Fallout New Vegas RPG

So far, I like how its going, Raven. This will be interesting indeed. Its like the gathering of the Usual Suspects.

We have an ex-raider as our ring leader

-A former East Coast Enclave soldier with no home

-A Great Khan who loves to gamble

-A good natured officer of the NCR

-And an Ex-Ranger with a chip on his shoulder who is morally grey.

We're like the A-Team.
I am kinda loving this dynamic. Although you guys will soon very soon see her history is a bit more colourful than just a ex-raider.

I hope you'll like the plot too. So far there are 3 big parts to it, so fingers crossed you lot are the type to like long RPs.
Sounds good. I suppose we will build parts where characters begin to trust eachother. As time goes by, bullets fly, lives are saved, people will open up. You've played New Vegas so you know when you do certain things your companions give you more details on their life.

And I do like long RPGs. I got a whole deployment (currently in Afghanistan with an Infantry Brigade clearing Eastern Afghanistan). When i am not on patrol, I am looking forward to fleshing out my character.

I incorporated myself into making him. Because oddly enough I do have a tomahawk and a Tom Brown Scout knife I take on patrol. And my weapon is an M4, which is pretty close to a Assault Carbine. The rest I can't say, but suffice to say I am putting my heart into it.
Well I'm not quite as interesting (20 year old university Arts student), but I've had Yasmin for years, so parts of me are in her and she is kind of a part of me. I actually use her more than my character based on me. And I don't have any weapon training, but videogames have taught me everything I need to know for an RP. The rest I can usually fake.

Speaking of which, I'll need to make up one off the places in the RP cause I'm pretty sure there wont be anything like it in the game, but it's much later on.
Well i suppse, you, Lt Col G and I are from the same school of thought. Before I joined the mil (and I am not that old) I been doing Rp'in. And Carib has been around. And he has been many things. So good. I am glad to know Yas has a history it helps. And like I said, a good RP like this keeps us all honest and helps new people develop.

And the Mojave is vast. So sure, make something up. If this is all before the Courier got plugged in the head, by all means whisk us away. Your the Boss and you make the rules. And considering enough locked up buildings in New Vegas, I am sure we can use that to our advantage.

So lets take a tour of the wastes and lead the way. I am enjoying my break time right now. So lead on and we shall follow. Or at least I will, because I am liking the title... Or is Blood Ties Part 1 of 3?
Well so far I have three parts to it, but it is all one thing, though the main objective (fir Yasmin at least) changes after the second part is complete. I was thinking I'd fdill you guys in on the story, but since you seem ok with me having the reins, I'll keep it to myself and surprise you guys.
It makes it more interesting. After all, how can you role play good if you know whats around the corner. I suppose this would be akin to hardcore mode in New Vegas. So within reason I guess you keep the snipits to yourself. But by all means consult with everyone else. After all, every character is going to have their own motives for following Raven.
Oh I'll make sure it is clear what is going on, when things happen. And let's hope Yasmin can provide the right motivation the get them following, then keep them following when everything goes to shit.
Well now it falls into your responsibility to surprise us with new turns in the story and keep things entertaining for the rest of us players... no pressure :) . And if you ever feel bogged down feel free to ask for advise, we'll gladly assist.

Look for hints in our back stories, they provide motivation. To the rest of the players: Give the game master hints too whenever you can.

So far this is taking a good shape.

As for my character, well it's a bit based on me. I was on a military academy, officer training, but decided to leave by own choice before finishing (long story, left in good terms with no regrets nor strings attached). My service weapon was an FN-FAL, an automatic rifle that was better used in semi-auto due to it's high recoil and firepower (guess the service rifle is close for being semi-auto but probably not as powerful). Did a lot of crazy stuff and learnt a lot of crazy things while in the military (most of wich have no application outside the Army). But I guess it wasn't what I wanted after all (the Argentine Army does have it's peculiarities and a dark past on it's history).

