Fallout New Vegas Series (Aug 2k14)


First time out of the vault
Hello everyone, I'm new to these forums but so far theres alot of interesting discussions here and the community seems great! I've been a Fallout Gamer since Fallout 3 and since then have loved the series. I've beaten both games but haven't done 100% of the activities. I decided to make a new save on New Vegas and make a series out of it on youtube. Anything I do on the save will be on video in an episode. The first two episodes are up and a new episode will be posted daily. If your interested then do check out my channel and the playlist when you get a chance. Any and all support is seriously extremely appreciated :) We all know it's hard to start a new channel and it be great to start building an audience for the series.

Do Note that you will notice in the first episode the audio is not 100% how it should of turned out. But please don't let that discourage you, if you check out the second episode you will see I have optimized the volume :)

Yeah, registering with the sole intent of spamming your youtube video on the forum won't get you much good faith from people....
Yeah, registering with the sole intent of spamming your youtube video on the forum won't get you much good faith from people....
DAMN IT! You mean all my efforts to spend 2 years of pretending to be a part of NMA, only to lull the community into a false sense of appreciation in order to subtley spread youtube videos of raids I coordinated* were entirely for naught? Well, fuck me. Plan B, then: be a genuine part of NMA!

*Yes, I actually co-coordinated that raid back in '11. Yes, that's me in the background you can hear monotonously mumbling "ready" and "fire" the whole time... XD
Did you know that there is a convention to place a letter meant to symbolise a multiplier instead of a decimal point? This means this is FNV Series 2140 (a prequel?). Granted, the convention is not used for dates, but it was there. Taunting me.
Yeah, registering with the sole intent of spamming your youtube video on the forum won't get you much good faith from people....

Does this mean I can't pitch that nation-building forum RPG even if I do finish it? Shit.