Fallout: New Vegas peripherals

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This ghoul has seen it all
The Obsidian devs have migrated to the Bethesda forums en masse, and requisite Meet the Devs threads ensued. While normally talkative types, it's pretty clear we shouldn't expect any information to come out through the forum channel, as it does not fit Bethesda's policies. The devs so far can only be found in the meet the devs threads, which have a strict no game info/questions policy, and that means it's only interesting if you want to know J.E. Sawyer's favourite games are Fallout/Darklands/Pool of Radiance (nice), or maybe this post from Chris Avellone is of interest.<blockquote>Yep, I did area design and encounter design for F2 (worked on Vault City's third and final iteration, companions: Cassidy and Myron, special encounters, New Reno, Raider Camp, and the EPA, which got canned - and good thing, too, we already had too many locations) and some perk designs. Brian Menze, Feargus, Chris Jones, Scotty Everts, and Dan Spitzley are all here, all worked on Fallout 2, not all of them are on New Vegas, though.

The trailer is the only thing I can point to to answer your question, can't say much more than that. Josh and John Gonzalez (our creative lead and master of all things plot-related) put together a great story with some fun new mechanics, and they know their Fallout. I think we're using all the stuff we've been kicking around for the past ten+ years with RPGs and seeing how they can be applied to New Vegas on both the plot and system side.</blockquote>Not telling us nothing.

Meanwhile, Bethesda producer Jason Bergman is egging us on to spot more hints in the trailer.<blockquote>Bring on the #FalloutNewVegas speculation! Should be lots of little tidbits you can gleam from that teaser if you look carefully enough.</blockquote>I expect detailed analysis and charts from us dedicated Fallout fans. Remember this? It was awesome, more please.

If you need a second look, IGN's Rewind Theater has gone back to dissect the trailer. To some extent.
Just and idea, but we haven't seen Vault Boy, which is quite strange for a Fallout game's trailer. Maybe the cartoon cowboy will take his place in this game?
Crni Vuk said:
I hope not, vault boy and pip boy are ... dunno Fallout. Well for me at least.

To be honest I don't really care, but still it's just pure speculation, also the NCR dude is standing in very gunslingerish pose and the Bethesda developer said that he likes Obsidian's new western art direction. Does it mean we will have more Wild West style in Fallout?
I don't think they have the guts to get rid of the Vault Boy. he's too much of a Fallout icon.
aenemic said:
I don't think they have the guts to get rid of the Vault Boy. he's too much of a Fallout icon.

yeah I don't think they will get rid of him, he can always appear on bilboards etc. But what if RobCo manufactured PiPboys also fo some other companies besides VaultTec?
Crni Vuk said:
I hope not, vault boy and pip boy are ... dunno Fallout. Well for me at least.

Pip Boy wasn't in Fallout 3. He seems to have been removed from the franchise wholesale, to be completely replaced by Vault Boy. I don't think many people noticed, they kept getting confused anyway. Bethesda is a bit weird when it comes to Vault Tec's role in lore, it being heavily expanded to the deteriment of RobCo or even formerly military projects like FEV.

It seems beyond question that vaults and consequently Vault Tec and Vault Boy/Vault-Man will be back. There's some speculation that New Vegas is like Vault City, with a Vault apparently visible to the left side of the city? I don't really see it.
The mention of some new game mechanics could mean good things for a change of VATS to something... better. Here's hoping.
Well, i certainly wouldn`t mind complete overhaul, but i dont think obsidian is going to get past special/skills balancing and new weapons/enemies as far as combat goes.

That alone would do wonders though.
rehevkor said:
Oh, so CA is working on NV? Dunno how I missed that..

He joined as senior designer after Alpha Protocol was more or less fully rounded up. Sawyer's the chief tho'.

Ravager69 said:
Uh...so where are the promised news on New Vegas?

The trailer?
Pip Boy wasn't in Fallout 3. He seems to have been removed from the franchise wholesale, to be completely replaced by Vault Boy. I don't think many people noticed, they kept getting confused anyway. Bethesda is a bit weird when it comes to Vault Tec's role in lore, it being heavily expanded to the deteriment of RobCo or even formerly military projects like FEV.

They explained it by having the 3000 model be the result of a joint venture between RobCo and Vault-Tec.
Ausir said:
They explained it by having the 3000 model be the result of a joint venture between RobCo and Vault-Tec.

I know, I just don't like it.

Do they ever really explain why FEV was shifted to a private, non-military corp like Vault-Tec, by the way?
Well, Vault-Tec management was already part of the conspiracy that became the Enclave anyhow...
The Vault experiment (as much as it doesn't make sense) is canon and was created by what became the Enclave.
Yes. But, and I just checked the prez' dialogue to be sure, that only implies involvement one way, not necessarily the other. Vault-Tec must have been aware of the Vault Experiment to some extent, but as far as I recall it's not clear from Fallout 2 whether or not they're just following orders.

And it's still a big step; the Vaults are not a military project, FEV is. Regardless of how deep Vault-Tec is in on the Vault Experiment, the whole shifting/duplication of FEV research, from a military base on the west coast to a vault on the east coast, makes no sense.

Or at best it's highly unnecessary. But that's nothing new to Fallout 3, which is filled to the brim with unnecessaries.
Well, truth be told the whole vault experiment thing doesn't make much sense either as such.
So, we have some people that worked on Fallout 2 and some from Van Buren but nobody from F1? Is there anyone besides CA that should give us hope really?