Also my parents and sisters all work for the state, be it on the city government or federal, and I have a cousin working in a nuclear power plant, so that was pretty close :) guess sometimes you have to base it on what you know.
Had a little time and made something to help "visualize" my character. This kind of things add "spice" to the game.


1- The days before the battle when Gonzalez was an NCO.

2- A brief time at McCarran

3- The good ol' days at Golf

4- The beginning of the journey
There, I posted a little backstory to separate myself from the typical khan.
And if white is reading this, hurry up so we can get the story moving!
I like the look of this, but because i'm coming in slightly late, i'll have to try and work my way into the story somehow. My character is somewhat linked to an old RPG I used to play on this website, I think White Knight knows what i'm talking about.

Name: Tom Searl
Age : 22
Build: Averagely built, not physically strong, but he is very athletic and can run for several miles without stopping.
Bloodtype: A+
Occupation: Wanderer

Bio: Born in England in the lord's year of 2251, he lived in his small ramshackle village until a raiding party came into the towns and slaughtered many of the people at the village, also killing his parents. After several years of trekking round the north country, he found a boat docked in the pre-war city of Liverpool. At the age of 14, Tom finally landed in the Capital Wasteland, and was helped back onto his feet by the good people of Rivet City. After joining the mercenary group of Talon Company, Tom was sorted. But one day (2271), his whole base was destroyed by a Brotherhood patrol, commandered by a mysterious man and his dog, only Tom was spared. After a year of searching for this mysterious man, Tom nearly give up, until he found a man that could help him, David White, an ex-Enclave Officer travelled with Tom for a while, until they went their own ways when David left the Capital Wasteland. After Tom's wild goose chase, he ended up in The Pitt, turned out that this mysterious man that he had been searching for had went further than he thought, Tom gave up. He started heading west, past the great plains of the midwest, and the violent storms of the prairies, after a year of travelling Tom ended up in the Mojave...

Weapon/s: Disrepaired Hunting Rifle (Tom calls it Gregory), Rusty Bread Carver, a single Firecracker
Armour/Clothing: A heavily ramshackled Combat Armour set with noticeable signs of personalisation, under this armour he wears torn rags and shirts that are all tied together.
Other: 23 .308 Rounds, a crunched up photo of the man he was chasing, a scrap of a Enclave officer outfit, a spork
Sounds good. Lets get the ball rolling. We don't want this RP ending up still born.

I just added more to my post. Sorry guys, I just love giving a character more depth. After all, we want to give them a life all their own.
Agreed. This RP is kicking away in my proverbial womb (i.e: my brain). Let's get it out so it can be cute and we can enjoy it till it starts crying and breaking my stuff.
Carib FMJ said:
So far, I like how its going, Raven. This will be interesting indeed. Its like the gathering of the Usual Suspects.

We have an ex-raider as our ring leader

-A former East Coast Enclave soldier with no home

-A Great Khan who loves to gamble

-A good natured officer of the NCR

-And an Ex-Ranger with a chip on his shoulder who is morally grey.

We're like the A-Team.

This post made my day.
I know this is random, but because my character has been put in two RPGs now (he's exactly the same character in both), and this one is set one year later I think than the last one, I might try and include my character in RPGs that progress through time, so my character grows older if you know what I mean, then after I have done that, in the fan/fic I might tie it all up by posting a history of my character through all the RPGs he's done, but do it in a story form, like how he meets all these interesting people like David White, and the people in this one.
Ok, had to find a network with bad security since my internet ran out, but I got one now so hopefully it'll last me till next month and the owners don't notice me.

I love making Yas turn on her charm to try and get people on her side. It's so funny to watch in my head. Hopefully Tom will be ok with the idea or at least find her pretty enough to agree. I'm thinking Dave can make up his mind on the bench and join them inside Gamorrah if White hasn't returned by the end of the day. I'm wanting this to get moving.