Fallout: New Vegas perks list

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
GameSpot provides a list of some of New Vegas' new perks (relative to Fallout 3), with explanations from associate producer Tess Treadwell, lead producer Larry Liberty, and tech producer Jason Fader.<blockquote>Jury Rigging

Required Character Level: 14
Required Attributes/Skills: Repair 90
You possess the amazing ability to repair any item using a roughly similar item. Fix a trail carbine with a hunting rifle, a plasma defender with a laser pistol, or even power armor with metal armor. How does it work? Nobody knows…except you.
Tess Treadwell: If you pick up jury rigging, you're already halfway to [the game's highest] level, and the repair skill is obviously important to you because you've almost maxed it out. So this skill will reward you for this by making the repair skill even more useful.

Jason Fader This perk is amazing. Often, I'll pick up every weapon I can find. Expanding my repair options means I don't have to find the exact weapon or armor to repair something. Since weapons and armor weigh quite a bit, this will come in handy for those travelers out there that like to loot everything they see.

Math Wrath

Required Character Level: 10
Required Attributes/Skills: Science 70
You are able to optimize your Pip-Boy's VATS logic, reducing all AP costs by 10 percent.
Jason Fader: This perk has a warm place in my heart. Since I'm a techie kind of guy, any perk that involves science is immediately on my wishlist. Oh, and I use VATS. constantly, so more AP equals more awesome, slow-motion kills</blockquote>Thanks TheGM.
Two of them are not actually new, despite the title, but from Fallout 2 and Fallout Tactics. I guess only FO3 counts, though.
Just read the article and wow, I really like it. When perks are adding to our ability to play a role in our RPG it gets my vote.

Instead of just +2 X or 10% Y, having a sort of personality attached to it works well. I won't be spending perks on loot carrying ability but I'm glad the opion it there for people too.
Jury Rigging sounds cool. I forget, haven't paid much attention to the trickle of FO:NV news - has the perk rate been changed to once every second level?
Rad child looks to make playing survival mode alot easier. (getting irradiated causes regeneration of health)

Laser commander will make for some real end game destruction (laser weapons +15 damage, +10% critical chance). May end up being a little overpowered, but that can be fun for a bit in itself after the questing is all completed.

Probably 2 I'll avoid if I'm trying to make a challenging run on the realism mode, not that they are bad. Looking good right now.
Pack Rat is going to be very useful for Hardcore players.

I'm assuming that since ammo is most likely going to weigh less than 2 pounds it falls under the reach of this perk.
CowBoy + Purifier = 75% more damage with hatchets against mutants. :D

Some of those are awful illustrations. Get. Out. Of. Illustrator. Grab a pen and ink like the originals, or at least get a graphics tablet!
I like these perks. The benefits seem a bit high, but if they added more difficulty to the game it would be worth it.

I would like to have seen Jury Rigging have a small percentage to make said weapon/armor/whatever explode or break and become useless, like 10%. A massive added benefit to repair but at a cost.

Makes me think ... I remember how my father-in-law used to use duct tape and bailing wire and could fix anything with it. That chainsaw he had made me so damn nervous... looked like something straight out of a horror movie complete with blood stains. I hated fall when we would start collecting wood to fuel the stoves and keep us warm all during the winter. It was a nice chainsaw before, then he ran it over with the truck. He couldn't get it to stay together so out came the bailing wire and he made a new handle from wood wrapped with duct tape and lots of other odds and ends I will never understand. It looked nothing like the original when he was finished.

He's been dead for well over ten years now and no one has touched that chainsaw since. It didn't do it, but using something like that when it's jury rigged... that's just tempting the grim reaper.

EDIT:I'm a pack rat in the game also... take TONS of things and horde them in my house for god knows what. 90% of them never get used. Just seems like a waste to let them rot in the sun of the wasteland. Better off having 97 rifles and 38 sets of power armor in my lockers.
You are able to optimize your Pip-Boy's VATS logic, reducing all AP costs by 10 percent

Much less useful than it sounds (does it sound useful?).

It will only reduce the costs by 3-5 AP for each shot/hit, and when you only have roughly 80 AP to start with the reduction in most weapons AP costs won't allow you an extra shot anyway. I suppose it will mean that you have to wait less time for them to regenerate but I doubt the 2 seconds you save will be the difference between life and death for most of the encounters.
Looks like the perks will be awesome.

Thought "Jury Rigging" would have something to do with Speech or Barter or something, though. Also didn't expect "Math Wrath" to be related to action points. Odd names, that's all.
TwinkieGorilla said:
13pm said:
Actually, I don't like most of those icons. They've lost the style.

just looked at them. something seems...off. i hope those are just placeholders.

Well I imagine they'll appear at a much lower res + PipBoy screen effects in game.. maybe it won't be noticeable.

Look fine to me, but I probably lack the eye for these kinda things.