Fallout: New Vegas previews

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
Xbox Home.<blockquote>Another improvement that the creators are proud to reveal is the modification system for weapons. In the last game you could make a few special weapons, but beyond that you needed a higher skill or simply maintain the weapon to make it work to its full potential. Now it sounds like there is now ways to make weapons better through technology. Given the setting this seems like a natural step that should have happened a long time ago.

Currently, the story for Fallout New Vegas is under wraps. However, the developers do promise that it will not only expand on the lore of the universe presented in the first two games, but Vegas hides many secrets still undiscovered.</blockquote>Planet Fallout.<blockquote>New Vegas has kept the Fallout feel we all know and love, a mixture of seriousness and fun that is to be expected. With a vast open world filled with diverse creatures and characters offering hours of interaction and combat. New Vegas is not a glorified expansion, it is a full fledged game that lives up to or could even rival Fallout 3. If you are looking for a drastic change in envelope pushing graphics and revolutionary gameplay mechanics, you aren't going to find it here. What you will find is much more of what made Fallout 3 so enjoyable with some greatly needed and welcomed improvements. </blockquote>And Qore Magazine has a video preview.

<center><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/UF7Kpb-hSfc?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></center>
Hey, was that nightvision when that NCR guy made his helmet's eyes go red?

EDIT: I also think they integrated RADs into the Health bar. Look closely when he's shooting those ghouls with the sniper rifle.
I think nightvision has been confirmed somewhere, so yeah.

Mostly I think the new footage looks really good. Two things that look a bit wonky are the walking animation and the look on the goon's faces (they look really weird) in the opening cutscene thingie.
Other than that, looks great.
Currently, the story for Fallout New Vegas is under wraps. However, the developers do promise that it will not only expand on the lore of the universe presented in the first two games, but Vegas hides many secrets still undiscovered.

[xbox]What...but I thought there was only one game before this one, so that would make this the second game wouldn't it?[/xbox]

As an aside the last sentence is really poor. If you read it thoroughly then it doesn't really make sense. Compare:

The story for Fallout New Vegas is still under wraps. However, the developers promise that it will expand on the lore of the universe presented in the first two games, as well as reveal many of the secrets that Vegas still hides undiscovered.

Which of those two sentences makes more sense? Don't they have editors or something like that?
[PC]How DARE those console gamers make grammatical errors! I will see those subhumans CRUCIFIED for neglecting to edit.[/PC]

Jokes aside, we need to get someone with a PS3 to take videos of the things you get from the slot machine minigame they had with the magazine.
Starwars said:
Mostly I think the new footage looks really good. Two things that look a bit wonky are the walking animation and the look on the goon's faces (they look really weird) in the opening cutscene thingie.

The opening cutscene is just a bad idea on that engine.

The walking animation is kinda :wtf:

Lingwei said:
[xbox]What...but I thought there was only one game before this one, so that would make this the second game wouldn't it?[/xbox]

Actually, they'd be referring to Fallout 1 and 2. You just misread it.
WorstUsernameEver said:
Apparently now Perception influences 'Compass range' whatever that may be.
Already was in Fallout 3. It means it changes how far the magic enemy detector on your compass goes.
OakTable said:
WorstUsernameEver said:
Apparently now Perception influences 'Compass range' whatever that may be.
Already was in Fallout 3. It means it changes how far the magic enemy detector on your compass goes.

Oh, true, forgot that. One of the most useless features in the game IMHO.
the reason why I rarely if ever choose the evil route is cause the world is not designed for it and there is no motivation for beeing evil. I mean take dragon age for example you can be quite evil in your decisions but in the end you still "save" the world from the "real" evil. And many RPGs are not much different. It seems they have some issues to show a more or less realistic or believable situation. I mean hey we all know beating the kid that was asking you for a dime is evil. But what I miss are those situations where you manipulate people, lieing, and similar things. A more sinister way. Would be nice to see at some point eventually real consequences to "good" actions. I mean for example a difference in the loot. Or some other similar things.
Brother None said:
Now it sounds like there is now ways

oh for the love of...

they're just giving these jobs to their half-witted cousins these days, aren't they? :roll:

sea said:
parts of it seemed like Jason was really into the stuff he was talking about (Hoover Dam is the reason the area has power, almost came across as a "take that" to Bethesda).

Jason is a representative from Bethesda, is he not?
I just love Bethesda's approach to things.

"This is NCR, they are good guys, though we don't have good or evil here. But they are good. And this is Ceasar's legion, they are bad".

13pm said:
I just love Bethesda's approach to things.

"This is NCR, they are good guys, though we don't have good or evil here. But they are good. And this is Ceasar's legion, they are bad".


that's not Bethesda's approach. that's Obsidians. and it's not news. they've been beating this point to death for months now. though admittedly, Jason didn't sell it as well as MCA or Josh have in previous interviews.
Don't suppose anyone could trim the fat off the video (aka the uploader dicking around with his account, as well as the entire intro video) and post to megaupload? I've got limited bandwidth (Verizon) and youtube is being...temperamental.
Guiltyofbeingtrite said:
I think Obsidian used the "good" or "evil" path perfectly in KOTOR 2.

If by Good you mean boyscout and evil you mean troll. Then yes, it was perfect. I never played evil in either KOTOR games because the "Dark Side" choices were never the paths to power; they were the choices of a petulant child. The dark side should have been about acquiring power by any means, the dark side isn't evil as much as its completely selfish and amoral. Why get someone to agree with you when you can just choke them. Why spend the time earning loyalty when you can have them fear you. Why spend time meditating when you can tap into your emotions and be powerful right now.

And it should be the same for any RPG. Evil isn't just going around capping people...that's insanity. "Evil" should be the easiest path the costs the most to others around you. You can accomplish things that are good for other by being "evil" just as easily as you can hurt good people by being good.

This was a distinction that was made quite handily in Fallout 2 especially when you consider any situations where more than one faction was involved. Lets hope that we see at least some of that coming back. If we don't then its just another RPG that's light on the role playing.
I've never once played a game where being a good guy is harder and requires a lot more sacrifice. Because that's how it works in the real world, right? Right?

If you're going to bother with karma in a game, make doing the right thing a lot more difficult and less rewarding than the wrong thing. People do bad things because it's lucrative or easier or safer than doing what's right. Not because they like seeing children enslaved or blowing up innocents. People instinctively don't play as bad guys because everyone knows that in every game ever you're rewarded a lot more and given a lot more opportunities for being a good guy. I'm sure it'll be the same in Vegas, sadly.

And hey, maybe it'd be nice if doing the right thing for the right reasons actually does more damage in the long run. Like the canned Gizmo/Killian ending that was deemed too morally ambiguous for Fallout.