Fallout: New Vegas interviews


But best title ever!
IGN AU and Hooked Gamers have a couple of new interviews with the Obsidian developers working on Fallout: New Vegas.

IGN AU interviews Project Director Josh Sawyer:<blockquote>IGN AU: Yeah – Wild Wasteland. What's the deal with that perk?

Josh Sawyer: Okay, so basically – the Fallout franchise has, in its past, had a lot of goofy humour in it – and people seem really polarized by it. Some people were like, 'Ah – I love it! Put more Monty Python reverences in it!' and some people were like 'I can't stand it—it really irritates me in every way, shape and form.' I generally do not like the pop-culture references.

IGN AU: No kidding. Why not?

Josh Sawyer: I dunno – it just kind of pulls me out of the world. And a lot of times it just seems kind of cheesy and goofy. I mean, I kind of appreciate it in a 'ha ha ha –fine' kind of way, but once it starts to go overboard and the world is full of it, it just starts to irritate me I guess.

In any case, a lot of our designers wanted to put that stuff in there and I'd be saying 'no, no, no, don't do it.' Eventually we thought, you know, there's probably an easy way to do this, which is a perk that basically says 'I wanna see all the goofy shit.' So we have Wild Wasteland. You opt into it at the beginning and then you get to see all the goofy crap. </blockquote>Hooked Gamers has a less informative chat with Larry Liberty, the lead producer:<blockquote>Hooked Gamers: The games in this series have always had an evil entity lurking in the background trying to bring about the end of something deeply important to the player. In Fallout 3 it was the supercomputer posing as the real president of the United States. Will this game have a new Big Threat for the player to fight? Will the player be able to choose sides, factions or simply go it alone?

Larry Liberty: There isn't necessarily a single Big Threat. For the player that chooses the "good" path, there is at first glance a terrifying presence in the form of Caesar's Legion. But, things aren't quite as black and white as they were in Fallout 3. One man's hero really could be another's villain, and you have all of those options - choosing sides or factions, or just going at it alone. </blockquote>

Spotted on the Obsidian Entertainment boards.


Apparently the transcript of Josh's description of the Cowboy perk was incorrect as he himself states on the Bethesda boards.
it seems like the hooked gamers asked the wrong question and got the right answer.

and FO3 did not have a lot of endings, it was like 5 endings.

of course for HG that might be a lot.
Re: Fallout : New Vegas interviews

WorstUsernameEver said:
Josh Sawyer: Okay, so basically – the Fallout 2 had a lot of goofy humour in it – and people seem really polarized by it
Fixed. Anyway I really like the idea this of perk. It's alright towards people who want more serious wasteland.
Re: Fallout : New Vegas interviews

Wild Wasteland... what an obvious and great solution.

The thing is, I'm in agreement with everybody on this issue. I think the silly stuff ruins the mood sometimes, but sometimes I'm not feeling very serious and I don't care. It depends...

This way, I get everything! And they called me crazy. Ahaha!
So, over 15 years later, I will finally be able to use the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch in three dimensions.

I don't include Worms 3D for obvious reasons.
all the goofy crap

So either way you get something cool, and if you have Wild Wasteland you get something funny out of it – and if you don't, you still get a mininuke, which is pretty nice.

So wait... What's supposed to be the goofy stuff? The Hand Grenade or the Mininuke?
Re: Fallout : New Vegas interviews

Tails said:
WorstUsernameEver said:
Josh Sawyer: Okay, so basically – the Fallout 2 had a lot of goofy humour in it – and people seem really polarized by it
Fixed. Anyway I really like the idea this of perk. It's alright towards people who want more serious wasteland.

I find his example funny. "Let's see – there is a certain grenade that people might remember from Fallout 2 that is a pop-culture reference that you can find. And if you don't find that specific grenade, you will find a mini-nuke instead."

Wow. Truly great options. I can get a lulz pop culture grenade, or a lulz aspolsyun mini-nuke. Yay.

