowglobe

I consider that to be NON-CANON!


But seriously, it was just a bit of surreal strangeness in the last two minutes of the final episode, because they couldn't actually think of an actual satisfying conclusion for all the characters. I don't think you are really supposed to think that a complex hospital drama that ran for six seasons was all the product of a child's imagination.