Fallout: New Vegas interview and gameplay footage


But best title ever!
DualShockers has an interview with esteemed Senior Designer Chris Avellone where they tackle various subjects, including the familiar 'what's new in Fallout: New Vegas?':<blockquote>Chad (DS): What are some things we’ll experience in New Vegas that we didn’t in Fallout 3?

Chris (Obsidian): New ammo. Gambling. Wayne Newton. A dinosaur with a gift shop in its belly. Rockets. Companion quest arcs that change their perks and their attitude. Calling death beams from orbit. Faction politics, both violent and passive. Confronting a situation where you choose the bad guy…even if the bad guy is everyone. More than one critical path. Survival recipes. Mantises. Geckos. Modding weapons. Traits.

Chad (DS): What are some of the famous Las Vegas area landmarks that we can look forward to seeing and possibly exploring in New Vegas?

Chris (Obsidian): Vegas is Fallout Vegas, not real-world Vegas. While there are some hooks to the Vegas we know and love (Vegas Vic, Wayne Newton, the classic Vegas sign), this is Vegas as envisioned by people in the 50s… as they viewed Vegas of the future…and then bombs dropped everywhere but there. People looted the “lucky” city in great rioting mobs, rebuilt it, and then repopulated it, making it a slightly uncomfortable brightly-lit shadow of what it once was.</blockquote>GameReactor.eu has also some new gameplay footage that for some reason they decided to not post on their youtube channel. It shows the Strip, Goodsprings and Vegas Monorail Station.
"This is extremely boring gameplay" - "I can spice it up a little bit" *opening VATS*

I lol'd.

(to me it was much more interesting than bombing the people in Goodsprings, by the way.)
While it is nice to see new environments, I've gotta ask: what in the hell is the player doing? Unless his "quest" is to check the fence row for gaps so the property owner's Bighorners don't escape, he is a bit daffy. Also, the Avellone interview doesn't seem to be loading properly for me, anyone else experiencing this?
Yeah, the dude checking the fence back and forth, and shooting at plants got on my nerves. I actually screamed "God, do something!" (in spanish, of course).

The monorail looked really nice :D
While I have no idea what the guy was doing at that farm, it was pretty nice to have a video where they didn't zoom past everything at the speed of light or just show combat.
I kinda wonder if that farm place is the tutorial quest where you must kill geckos, perhaps he was confused seeing as how everything was in Japanese.

Anyways, as much as one can discuss whether it fits the setting or not, I must say that I find Vegas to be extremely refreshing to look at visually. Just compare that to when the video jumps to that room with all the Fallout 3 assets... Blast from the past, and not in a good way, hehe.

The outside environs look good overall though.
Not all the ones in Fallout 3 did either. Shame they couldn't find a guy to film who had played a video game before but the enviroments did look mighty purty.
I'm glad they brought plant life back. That was one annoying thing about Fallout 3 is how there was no living plants anywhere. The first two games had lots of plants. Fallout New Vegas: the Return of Corn. :D

Makes the world much more believable when people aren't living out of 200+ year old vending machines.
DocConrad said:
While it is nice to see new environments, I've gotta ask: what in the hell is the player doing? Unless his "quest" is to check the fence row for gaps so the property owner's Bighorners don't escape, he is a bit daffy. Also, the Avellone interview doesn't seem to be loading properly for me, anyone else experiencing this?

Me too, how can I make it load normally?
I hope the hardcore mode will still make it into the final release.. they don't seem to talk about it much now and I'm afraid the "need to eat, drink, and sleep" feature will end up being mysteriously absent from the final release.

Actually they haven't even showed this feature in any of their videos.. could it just be for extra hype?
PaladinHeart said:
I hope the hardcore mode will still make it into the final release.. they don't seem to talk about it much now and I'm afraid the "need to eat, drink, and sleep" feature will end up being mysteriously absent from the final release.


you're kidding, right? why would they talk ceaselessly about a feature and then leave it out? come on, man. sometimes i wonder about you guys.
TwinkieGorilla said:

you're kidding, right? why would they talk ceaselessly about a feature and then leave it out? come on, man. sometimes i wonder about you guys.

Guess we are just paranoid. Lying to sell stuff? Never been done before, and certainly never when Be-thesda was even remotely connected to the stuff to be sold. Thats why i still enjoy that fantastic AI from Oblivion and play FO3 again and again to get all those 400 endings. Stalker was exactly as promised, and gothic3 *shudders* too. Lying is widely accepted in gamesmarketing and it has no consequences whatsoever.

Or were you beeing sarcastic? Its so dammn hard to tell
There was an hardcore mode option in all the builds they've shown to the public and it included the need for food, water etc. and Josh Sawyer has actually talked quite extensively about it on various forums, including the official boards, and, also, as Incognito pointed out, there will be a preview entirely focused on it. So yeah, at least this time there's little indication that we have to worry about that feature being axed.
As Arden stated, it can be difficult to trust the gaming industry. The "radiant AI" is a good example for starters. Remember the videos that showcased an NPC trying to improve her marksmanship skill?

Also, I recently discovered that Two Worlds was marketed, at the 2006 E3, as being a game where "you must eat, drink, and sleep to survive". Reference: http://pc.ign.com/articles/708/708763p1.html

Which isn't true in the full game.. I haven't played it, but I asked others at GOG.com. :P

There were also features cut from Fallout Tactics before release. Like being able to revive a fallen comrade.. It did sound a bit wonky but it was still advertised as a feature and then mysteriously absent from the final product. There was the editing tools too, but they did at least release those later on.

And although it doesn't really have anything to do with the gaming industry not delivering on promises, there was also that really cool Prehistoric game where you were to play as a group of cavemen trying to survive.. and yet it was never released and eventually canceled.

I haven't played a decent survival game in a while... so naturally I'm a bit pessimistic that anything of the sort would get released in this day and age of "shoot-em-ups are the bomb!" and "it would be better if it was in.. first person!"

A little off-topic but: It's too bad someone hasn't ever thought of combining D&D elements with The Sims... well without the whole "go crazy when their needs break" bit. :P

Which reminds me, at first I was looking forward to the upcoming Sims Medieval game, until I realized it seems it will just be another community management type of game. xP More like simcity or Spore. (ick.. spore.. ick...)

Anyways really looking forward to New Vegas and I hope they will still have the hardcore mode with the need to eat, sleep, and drink in it. :D