Fallout: New Vegas previews

Starwars said:
But yeah, they really shouldn't be bullshitting like that.

Awww c'mon, if you've read the Codex list of dev lies about Oblivion this is peanuts compared to what they used to do. :V
Alphadrop said:
Starwars said:
But yeah, they really shouldn't be bullshitting like that.

Awww c'mon, if you've read the Codex list of dev lies about Oblivion this is peanuts compared to what they used to do. :V
I wish to read this list, despite my hatred of RPG Codex.
Ausir said:
Elhoim said:
I'm pretty sure I heard that all but one of the characters can be killed.

Except kids, they're still unkillable.

What would be the acceptable threshold age for killing virtual children? Under 15, no good, 16 and over, ok? Where has the line been drawn?
Alphadrop said:
I didn't find the reporter too bad. O.k maybe stereotypically generic but it's a games review program and they stopped being interesting in the 90's.

Isn't that about the time game review video thingies started? :P
Ixyroth said:
What would be the acceptable threshold age for killing virtual children? Under 15, no good, 16 and over, ok? Where has the line been drawn?

Well you can gib a 16 year old in Fallout 3 so I would say about there.

PaladinHeart said:
Isn't that about the time game review video thingies started?

I can remember this really old British review program which was pretty cool, the set looked like the engineering section of Red Dwarf for some reason, must of been a 90's thing.
Leigh Alexander isn't the best example. Her career is pretty much based on finding non-existant gender issues on everything.

I don't know why some of you mind female journalists so much. The scripts they get are just as awful as the ones male journalists get so at least you get a semi-hot chick to stare at.
OakTable said:
Gaddes said:
OakTable said:
[PC]How DARE those console gamers make grammatical errors! I will see those subhumans CRUCIFIED for neglecting to edit.[/PC]

Jokes aside, we need to get someone with a PS3 to take videos of the things you get from the slot machine minigame they had with the magazine.

I have a PS3, although judging by the video, they seem to be little post cards that maybe open up new loading screens or maybe even hints to a new location.
No, there's a video of the intro you get from playing the minigame that came with the video magazine.

Ah I see. I'll look into it, but I'm sure someone will post it on youtube soon.
zkylon said:
I don't know why some of you mind female journalists so much. The scripts they get are just as awful as the ones male journalists get so at least you get a semi-hot chick to stare at.

Wait, you think that's what journalists do? Y'know, in most countries the news anchor is a part of the news/editorial staff as well. Similarly, people who perform interviews for TV/video sites preferably wrote said questions themselves. You point exactly to the problem, people who do no journalistic work, male or female, but just rattle off questions like airheads. It's a waste of space that could be taken up by a real journalist
PaladinHeart said:
Seriously though, it is weird that these girls want to get jobs involving video game stuff when they would be better at reporting the weather or news or whatever.

Explain? I can't tell if you're being really subtle or what.

Stevie D said:
Has it been mentioned if any decent gambling games (poker etc.) will be making it into the game? Slots, blackjack and roulette are just a slow and painful way of giving the casino all of your money.

I'm faaaaaaaairly certain they've mentioned Poker is a playable game, as well as some game they made up where you have to collect the cards around the wasteland.
Poker was not mentioned as playable in-game. This description of the collector's edition playing card deck doesn't really mean anything.
As the game revolves around New Vegas, gambling is prevalent in the game from casino and parlor games--slots, blackjack, roulette--and a card game called Caravan played out in the game world with NPCs

Yeah, can't find confirmation about Poker, I'll try later.
Incognito said:
I do, will try to upload in a bit.

