Fallout: New Vegas guide blog update, shots

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
David Hodgson is back doing the prima game guide for Fallout: New Vegas, and talks about it on Bethesda's Blog.<blockquote>The Training section is familiar to those who have utilized the Fallout 3 official guides. While much of the way you create your character remains the same, a lot has changed, and flagging each instance with an icon for easy reference was important. After an overview of Attributes and Derived Statistics, there’s a section on Skills, including the all-new Survival Skill, and tweaked Guns Skill, which folds much of the Big and Small Guns Skills into one, and provides a Strength rating for each weapon (which, naturally, are given for everything you shoot). Traits are covered, along with advice on picking the ones best-suited to your play style. Then comes the text tsunami known as “Perks”, which lists every single one of them. Although I can’t spoil your anticipation of Perks just yet, there are some memorable, amusing, and astonishing accoutrements you can add to your Wasteland warrior.

How’s your social game? Interacting with Factions, whether it’s helping them out, or massacring their forces, affects your adventure in many different ways, especially if you’re dressed in specific attire.

The rest of the Training deals with creating a character that isn’t going to collapse after a Fiend sneezes on you. How all of the Attributes, Skills, and Perks interact with the clothing you wear and the Followers you find are all extremely important (and overwhelming), so a special Character Archetypes section was created. No matter what your play-style – from the social outcast Sniper to a mountain man bred specially for Hardcore Mode – there’s a character for everyone. We even included the best weapons, outfits, Perks, Skills, Implants, and Followers to compliment each Archetype. One Bethesda employee was said to remark “that’s pretty freakin’ sweet.” Speaking of Hardcore Mode; the training continues with advice on thriving in this most inhospitable of climates. Then there’s updated information on Karma, mapping, and other activities before we delve right in to Reputation, and explain exactly how everyone reacts to everyone else, and how you fit in. What is initially confusing political and societal idiosyncrasies is broken down into something understandable; and more importantly, something you can act on during your entire adventure.</blockquote><center> </center>
OakTable said:
Huh. So I can find a ram skull hat and gasmask combo? Not sure if want.

You can combine anything and that is presumably what the shot is meant to show, but man what an eyesore.
New avatar alert! :lol:

And by the looks of it, they're still using that crappy 1-shot plasma-ey "Gauss" rifle.
I do like when publishers release official, promotional shots with clipping errors in 'em.

Hey at least it's honest.

I guess I like the armor. Nice and bulky. Can't stop staring at that ridiculous skull.
Brother None said:
I do like when publishers release official, promotional shots with clipping errors in 'em.

Hey at least it's honest.

I guess I like the armor. Nice and bulky. Can't stop staring at that ridiculous skull.

You never know. It might go pretty well with other armor or outfits.

Does not go well with power armor.
Skull looks like head slot and the other the eye slot. I personally don't like what I see there. The power armor for sure looks better than the fugly tesla shit that is in Fallout 3. But still.. .what.
I think I know what the pic titled "What is this I don't even" is and its an easy one.

It looks exactly like the Enclave armor from Fallout 2 but with the glowing bits from the Fallout 3 Tesla armor.

So perhaps its enclave tesla armor but based on the F2 design rather than the F3 design.

Just.. just.. just.. just.. no.

I can't understand why they used that helmet with a power armor in a promotional screenshot.

The Ultra-Luxe screenshot is nice though.
WorstUsernameEver said:

Just.. just.. just.. just.. no.

I can't understand why they used that helmet with a power armor in a promotional screenshot.

The Ultra-Luxe screenshot is nice though.
Could be worse. Could be that Fallout 3 promo in which they showed off that one horrible looking Joker-esque lady.
The armor is ok, except of those stupid "glass tubes" on it. Ofcourse they "maek it more badazz". :/

N/C on that helmet aswell...
Surf Solar said:
The armor is ok, except of those stupid "glass tubes" on it. Ofcourse they "maek it more badazz". :/

N/C on that helmet aswell...

He looks like someone strapped these around him:


Merry Christmas.
Incognito said:
I'm really at loss with this armor...

I don't see the problem with it. It's just a Tesla version of APA. The skull helmet isn't even part of the outfit. That guy just likes to wear it for God knows why.