Fallout: New Vegas E3 interviews

Brother None said:
Do you have a macro read for "Actually,", Ausir? It must be a pain in the ass to type as many times as you do, half your posts start with "Actually,"

Actually, it's 49.5% of my posts.
Chris Avellone said:
We’re going to dump the player into a situation then allow him to examine the faction politics: Where they’re coming from, where they’re succeeding, where they’re failing and letting the player decide where his loyalties lie as a result of that. It’s based on player-choice: he can say “I want to support those guys.”

Or he can support none of them at all, (saying) “I have a better vision for the wasteland than any of these people.” That’s totally the Fallout way.
Sounds more like the VtM:B way :smug:

ZombieSupaStar said:
bhlaab said:
I would expect to see some grandchild of Tandi's.
i want to see tandi still alive herself

Tandi The Brainbot! Rules NCR and the wastes with an iron fist! Literally!
Gameplanet: How has Obsidian’s back catalog helped to shape this game?

Chris Avellone: We went back over our studio’s history and we recognised that we have a strong history creating content and characters. Then, we recognised that Fallout 3 did a really great job of open exploration. So why don’t we take this open exploration world that people like so much, then we’ll get these deep character arcs for companions who can join your party – they’re completely optional – we’ll add a lot more quests and interactivity in locations; the reputation mechanics.

In case he's referring to the thingy that's out there since Oblivion - I hate this system soooooooooo much! Would this mean that the world in F:NV would be as big as the one in Fallout 3? I mean, it would take two take to travel from two locations that have really long distance between them. To make the comparison - just tested, took me 5 days from Arroyo to Klamath.

Project director Josh Sawyer recognised that people who played through Fallout 3 probably played through a few times, and then played the downloadable content and that when they come to Fallout: New Vegas, they’ll recognise a lot of the mechanics, they’ll be experienced. A lot of people also said that they thought Fallout 3 was too easy, especially at the end. So, hardcore mode is set up right from the beginning, you can switch it on.

F:NV will be so similiar to Fallout 3, that they add this? Damn.

Otherwise, good news overall. Except if the first thing I quoted is true.
bhlaab said:
I would expect to see some grandchild of Tandi's.

yes! That's exactly what I thought: "hmmm... maybe one of tandi's (grand)sons is a general directing the New Vegas campaign"
Ausir said:
Brother None said:
Do you have a macro read for "Actually,", Ausir? It must be a pain in the ass to type as many times as you do, half your posts start with "Actually,"

Actually, it's 49.5% of my posts.
Lies. About 10% of your posts include word "actually". Number of posts that start with it would be even lower.
TychoXI said:
bhlaab said:
I would expect to see some grandchild of Tandi's.

yes! That's exactly what I thought: "hmmm... maybe one of tandi's (grand)sons is a general directing the New Vegas campaign"

Perhaps you yourself are Tandi's grandchild. It said some were there you were not related to either of the vault dwellers (13/101), or I believe it said some where that you wouldn't be.
No, you're all wrong. It's about 99-100% of his posts.

Chances are one of the characters is a relative to the Chosen One and someone from Arroyo. Damn, I remember when I played Fallout 2 until the end, I wanted to see how Arroyo appears in the next Fallout. Anyway, maybe the Chosen One had child(s) with Angela and/or Leslie Anne Bishop, and/or a woman from Arroyo. I think the chance of appearing someone who is related to the Chosen One is about 90%, even if they aren't going to use him/her as an important character.