Fallout: New Vegas Fan Interview Part 1

I hope that we will see the new mutants next week, while E3 stuff.
Lexx said:
Re-animated super mutants? This actually sounds great.

As for steamworks, how is that the least intrusive alternative? Having a crappy buggy software running alongside the game, stealing memory and CPU cycles is non-intrusive?

Expresate said:
Lexx said:
Re-animated super mutants? This actually sounds great.

Yeah, this also confirms that what we saw in the IGN trailer was actually an earlier build. Which makes me happy.
yeah great..suprise,suprise the super mutants were only placeholders. some of you guys beat a dead horse to death & back again! :crazy:
That they have been placeholder was known, but not that they will get partly reanimated.

@Steam: Runs smooth for me, didn't realized any bugs and it also doesn't kill my system. I have no problems with it and even if... Games for Windows Live is much more troublesome.
It's interesting that they are going with Steam. I wonder if they blame MS for their DLC troubles. Or maybe they are just going with the best royalty deal.
So we find out that super mutants in the ign preview are (some of us guess this) placeholders. It really didn't matter New Vegas will sell more than fo3!
The idea of alternative ammo types for energy weapons is interesting, had never occured to me. Makes sense - the difference between buying Duracell Ultra or some crappy unknown brand of battery.

Morbus said:
As for steamworks, how is that the least intrusive alternative? Having a crappy buggy software running alongside the game, stealing memory and CPU cycles is non-intrusive?

It was buggy and horrible back when first released, but nowadays I find steam a joy to use. The only times I've found it buggy in the past year or two is on the day a new game is launched, sometimes the servers are overloaded with all the people trying to download it. (And that's if it is a game bought online and downloaded through Steam, rather than one on a disc that is authenticated by Steam.)

Are you that concerned about your precious memory and CPU cycles? I bet you are one of those people that makes a point of disabling antivirus software and other background processes to boost their game performance by 0.1%. According to my task manager Steam is currently using 9,732kb. Less than 10mb of RAM. And I'm in online mode, which means stuff like the Steam Friends service is active. If I open up Steam and look at the steam store and news and stuff it goes up to 44,416kb.

If you are concerned about Steam being too computer intensive, simply choose to play in Offline mode. In offline mode Steam isn't connected to the internet, so no steam friends service or steam store or news or automatic updates or anything. Steam will use up hardly any memory at all, just the amount needed to do the initial anti-piracy .exe check when starting the game.

Three quarters of the games I have on my current computer I bought through Steam. And I added steam shortcuts for the non-steam games, so I play them using Steam overlay as well.
Steam is the closest thing the PC has to a proper Xbox Live or Playstation Network. Steam is fantastic for multiplayer games - you see that a friend is playing Team Fortress 2, you simply click "join game" and you are right there playing in the same server.

Of course Steam is less useful for singleplayer games. But it is a good anti-piracy measure, as well as being an extremely convient flatform for the purchase of DLC, and for achievements, and for automatic patching.

If there's a bug in the game, they can simply update the game files on their main master server and then all the playeres in the world automatically receive the update (at least, all the ones not playing offline mode), and the patch don't have to go through some bullshit two week Microsoft certifcation process. If it turns out the patch has some kind of problem, they can just fix it or roll it back, no big deal.

It is infintely superior to Games for Windows Live. Want to buy some DLC? Just pay some actual money with your credit or debit card or paypal, rather than buying stupid microsoft points.

And through Steam the DLC is actually installed into the game folder rather than put into some obscure GFWL folder hidden on your harddrive somewhere, and causing mod conlifcts until you copy the files to your Fallout folder.

The ability to install onto another computer without actually the disc is also useful. As long as you know your steam username and password, you can resurrect your entire game collection on any PC. And now with Steam Cloud, even your saved games and config preferences will be downloaded to the new PC as well.
Why do I get the feeling that the Cazadores are just bigger Bloatflies that can do poison damage?
Paul_cz said:
I hate using companions in gamebryo games, that engine just cannot decently handle it. So why bother.
i guess this what obsidian is fixing with the companion wheel. lets hope
as long as perks are perks, not just skill bonuses, i don't mind if you can get 30 or 15 of them in a playthrough.
Jet1337 said:
Why do I get the feeling that the Cazadores are just bigger Bloatflies that can do poison damage?

Well what else do you expect them to be?

Maybe they can paralyze things, in real life those wasps paralyze tarantulas and lay eggs inside them, when the eggs hatch the babies eat their way out.
sampson70 said:
i want a perk every level up! :clap: thank u

What was wrong with getting a perk every 3 or 4 levels…that way those perks were more valued? I think the original game got it right, and Fallout 3 screwed it up badly...but the gamers of this world have such hungry appetites that they would probably accept a new perk for every kill… :roll:
.Pixote. said:
sampson70 said:
i want a perk every level up! :clap: thank u

What was wrong with getting a perk every 3 or 4 levels…that way those perks were more valued? I think the original game got it right, and Fallout 3 screwed it up badly...but the gamers of this world have such hungry appetites that they would probably accept a new perk for every kill… :roll:
I actually don't have a problem with getting a perk every level as long as it's something that adds definition to the character as opposed to just more skill points. If it's something that fleshes out who your player character is at a person, why wait an arbitrary amount of levels to enact that change? Why not have them constantly morphine and expanding with each level they gain?
In the original games, you needed to think a bit longer about what perk you want to get next.

In Fallout 3, I simply took whatever seemed okay in the moment, because I found nearly no perk really useful or unique. As example, in the beginning, I took this small guns perk at least 3 times, simply because there was nothing else 'that' useful and these perks have been simple skill boosts...

Not very cool.
.Pixote. said:
sampson70 said:
i want a perk every level up! :clap: thank u

What was wrong with getting a perk every 3 or 4 levels…that way those perks were more valued? I think the original game got it right, and Fallout 3 screwed it up badly...but the gamers of this world have such hungry appetites that they would probably accept a new perk for every kill… :roll:
Old perks were, frankly, usually bigger game changers than all but the top tier of perks in FO3. Of course, sometimes old perks were things like Awareness which did something that should have been a feature rather than a perk, but whatever.

I'm liking how it sounds like stats and skills are more important this time round. Stuff like Charisma affecting your companions' performance in combat is ballin'.
I hope they put more thought into the perks this time. There were a lot of perks in Fallout 3 that became absolutely useless past a certain point.
Those new wasps seem very original and creative but, will they be talking wasps, i wonder... :freak:
The one human companion thing is also balance, not just because of the horrible a.i.
Enemies are pretty weak in Fallout 3 so you can just leave one companion to gun them all down while you wander off, except for tougher enemies like Deathclaws and hillbillies.

Well this has just wiped the bad taste of that IGN video away. :)