Edit: Ninja'd.
From what I've seen so far, I'm having a hard time distinguishing the "goofiness" of holy hand grenades and mini-nukes from Caesar's Legion, unicycle robots and orbital lasers.
Ixyroth said:
From what I've seen so far, I'm having a hard time distinguishing the "goofiness" of holy hand grenades and mini-nukes from Caesar's Legion, unicycle robots and orbital lasers.

I don't really understand how people see Caesar's Legion as goofy. A slaver organization modeled after the Roman Empire? It's certainly not in the realm of impossible.
Maybe a UFO ship will turn into a Star Trek shuttle with the trait on.


Or the stupid romans will have clown wigs and noses. :lol:

Expresate said:
I don't really understand how people see Caesar's Legion as goofy. A slaver organization modeled after the Roman Empire? It's certainly not in the realm of impossible.

It's irrelevant how well explained within the game they are or if their armors are made out of football gear and trash cans, the uniforms, names (and even the use of latin), are a reference to something outside the game universe, something completely unrelated and unfitting. Was it so hard for them to come up with a large slaver nation that fit the fallout aesthetics and atmosphere/setting? This stuff makes the game feel like a circus (even more).
x'il said:
Maybe a UFO ship will turn into a Star Trek shuttle with the trait on.


Or the stupid romans will have clown wigs and noses. :lol:

Expresate said:
I don't really understand how people see Caesar's Legion as goofy. A slaver organization modeled after the Roman Empire? It's certainly not in the realm of impossible.

It's irrelevant how well explained within the game they are or if their armors are made out of football gear and trash cans, the uniforms, names (and even the use of latin), are a reference to something outside the game universe, something completely unrelated and unfitting. Was it so hard for them to come up with a large slaver nation that fit the fallout aesthetics and atmosphere/setting? This stuff makes the game feel like a circus (even more).

Outside the game universe? Since when was the diversion before 750 BC? Is it because the idea isn't retro futuristic? The Romans did exist in the Fallout universe so why would the story of an Empire that lasted for thousands of years suddenly cease to exist?

You said you don't think it fits with fallout aesthetics. How do you define Fallout aesthetics? Seriously, I'm interested.
Expresate said:
Outside the game universe? Since when was the diversion before 750 BC? Is it because the idea isn't retro futuristic? The Romans did exist in the Fallout universe so why would the story of an Empire that lasted for thousands of years suddenly cease to exist?

Then where are the dinosaurs? a well explained f.e.v. mutated t-rex (from preserved dna, like that movie jurassik park, yay!) flying an f-14 would be the awesome :lol:

Anything, anything, could be thrown into the fallout setting using that logic.

That doesn't mean that it would fit. I mean, roman uniforms, names, latin? If you don't see it you won't. :shrug:
x'il said:
Expresate said:
Outside the game universe? Since when was the diversion before 750 BC? Is it because the idea isn't retro futuristic? The Romans did exist in the Fallout universe so why would the story of an Empire that lasted for thousands of years suddenly cease to exist?

Then where are the dinosaurs? a well explained f.e.v. mutated t-rex (from preserved dna, like that movie jurassik park, yay!) flying an f-14 would be the awesome :lol:

Anything, anything, could be thrown into the fallout setting using that logic.

That doesn't mean that it would fit. I mean, roman uniforms, names, latin? If you don't see it you won't. :shrug:

Straw man. CL aren't actual Romans. They're emulating the Romans. It's an average slavery organization emulating a long-lost empire. They are NOT the Roman Empire.

If you don't see it you won't. :shrug:

I was trying to make this a debate. You're turning it into an argument.

Man finds data on long lost civilization. Takes a liking to it. Decides to organize his new organization after it. Yup. Pretty nonsensical.
I don't get it. Why would a morally questionable group of people emulate the Roman Empire. I mean, it's crazy. The Romans were so long ago and the world has changed so much since then. I don't believe someone copying aspects of ancient Rome centuries after the fact to be feasib--

frosty_theaussie said:
I don't get it. Why would a morally questionable group of people emulate the Roman Empire. I mean, it's crazy. The Romans were so long ago and the world has changed so much since then. I don't someone copying aspects of ancient Rome centuries after the fact to be feasib--


Well played, sir.

I'm not sure which side you were taking(if any). I just know your post made me smile.