Fallout: New Vegas gameplay clips

zkylon said:
I never get the point of demoing the games in god mode with infinite ammo. There's no way anyone will get a feeling of what the game's about and it doesn't do much more than making the game look bad by exposing weaknesses that won't make it to the final build. Why not show hardcore mode or something?
That wouldn't be cool
Faceless_Stranger said:
They should have a pre-release demo so that everyone can try it. None of this "Infinite ammo so the 12-year old can kill stuff" crap
Yeah, because adults aren't into action video games and testing out combat. In truth, combat is a very unimportant part of action RPGs. :roll:
sea said:
Faceless_Stranger said:
They should have a pre-release demo so that everyone can try it. None of this "Infinite ammo so the 12-year old can kill stuff" crap
Well obviously this is just for the press, if you give an actual demo (give it a time limit of 30 minutes, or a certain area of the world), then you won't need to do that. The problem is that when you have like 15 minutes to sell your game, to "games journalists", in an environment where all sorts of other flashy and cool stuff is competing for the headlines and the coverage, you have to show its most impressive stuff, and usually impressive means the coolest guns, biggest explosions, etc. "Fallout New Vegas to feature riveting dialogue trees", as I said, isn't really what sells a game to 90% of players.

Not that it isn't important, but usually quests and dialogue are important in an RPG too, Rolling Eyes

I disagree. Dialogue is important to a lot of people who will buy New Vegas, as goes for many RPGs. The problem is, showing your character talking to people in a context you probably know nothing about isn't that exciting. Whereas flashy combat and the setting are a lot better to show in a brief visual-focused demo. Even in olden days when dialogue was a really important part of the games, the part of the game most commonly showcased was the combat.
Then why don't they make a demo release over PSN and X-box live, give the people a set boundry to explore and a quest or 2 and let them decide for themselves
yeah but then johnny dickbag comes along, and because he doesnt ever actually play them, thinks all games are about flashy action, it happens dickbag is CEO of Activision/EA/ect, and now we have the tepid gameplay you see these days.

Did journoulism (haha im drunk) ruin games as we knew them?

I remember years ago telling people how good 3d graphics rarely supplemented good gameplay, they replaced it.
mobucks said:
I remember years ago telling people how good 3d graphics rarely supplemented good gameplay, they replaced it.

I have come to the same conclusion. That the better the graphics on a game the worse the gameplay and story are. This is of course a generalization and not all newer games suck donkey balls....just most.
mobucks said:
donkey balls

sea said:
If you want to show off your Features Checklist then the easiest way to do it is to do it in god mode and with a huge pre-filled inventory. It lets players get right to the action, and frankly it doesn't make good press to read about wandering around aimlessly for 20 minutes before running into a deathclaw and dying (or rather, at least mainstream press - I'm sure most hardcore Fallout fans would love to hear about that stuff, not so much the IGN/GameTrailers/Kotaku crowd).
You can make a demo build without breaking the game. Make it easy if you're showing it off to noobs, but don't just break the game.
zkylon said:
You can make a demo build without breaking the game. Make it easy if you're showing it off to noobs, but don't just break the game.


I personally enjoyed Deus Ex demo. I believe it was actually the first mission. The game Desperados did a good job at making a demo. Heck, I liked Fallout 1 demo too !
The era, when games used to have playable demos was wonderful. You could actually get a taste of the game before you buy it. Right now I personally am inbetween buying the game or not - the vids definitely do not invite me to in any way...
There is no way Bethesda would release a demo…the game would suffer a major loss of revenue the minute people finished the demo, and told themselves - “WTF - I won’t be buying that trash”. It’s so much easier to lure the people in with all the bells and whistles, get the cash, and then let them down…IMO. :mrgreen:
I wish they spent more time on combat animations, now that they seem to be focussing on real-time shooting as opposed to VATS.

Enemies look and act dumb (straight-line towards you), direct shots with grenade launcher do nothing short of taking off a few hitpoints (come on, a blast to the leg should at least make you fall or stumble!), thus VATS has turned into a bit of a 'save ammo / autoaim' feature as opposed to tactical 'sniping'...
Perhaps I recall incorrectly, but wasn't the RTwP system completely useless for snipers? I remember lining up shots with a sniper rifle in real time worked at great distances, while the auto-aiming wouldn't even work at the distance, or give a 0% hit-chance.
Yeah, Sniper Rifles were horrible in Fallout 3.

They fucked up the sniper scope so that your bullets wouldn't land where you aimed them (they'd actually go above where you aimed them) and the range at which you could use them was pathetic.

Sniping means long range, not the same range as a handgun.
sea said:
It was the same in Fallout 3, really - the reason they included it in the game wasn't really for strategy, it was to give the player a way to pause the action and get a mental break (though I'm not sure who though it was a good idea to reward the player with cool kill shots for doing almost nothing). The status effects caused by crippled limbs were so negligible in that game's fast-paced combat that there was really no reason to bother with it except on special occasions (like using poison darts to cripple a deathclaw, so it can't chase you). I still think that VATS has its place for certain types of characters - a sniper or gunslinger, for example, can put out high amounts of damage with a single bullet, and using VATS will probably guarantee hits more than manual aiming.
When i replayed it with mods, i found out that another huge problem with aiming in FO3 was that enemies were just too weak so it just made more sense to shoot them in the head. Rebalancing mods made the game a little more difficult so i found myself shooting at sledgehammer muties in the legs to cripple them and minigun muties in the arms to make them drop their guns. VATS' was still awful but it wasn't as pointless. So maybe in hardcore mode it'll make sense.

A slower combat pace would be nice, though. It'd make combat look a little less stupid as well. But it looks as we're still getting muties on rollerskates.
Keep in mind that manual aiming with the controller is not as easy as with mouse.